
国际英语角第十三期 || 什么是社会主义女权主义?「壹」

国际同文馆 国际英语角 2023-07-03

What Is Socialist Feminism?






// 作者引:<摘录>



/本文来自:Jacobin 2018/7/30

本文于1976年首次出现在Win杂志上,随后又收录于新美国运动(New American Movement)时期关于社会主义和女权主义的论文中。本文为Ehrenreich女士在Jacobin杂志上的再版。



Marxism addresses itself to the class dynamics of capitalist society. Every social scientist knows that capitalist societies are characterized by more or less severe, systemic inequality. Marxism understands this inequality to arise from processes which are intrinsic to capitalism as an economic system. A minority of people (the capitalist class) own all the factories/energy sources/resources, etc. which everyone else depends on in order to live. The great majority (the working class) must work out of sheer necessity, under conditions set by the capitalists, for the wages the capitalists pay.


intrinsic :~ (to sth) belonging to or part of the real nature of sth/sb 固有的;内在的;本身的

Since the capitalists make their profits by paying less in wages than the value of what the workers actually produce, the relationship between the two classes is necessarily one of irreconcilable antagonism. The capitalist class owes its very existence to the continued exploitation of the working class. What maintains this system of class rule is, in the last analysis, force. The capitalist class controls (directly or indirectly) the means of organized violence represented by the state – police, jails, etc. Only by waging a revolutionary struggle aimed at the seizure of state power can the working class free itself, and, ultimately, all people.


antagonism:~ (to/toward(s) sb/sth)~ (between A and B) feelings of hatred and opposition 对立情绪;对抗情绪;敌对;敌意

Feminism addresses itself to another familiar inequality. All human societies are marked by some degree of inequality between the sexes. If we survey human societies at a glance, sweeping through history and across continents, we see that they have commonly been characterized by: the subjugation of women to male authority, both with the family and in the community in general; the objectification of women as a form of property; a sexual division of labor in which women are confined to such activities as child-raising, performing personal services for adult males, and specified (usually lowprestige) forms of productive labor.


subjugation:n. 征服;镇压;克制

Feminists, struck by the near universality of these things, have looked for explanations in the biological “givens” which underlie all human social existence. Men are physically stronger than women on average, especially compared to pregnant women or women who are nursing babies. Furthermore, men have the power to make women pregnant. Thus, the forms that sexual inequality take — however various they may be from culture to culture – rest, in the last analysis, on what is clearly a physical advantage males hold over females. That is to say, they result ultimately on violence, or the threat of violence.


The ancient, biological root of male supremacy — the fact of male violence — is commonly obscured by the laws and conventions which regulate the relations between the sexes in any particular culture. But it is there, according to a feminist analysis. The possibility of male assault stands as a constant warning to “bad” (rebellious, aggressive) women, and drives “good” women into complicity with male supremacy. The reward for being “good” (pretty, submissive) is protection from random male violence and, in some cases, economic security.



1. v. to make it difficult to see, hear or understand sth 使模糊;使隐晦;使费解

2. adj. not well known 无名的;鲜为人知的;difficult to understand 费解的;难以理解的

Marxism rips away the myths about “democracy” and its “pluralism” to reveal a system of class rule that rests on forcible exploitation. Feminism cuts through myths about “instinct” and romantic love to expose male rule as a rule of force. Both analyses compel us to look at a fundamental injustice. The choice is to reach for the comfort of the myths or, as Marx put it, to work for a social order that does not require myths to sustain it.

马克思主义破除了“民主”及其“多元”的神话,揭示了建立在暴力剥削基础上的阶级统治体系;女权主义破除了对 “本性”和浪漫爱的解读,揭示了作为一种强力的男性统治。这两种分析都迫使我们正视最根本性的不公。我们的选择是寻求神话的慰藉,或者如马克思所言,为一种不需要神话支撑的社会秩序而努力。

pluralism:n. 多元主义;多元论;兼任

forcible:involving the use of physical force 强行的;用暴力的

It is possible to add up Marxism and feminism and call the sum “socialist feminism.” In fact, this is probably how most socialist feminists see it most of the time — as a kind of hybrid, pushing our feminism in socialist circles, our socialism in feminist circles. One trouble with leaving things like that, though, is that it keeps people wondering “Well, what is she really?” or demanding of us “What is the principal contradiction?” These kinds of questions, which sound so compelling and authoritative, often stop us in our tracks: “Make a choice!” “Be one or another!” But we know that there is a political consistency to socialist feminism. We are not hybrids or fence-sitters.


未 完 待 续


[1] 此处原文使用的词为“power”,此处不仅表达“能力”的含义,也应当包含“强力”之意。(译者注)






