

黄老师 独到英语 2020-10-28









Well-known Hong Kong singer and actor Andy Hui tearfully (含泪) admitted on Tuesday  night that he had cheated on his wife (对妻子不忠,出轨), Cantopop (粤语流行音乐) superstar Sammi Cheng.


Hui’s affair came to light (被曝光) when video footage (录像镜头) taken from inside a taxi was leaked (泄露) online and splashed (以显眼的方式报道) across major tabloids (小报) on Tuesday.

Addressing(向...讲话) reporters at a press conference on Tuesday, 51-year-old Hui said he had done something that was “unforgivable”.

△ address a conference 在大会上发言


“I’ve come here today to take responsibility (承担责任),” he said.


He also said that he had had a lot to drink on the night the video was taken, but said that being intoxicated (喝醉的) was “absolutely not an excuse” for what happened.


“I regret it very much, and find it very hard to face myself and accept myself,” he added in between sobs (抽泣).



“My biggest mistake was losing myself (迷失自我),” Hui said, before again saying sorry to his loved ones and Cheng, his wife of almost five years.


“I hope everyone can give me time to find myself  (找自己) again,” he said, before ending the press conference with yet another apology.

Being cheated on (被劈腿) is an awful feeling, but how you handle it can have a big part in your recovery process. 

Whether you try to rebuild the relationship or you decide to end things (结束关系), learn how you can heal (治愈) and move on (向前看,翻篇).

△ 后半句是祈使句,learn的主语省略了。

1. Decide if you want to re-establish trust (重建信任)

When a partner is unfaithful (不忠), it is a serious breach (n. 违背) of trust. And it is something that may indicate that this person is not worthy or capable of a healthy relationship. 

On one hand, good people make bad choices and if they are truly sorry and can make amends (弥补), forgiveness can lead to (带来) an even better relationship. 

On the other hand, if you simply (完全) cannot trust that person again, the relationship is effectively dead.

2. Understand the nature (性质) of your partner’s cheating.

People cheat (出轨) for many different reasons and it is not always about sex. Sometimes people cheat because they are seeking an emotional connection (情感联系), trying to deal with a loss or crisis, or seeking an escape (逃避). This is not an excuse (借口) or reason for the behavior, however.

3. Request that your partner cut off (切断) all communication with the third party.


The third (or even fourth or fifth) party (第三者) needs to be out of the picture (出局) for the relationship to survive. Boundaries (界限) were breached (vt. 打破,违背), and they need to be re-established in a way that protects the relationship. 

4. Communicate with your partner when you are ready.

Learning that your partner has had an affair (不正当关系,婚外恋) is likely to cause you to experience a high level of emotional distress (痛苦). 

It is important to discuss the affair in order to move forward in your relationship, but don’t feel like (不要觉得) you have to discuss the affair with your partner right away (马上). Take your time (慢慢来) and talk about it when you feel ready.

5. Set boundaries (设定界限) about relationships outside of your marriage.

Affairs often happen when healthy relationship boundaries are not respected. You have every right (完全有权利) to make it clear what these are, even if the other person gives excuses or "reasons" for the affair.

△ these指的是前一句的boundaries。

文章来源:businessinsider.sg, wikihow.com




LEHRER: You had no sexual relationship with this young woman?

CLINTON: There is not a sexual relationship; that is accurate. 








