
【直播】【KeAi Talks】Mitochondrial Communications系列讲座第七场

蔻享学术 2022-09-26

以下文章来源于科爱出版 ,作者KeAi



KeAi Talks: Mitochondrial Communications serial webinar 7







10:00 – 10:05

出版人:Huan Guo

期刊介绍:Mitochondrial Communications

10:05 – 11:05

讲演人:Vilhelm A. Bohr, MD, PhD


DNA damage and mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegeneration and ageing

11:05 – 11:35

讲演人:Evandro F. Fang, PhD


Mitochondrial homeostasis in healthy ageing and the use of AI in related drug development

主 讲 人 介 绍

Vilhelm A. Bohr, MD, PhD

  • 美国国立卫生研究院国家衰老研究所 DNA 修复部门高级研究员
  • 丹麦哥本哈根大学教授


  • 1978年 获得哥本哈根大学医学博士学位
  • 1987年 获得哥本哈根大学理学博士学位
  • 之后在哥本哈根大学医院接受神经病学和传染病学研究, 并在大学生物化学专攻博士后相关研究
  • 1992年-至今 担任美国国家衰老研究所(NIA)分子遗传学实验室主任


DNA 修复途径和机制以及细胞对氧化性 DNA 损伤和氧化应激的反应,其中包括对线粒体基因组修复和功能的研究。
最近,开创性的研究是发现DNA 损伤、DNA 修复能力和衰老相关神经退行性病变之间关系,并描绘了核基因组和线粒体基因组之间串扰的重要模型,以及能量稳态/失衡的重要性与衰老相关神经退行性疾病中出现的线粒体功能障碍。


Dr. Bohr’s early professional training took place at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, where he earned an MD in 1978, and PhD and DSc degrees in 1987. After training in neurology and infectious diseases at the University Hospital in Copenhagen, he undertook postdoctoral studies in Biochemistry at the university. In 1992, he was appointed Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at the National Institute on Aging (NIA) in the US.

Throughout his career, Dr. Bohr has advanced understanding of DNA repair pathways and mechanisms and the cellular response to oxidative DNA damage and oxidative stress. He has been especially interested in the repair and function of the mitochondrial genome. Early in his career, he developed a widely-used method for studying DNA repair in the transcribed portion of the genome and found that transcriptionally-active genes are preferentially repaired through a process now known as transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER). The discovery of TC-NER provided strong evidence of the tight interaction between the cellular machineries for DNA repair and transcription in mammalian cells.

His recent studies have resulted in seminal findings about the relationships between DNA damage, DNA repair capacity and aging-associated neurodegeneration, and he has proposed important models describing crosstalk between the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, as well as the importance of energy homeostasis/imbalance and mitochondrial dysfunction in aging-related neurodegenerative disease. He and his colleagues found that NAD levels are lower in diseases with deficient DNA repair leading to mitochondrial dysfunction. Intervention with NAD supplementation has shown excellent benefits in mice and other model systems of neurodegeneration and DNA repair deficits including Alzheimer’s disease.

Evandro F. Fang, PhD

  • 挪威奥斯陆大学 (UiO) 分子老年医学副教授


  • 2009-2012  香港中文大学  博士学位
  • 2012-2017  美国国立老龄化研究所(导师Vilhelm Bohr教授) 分子老年医学博士后研究
  • 2017-至今  挪威奥斯陆大学 (UiO)  分子老年医学副教授


  • NAD在生命健康中的分子机制
  • 线粒体自噬与阿尔兹海默
  • 基于人工智能的抗衰老和抗阿尔兹海默药物研发


  • 在Cell、Cell Metabolism、Nature Reviews MCB、Nature Neuroscience、Nature Ageing、Nature Biomedical Engineering等国际同行评审期刊上发表论文100余篇
  • 曾获得多个奖项,包括
    • 2016年 Butler-Williams 老年学者奖 (NIA颁发)
    • 2020年 自然科学青年科学家科学奖(挪威皇家科学与文学学会颁发)
  • 挪威健康老龄化中心网络 (NO-Age)、挪威国家抗阿尔茨海默病网络 (NO-AD) 和香港-北欧研究网络的创始(联合)协调员


Dr. Fang is an Associate Professor of Molecular Gerontology at the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. His group studies the molecular mechanisms of human ageing and age-predisposed neurodegeneration. More specifically, the Fang laboratory focuses on the molecular mechanisms that help cells clear their damaged and aged mitochondria, a process termed “mitophagy”, as well as the roles of the NAD+-mitophagy/autophagy axis in healthy ageing and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) inhibition. NAD+ is a fundamental molecule in life and health and decreases in ageing and AD. Dr Fang is fascinated with and actively engaged in moving his laboratory findings to translational applications and is involved in more than five NAD+-based clinical trials, with the overarching goal of establishing novel and safe biological approaches to promote longer and healthier human lives.

After finishing his PhD at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he had a six-year postdoc training with Prof. Vilhelm Bohr on molecular gerontology at the National Institute on Ageing in the US. He opened his lab in Oslo in the fall of 2017.

He has published over 100 papers in international peer-reviewed journals including Cell, Cell Metabolism, Nature Reviews MCB, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Ageing, and Nature Biomedical Engineering. He has received several awards, including the Butler-Williams Scholar on Aging 2016 from NIA (USA) and the Scientific Award to Young Scientist in the Natural Sciences for 2020 from The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters (Norway). He is the founding (co)coordinator of the Norwegian Centre on Healthy Ageing network (NO-Age), the Norwegian National anti-Alzheimer’s disease Network (NO-AD) and the Hong Kong-Nordic Research Network.

主 持 人 介 绍

顾正龙 教授

  • 粤港澳大湾区精准医学研究院助理院长
  • 线粒体遗传与健康研究中心主任
  • 康奈尔大学荣誉教授
  • 复旦大学特聘教授。


About the Journal


Mitochondrial Communications主要发表线粒体生物学的基础研究和线粒体疾病的临床方面的文章。



1.【KeAi Talks】Mitochondrial Communications系列讲座 第六场

2.【KeAi Talks】环境污染物和健康影响

3.【SMAT Talks】上海交通大学樊春海院士:核酸信息材料

4.【SMAT Talks】基于环糊精的超分子材料

5. 2021科爱出版直播活动回顾






