

Emma 独到英语 2020-10-28







宣布阿波罗 11 号登月舱






  那是 1969 年 7 月 20 日 

距离今年正好过去了 50 年。










Neil Armstrong, along with Buzz Aldrin stunned the world when they appeared on TV screens 50 years ago, stepping onto the lunar surface and bouncing around in zero gravity on July 20, 1969.

The momentous mission to the moon occurred when the Cold War was raging and the two world superpowers, the United States and Soviet Union, were competing for technological superiority.

But many people still refuse to believe the touch-down happened, with conspiracy theories persisting since the 1970s.

Suspicions were aroused by shots of the astronauts planting an American flag in the ground – and a faint breeze appears to create a ripple-effect in the video footage.

Critics say the flag’s movement shows the presence of wind, but as there’s no atmosphere on the moon, the theory is that it was filmed in a studio.

Science website How Stuff Works points out that the flag itself was specially made for the moon’s surface, with a taut wire inserted along its top, so it doesn’t droop.

Nasa says Aldrin was twisting the flagpole to get to the moon soil, which caused the flag to move.

Then there’s the slow-motion walking. The high bounces and jumps could easily have been achieved by wires, some critics claim.

But scientists have slammed that theory, pointing out that dust can be seen kicked up by the astronauts while they leap on the moon’s surface.

If Nasa filmed the video on Earth, the dust would gather into clouds because of air in the atmosphere. Instead, the dust is kicked up and falls right back to the ground without collecting or floating around.

“Nasa would have had to build an entire studio and suck all of the air out to create a vacuum – something that would be incredibly difficult even by today’s standards.”

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Neil Armstrong, along with Buzz Aldrin stunned(震惊)the world when they appeared on TV screens 50 years ago, stepping onto the lunar surface(月球表面) and bouncing around(跳来跳去) in zero gravity(零重力) on July 20, 1969. 

The momentous(重大的) mission to the moon occurred when the Cold War was raging(冷战正酣,rage作动词通常指一件负面事件正猖獗或大规模肆虐) and the two world superpowers, the United States and Soviet Union, were competing for technological superiority(科技优势).

But many people still refuse to believe the touch-down(着陆) happened, with conspiracy theories(阴谋论)persisting(依然存在)since the 1970s.

Suspicions were aroused by shots(照片) of the astronauts planting an American flag in the ground – and a faint breeze(徐徐微风) appears to create a ripple-effect(波纹,这里指旗子被风吹起后随风飘舞的形态,这个词的引申义指连锁反应,很常用哦) in the video footage(录像).

Critics say the flag’s movement shows the presence of wind, but as there’s no atmosphere(大气层) on the moon, the theory is that it was filmed in a studio.

Science website How Stuff Works points out that the flag itself was specially made for the moon’s surface, with a taut wire(笔直的钢丝)inserted (插入)along its top, so it doesn’t droop(下垂).

NASA says Aldrin was twisting(转动,旋动)the flagpole(旗杆) to get to the moon soil, which caused the flag to move.

Then there’s the slow-motion(慢动作) walking. The high bounces and jumps could easily have been achieved by wires, some critics claim.

But scientists have slammed(狠批) that theory, pointing out that dust can be seen kicked up by the astronauts while they leap(跳跃) on the moon’s surface.

If NASA filmed the video on Earth, the dust would gather into clouds(集聚成云团) because of air in the atmosphere. Instead, the dust is kicked up and falls right back to the ground(马上掉落回地面)without collecting or floating around(漂浮).

“NASA would have had to build an entire studio and suck all of the air out(把所有的空气抽走)to create a vacuum(真空)– something that would be incredibly difficult even by today’s standards(按照今天的标准来看).”




如今,美国再一次把登月放进了议程,开启了重返月球计划。2017 年 12 月,特朗普在白宫签署太空政策指令,宣布美国宇航员将重返月球,并最终前往火星。

今年,NASA 正式宣布将新的月球计划命名为阿尔忒弥斯(Artemis),这一名称与阿波罗计划(Project Apollo)遥相呼应,在希腊神话中,阿尔忒弥斯正是阿波罗的孪生姐姐。新一轮的登月计划目的地不仅是月球,更是以月球为起点,前往更远的火星。

stun vt. 震惊 

lunar surface  月球表面 

bounce around  跳来跳去 

momentous   重大的

rage  vi. 肆虐

compete for technological superiority


conspiracy theories  阴谋论 

persist  依然存在 

slow-motion   慢动作

slam    狠批

vacuum   真空






