朱起忠,现任华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院副研究员。2015年博士毕业于北京大学,2015-2019年在香港大学物理系做博士后,2019年7月加入华南师范大学。主要研究方向为冷原子和二维材料中的玻色爱因斯坦凝聚、超流等现象,在Science Advances, Nature Physics, Physical review A, New Journal of Physics等期刊上发表论文十余篇,主持一项国家自然科学基金和两项广东省自然科学基金。
Moiré exciton features tunable Dirac dispersion and spatially dependent optical selection rules. With the long lifetime due to its interlayer nature, it is promising to realize a Bose-Einstein condensation of moiré excitons. Here we study the properties of moiré exciton condensate within the mean-field theory, with special focus on exciton-exciton interaction effect on the nonlinear Bloch band and Bloch waves of exciton condensate in moiré potential. We find the nonlinear dispersion of the moiré exciton condensate exhibits complex loop structure induced by exciton-exciton interaction. A nonlinear Dirac cone emerges at Γ point of the Bloch band, with a three-fold degenerate nonlinear Dirac point. Each degenerate Bloch wave at nonlinear Dirac point spontaneously breaks C₃ rotational symmetry of the moiré potential, and themselves differ by C₃ rotations. Since they reside in the light cone, these nontrivial Bloch band structure and broken-symmetry Bloch waves can be experimentally detected by examining light emission from those states. Symmetry breaking of Bloch states implies unusual optical selection rules compared with single exciton case: moiré exciton condensate at Γ point emits light with all three components of polarization instead of only left or right circular polarization. We further propose that, by applying in-plane electric field on one layer to drive an initially optically dark exciton condensate towards light cone, the light polarization of final states as well as their dependence on field direction serves as the smoking gun for experimental observation.