本书单来自台湾阳明交通大学社会与文化研究所硕士班课程大纲(英文)Thing Theories: from Marxism to New Materialism楊子樵 knulpyang@nycu.edu.tw
「物質性」(materiality) 是人文社會領域不斷被反覆探究、爭辯,最根本也最重要的觀念之一。本世紀的前二十年,無論是從商品消費批判、媒介考古、基礎設施、技術哲學,或生態批評,新一波關於「物」的討論更為文化研究注入了新的想像與可能。本導論課程選讀歐美思想界,自笛卡爾「心物二元論」及康德「物自身」(thing-in-itself)起始到晚近被廣泛歸為「新物質主義」等數支不同歷史脈絡下,主導對於物質性思考的重要流派。所選之閱讀大致可分為三大主題:
(1) 商品/歷史/唯物 :選讀 Marx、Hegel、Feuerbach等經典篇章開始,鋪陳歷史唯物批判背後的辯證基礎,搭配Walter Benjamin, Raymond Williams, Fredric Jameson, Jean Baudrillard, David Harvey, David Graeber 等當代文化學者與運動者之論述。
(2)物件/客體/環境 :以「物件導向本體論」與「新物質主義」兩支當代思潮回溯,選讀Immanuel Kant、Martin Heidegger、Gilles Deleuze等哲學家,搭配閱讀當代學者Graham Harman , Jane Bennett, Levi Bryant,Bruno Latour, Timothy Morton, Tim Ingold探索上述理論家如何透過物件的能動性進行對環境與政治的再思考。
(3) 媒介/技術/文化: 透過Marshall McLuhan, Harold Innis, Friedrich A. Kittler, Gilbert Simondon, Bernard Stiegler, Bernhard Siegert, Bill Brown 等人的視野,探索當代思想家對於媒介技術與基礎設施物質性的思考如何重寫人本中心視野下的媒介文化、文學研究與藝術展演。
Bill Brown, “Thing Theory” & “Things” (take-home reading)David Harvey, Seventeen Contradictions and the End of CapitalismA Companion to Marx’s Capital 萬毓澤,《資本論完全使用手冊: 版本、系譜、爭議與當代價值》
From Idealism to Materialism 從心到物Hegel, The Phenomenology of Spirit (Preface and “Introduction”)Marx, “Theses on Feuerbach”Marx, The German Ideology (Preface &Part I)*Marx, The Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy
Week3 9/30
Commodity Fetishism 商品與物化
*Marx, The German Ideology (Preface and Part I), continued.*Marx, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Paris Manuscripts)Marx, The Capital; Volume One, “Commodities,” “Exchange,” “Money, or the Circulation of Commodities,” “The General Formula for Capital”- 《資本論・第⼀卷》: 「商品」、「交換過程」、「貨幣或商品流通」、「貨幣轉化為資本」
Georg Lukacs, “Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat” in History and Class Consciousness;Totality: Structure and Forms 總體性:結構與形式Georg Lukacs, “The Epic and the Novel” in The Theory of the NovelRaymond Williams, Marxism and Literature (“Base and Superstructure”, “From Reflection to Mediation,” “Typification and Homology” “Hegemony,” “Determination” “Dominant, Residual, and Emergent,” “Structures of Feeling”)*Stewart Hall, “Rethinking the “Base and Superstructure” Metaphor”*Fredric Jameson, “Cognitive Mapping”*Martin Jay. Marxism and Totality (Introduction: The Topography of WesternMarxism)*Louis Althusser, “Contradiction and Overdetermination”*Matthew S. May and Daniel Synk. “Contradiction and Overdetermination in Occupy Wall Street”Embodiment and Corporeality 身/體/物Judith Butler, Bodies that Matter (Introduction and Ch.1)
Michel Foucault, “Docile Bodies” in Discipline and PunishDonna Haraway, “A Cyborg Manifesto”* Hird, Myra. “From the Culture of Matter to the Matter of Culture: Feminist Explorations of Nature and Science”*Vivian Sobchak, Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture (Introduction + Ch.8, Ch.9)
Week6 10/24
Immaterial Labor
Gilles Deleuze, Postscript on the Societies of Control
Maurizio Lazzarato “Immaterial Labor”拉扎拉托:〈非物質勞動〉Tiziana Terranova, “Free Labor: Producing Culture for the Digital Economy”〈無償勞動與數位經濟〉Abigail De Kosnik, “Fandom as Free Labor” in Digital Labor〈粉絲的無償勞動〉*Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power 《監控資本主義時代》*Nick Srnicek, “Introduction” in Platform CapitalismFilm Screening and Discussion觀影與討論 : 《马克思:時代青年》
Watching: The Young Karl Marx
Week 8. 11/04
The Social Life of Thing 物的社會生命
Mauss, M. “Gifts and the Obligation to Return Gifts,” in The Gift Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Society
