
8月晨读笔记 | English the American Way (上)

13 十三 笑笑星球 2021-02-10

豆瓣评分9.2分 🥒

八月和Eric一起晨读 English the American Way, 书中内容不难,但可以学习到语音,地道表达,语法,还顺便了解到美国文化。比如拜访别人时需要准备小礼物,他们的隐私权,restroom,逛街,打电话,交通文化等等,这本书很真实地还原了西方文化。
好啦,分享下这个星期学到的 idiomatic expressions,这些地道表达是我最想记住和运用出来的表达。虽然写过晨读笔记,也写过总结,也总会遗忘很多表达,但是留下痕迹,总是增加了我对“这些新朋友和老朋友”的认识,也方便以后的查阅。

🍉  how are you? 的回答简单版:not bad / good / nothing much/lousy / can‘t complain 还行吧。

好玩版:-- same shit, different day 开玩笑说法-- I‘d say I'm seven out of ten 我给自己打七分,也就是还好 (举一反三,I‘m two out of ten,很不好)。
ps: I have a bad hair day / grumpy 糟糕的一天,不顺利的一天 (很形象的一个表达,头发乱糟糟的也会影响心情;let sb's hair down 放松,轻松)。 
🍉  与er相关的表达(good)shopper, doer, go-getter, morning-reader, all-nighter, dreamer, apple-polisher, brown-noser, picky eaters (....person).

🍉  麻烦1) nightmare. eg: the traffic in the city is a nightmare at that time. (beat the traffic 避免交通拥堵)。2)  head-scratcher(scratch one's head )让人头痛的事情。3) hassle. eg: it was a hassle; save a lot of hassle 省事; hassle-free. 

🍉  忙碌1)简单版:busy (形容人)2)多样性版:hectic (形容事情)
eg: traffic will be hectic at that time; it's a hectic day.

🍉  想要1)简单版:want to2)地道版:I've been meaning to talk to you.3)I could use some water.4)this is just what the doctor ordered 正是我所需要的

🍉  以-y结尾的形容词
1) roomy 宽敞的,也可以指代衣服的宽松 。eg: a surprisingly roomy house;a roomy jacket.2)beefy 长得像大块头一样。想到李晨,被大家称为大黑牛,就可以说,a beefy man;想要说工资很好,也可以用到beef这个单词,beef pay。 ps: beef 本意是牛肉,还可以表示过节,吐槽。固定搭配是:beef about sth.

🍉  多占,独占 hog the road 占着马路中间开车 --- road hog 占马路的人hog the bathroom 长时间占浴室  ---  bathroom hog 占浴室的人you're hogging all the snacks --- you're a snack hog 麦霸也可以用到这个小词:microphone hog.

🍉  停下,不要做 (=no)hold the mushrooms  不要放。eg:hold the mayo/coriander/meat.ps: hold your breath,  hold your horses 且慢, hold the fire.

🍉  含有...the dinner comes with a vegetable 晚餐有蔬菜吗?eg: does it come with water, rice and chips? ps:does it come in black? 有... 色/尺寸...的吗?

🍉  我以为...I thought I was driving slower than that. 我以为,强调。eg:I thought you were 30ish.

🍉  副词
1) he can really move! eg: he can really sing and dance.
2) I sure could run when I was in high school. sure 是副词,表示强调,相当于really. eg: I dont know about anyone here running, but both of you sure can eat.3)wow, you can remember all the way back to high school? 

🍉  花式吃的表达1) pig out 大吃大喝,吃的很多。eg: you guys stop pigging out. (想到egg sb on 怂恿)。2) wolf down 吃的很快
3) gorge yourself on sth 狼吞虎咽地吃4) binge eating/watching 没有节制的吃/看4) gobble 狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃ps: pig 做名词时, 也可以指代令人不快(或讨厌)的人,贪婪/肮脏的人。eg:don‘t be such a pig 别那么讨厌。

🍉  注意,留心    I should watch my weight 注意,留心。eg: watch my back, watch what I eat (it's time for a diet). ps: a watched pot never boils 老友记播客曾出现这个短语,表示心急吃不了热豆腐。

🍉  .....样的性格adventurous streak; mean streak; vicious streak ....的性格,指代不好的性格。ps: personality 性格,也可以表示名人,比如 TV personality, Internet personality 等等。a big personality in .... 表示 .... 大人物 (六月晨读笔记)。

🍉  做啥都行I'm up for anything 我做啥都行 ,愿意尝试任何事情。have a shot at 也是表示尝试下。

🍉  远远不够 not anywhere near / nowhere near  远远不够的,绝不是。eg: the job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me. 

