展览现场 | 那艘愚花掌舵的船
愚花船 Ship Of Foolwers 已经开放参观一周了。目前空间运营正常,但也请大家做好疫情防范。一万颗真心期待成都能够如闪电般速速恢复正常。
where:四川省成都市高新区吉泰路113号 画清池 The Pond(近天府五街)
装置图片,抱抱 Cuddle(左),遛我 Walking Yubing(右),2021
细节图片,Death of Mascullinity,2021
3 一位作为“尺子”的朋友
4 艺术家自述
I intend to create a parallel reality in my works consisting of puppets, installations and animations. Transforming my absurd and uncanny memories into sculptural objects, I explore the flow of power relations and experiment with implied narratives of power shifts. My work captures incomplete and interrupted moments in a scaled-down reality which owns its own laws, rules, demands, and even desires.
Creating dramatic stories, I investigate power dynamics in different ways. My goal is to seize the attention of the viewers and make them realize the conflict, oppression, and sometimes lure of these power interactions. I also apply cuteness and humor in my works to disguise the aggression, violence, and cruelty behind this powerless, vulnerable world. I believe in the seriousness of child play and the theatricality of power confrontation.
Through the use of figures and layering of narratives, the construction of this parallel reality is growing constantly. Therefore, more and more characters and stories of this left-behind world are jumping in. I aim to expose the contest of power between various groups, whether they represent the individual, the class, or the system.
Artists for artists 艺术家怜爱艺术家。
Behave badly 任性一次。
Empower community 不筛选观众。
Share knowledge 分享芝士。