Jean Baudrillard, “Subjective Discourse or The Non- Functional System of Objects,” in The System of Objects, trans. James Bendict, London: Verso, 1996, pp. 71–106.Appadurai, The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective Thing-in-itself and New Materialism 從物自身出發Immanuel Kant, “Of the Ground of the Division of all Objects into Phenomena and Noumena” in The Critique of Pure ReasonMartin Heidegger: “Being and Time: Introduction”; “The Question Concerning Technology” -“Building Dwelling Thinking” ; “The Thing”- 海德格選讀:《存有與時間》、〈築居思〉、〈關於技術的追問〉
*Graham Harman, “Invisible Realm” in Tool-Being: Heidegger and the Metaphysics of Objects”; “Technology, Objects and Things in Heidegger.”Craft and Design 匠人、技藝、設計物 【Location: Or Craft Cafe/Bookroom】【上課地點:或者工藝櫥窗 / 文史書房】
Hannah Arendt, “Chapter IV: Work” in The Human Condition
Richard Sennett, “ Prologue”; “The Troubled Craftsman” ; “Materiel Consciousness” in The Craftsman
Tim Ingold, “On Weaving a Basket”
【YouTube】南艺大讲座 A Lecture series given by Tim Ingold https://youtu.be/GF_p_XDPDDo
Donald A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things (Chapter One)
*Galen Cranz, “Part I: Why Do We Use Chairs?” in The Chair: Rethinking Culture, Body, and Design 《椅子:重思文化、身體與設計》
*Sigfried Giedion, Mechanization Takes Command (“The Constituent Furniture of the 19th Century,” pp. 389-468 ) 《機械化支配》
*Pornotopia: An Essay on Playboy's Architecture and Biopolitics (I, V, VI)
《色情烏托邦: 花花公子的建築與生命政治》
Network of Things: Bruno Latour and ANT Latour, “Where Are the Missing Masses”Latour, The Reassembling of the Social (“Introduction”)*Latour, “The Berlin Key, or How to Do Words with Things”*Graham Harman, Prince of Networks: Bruno Latour and Metaphysics (“Chapter3/We Have Never Been Modern”) *Foucault, “The ‘Cogito’ and the Unthought” in the Order of Things*Deleuze & Guattari, “1227: Treatise on Nomadology - The War Machine” in in A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and SchizophreniaJane Bennet, Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things (Ch.1+4)Latour, Politics of Nature (Introduction, Ch.1)*Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime (“Fourth lecture”)https://pansci.asia/archives/120066
*Bill Brown, “Materiality” in Critical Terms for Media StudiesFriedrich Kittler, “The Alphabet of the Greeks: On the Archeology of Writing”Lisa Gitelman, Paper Knowledge: Toward a Media History of Documents (Intro+Ch.4)*Bernhard Siegert, Grids, Filters, Doors and Other Articulations of the Real (Intro +Ch.16)- 希格爾特:《⽂化科技:網格、濾器、門,以及其他真實的聯接》
Christopher Cox, “Beyond Representation and Signification: Toward a Sonic Materialism”Invited Talk: Dr. Hung ChingArtifacts between Science and Arts Lorraine Daston, “The Glass Flower” in Things that Speak: Object Lessons from Art and Science Peter Galison and L. Daston, “The Image of Objectivity”
A lecture by Dr. Li Li-chun on〈The Image of Objectivity〉(Mandarin Chinese) https://youtu.be/Rtbx7cBdafU
Week 16. 12/30
技術論選讀 【此主題有課後讀書會,⾃由參加】
*Andre Leroi-Gourhan, Gesture and Speech (Selections)Gilbert Simondon, “Technical Mentality”“The Genesis of the Individual” On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects (Selections)Lydia Liu, “Writing” in Critical Terms for Media Studies*Bernard Stiegler, Technics and Time: Volume One (Selections)*Yuk Hui, On the Existence of Digital Objects (Selections)Tour: Japanese Imperial Navy Heritage Site (Hsinchu City)參訪:日本帝國海軍第六燃料廠舊址 (新竹大煙囪博物館 / 公道五路地下秘密油槽)Final Project Presentation Copyright©2023 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.https://timetable.nycu.edu.tw/?r=main/crsoutline&Acy=111&Sem=1&CrsNo=534516&lang=zh-tw往期推荐