🍉  心情,情绪1) be worried sick 极度担心,担心得要命 eg:she is worried herself sick about her friend.2) don't get carried away : too excited 得瑟,得意忘形3) drive someone up the wall 让某人发狂4)sick to sb's stomach 非常生气,非常着急

🍉  公司有..员工,做..工作we have 5 people on the payroll; he is still on the payroll 很形象的表达。 I work part-time 这是我的兼职;I work full-time

🍉  与钱相关的表达1)a dime a dozen 白菜价2)two cents 我的一些观点3)pay through the nose 花了大价钱
4) lost a (small/big) fortune  花了很多钱5) big ticket items 花了大价格买的东西
6) BOGO : buy one get one
7) that's a steal 太划算啦

🍉  怎么了what's up? what's it with you? what's wrong?

🍓 与水果相关的表达1) peach 极可爱的人/事物;非常迷人的人。eg:  you are a peach person.2) peachy 非常好的,极其棒的。eg: everything in my life is super/way peachy.3) lemon 破车4) go bananas 发怒, 发疯5) apples and oranges 苹果橘子两码事,截然不同,也可以用 a world of difference.6) You're not going to out-Apple Apple 你不能以苹果的方式打败苹果。

🍉  觉得...怎么样?1) how do you like my new shoes? 你觉得怎么样?eg: how do you like my computer?2) how are you liking... ? I'm liking very much. (强调此时此刻的感觉)ps: where did you get them? 在哪儿买的?

🍉  免费1) free sample = give away 免费赠送,也可以说freebie;sample还有个意思是体验(试吃,试用都可以)。2) doorbusters 限时免费3) can you throw in a day pass, too? 免费赠送,额外奉送,day pass 体验课。4) I‘ve bought you another glass of wine, on the house. 免单

🍉  do 的用法1) You were doing 70. 很简单的词,用doing表示开到了70迈。2) how would you like your steak done? 烤,煎(how would you like your eggs 鸡蛋要几分熟呢)。
3) can you do a Welsh accent?模仿4) we did York yesterday. 拜访

🍌  其他好玩的小词1) the driver won't take dollar bills. take可以表示接受。eg: do you take credit card?do you take WeChat pay? (翻到以前的笔记,发现Eric在5月时有讲过,但是已经忘了,现在又复现一次)。2) do you break a 20?can you make change for a 20? 能给我把20块钱换成零钱吗?3) hail a cab = call the cab; I hail from China4)  dig in 开吃吧 (还可以表示耐心等待,忍耐)。5) couch potatoes 老泡在电视机前的人,电视迷6) gratuity = tip 小费 7) do some window-shopping 只逛不买 8) my mom nags to find a boyfriend all the time.  all the time 可以用来替代alway, nag 不厌其烦,啰啰嗦嗦的,很形象的一个单词。9) shoot hoops 打篮球10) it's your loss 这是你的损失11) tell me more = fill me in 告诉我吧12) TGIF: thanks god it's Friday. 13)it takes forever to... 很难等....14) I‘m headed to the mall later 可以代替我们常说的 going to 15) jump the turnstile 逃票

这一期晨读,Eric提到句子与句子之间的对称和平行的关系给我印象蛮深刻的。想到之前阅读经济学人时,会注意到押韵的节奏。这期的晨读让我了解到把句子之间的对称读出来,会更加体现语音之间的调子和美感,以及节奏的一致性。eg: we dove for shells one day and water-skied another day. 



