
“拓界”读书会|第一季“Deep AI+” 第七期讲座预告


“拓界”读书会第一季Deep AI+ 第七期讲座


Application of artificial intelligence in finite element calculation





15:00 pm—16:30 pm, 3rd Dec. 2022 (Sat.)

Tencent Meeting ID: 417 501 554

Password: 4169


同济大学土木工程学院结构防灾减灾工程系 21 级直博生,曾获得同济大学追求卓越学生提名奖、同济大学本科生学术之星、上海市优秀毕业生等荣誉称号。本科期间参加学科竞赛获奖 20余项,包括国际级两项、国家级五项、省部级九项涵盖数学、力学、计算机等多个学科领域。


已在 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 等高水平 SCI一区TOP期刊上以第一作者发表论文三篇,发表 EI 论文两篇,申请发明专利三项。

He is a direct doctoral student of the Department of Structural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Tongji University. He has been awarded the nomination award for Pursuit of Excellence, Academic Star of Tongji University, and Excellent Graduate of Shanghai. During his undergraduate years, he won more than 20 academic competitions, including two international, five nationals, and nine provincial and ministerial level competitions in various fields such as mathematics, mechanics, and computer science. 

His main research direction is the interdisciplinary direction of artificial intelligence and civil engineering. 

He has published three papers as the first author in Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, other top SCI journals, and two EI papers and applied for three invention patents.


Host:junhao Zhang



The finite element method is a numerical technique for solving approximate solutions of partial differential equation boundary value problems. Although finite element calculation can solve most problems with the accuracy required by engineering, its large computing power requirement and long computing time are still huge problems. In recent years, with the rapid development of machine learning and the proposal of various neural networks based on physical information, deep learning in scientific computing and knowledge discovery has become increasingly popular. This report first introduces the theoretical basis and solution methods of finite element calculations, then introduces several classic frameworks for applying deep learning to solve differential equations. Finally, this report introduces the related research on applying deep learning to finite element calculations to improve calculation speed.


1   有限元计算方法

Finite element calculation method

2   基于深度学习的微分方程求解框架
Framework for solving differential equations based on deep learning

3   深度学习方法在有限元计算中的应用

Application of deep learning method in finite element calculation



Finite element calculation, Physics-guided machine learning, Data-driven discovery;, Multiscale simulation


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[2] Haghighat E, Raissi M, Moure A, et al. A physics-informed deep learning framework for inversion and surrogate modeling in solid mechanics[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021, 379: 113741.

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[4] Zhang L, Cheng L, Li H, et al. Hierarchical deep-learning neural networks: finite elements and beyond[J]. Computational Mechanics, 2021, 67(1): 207-230.

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     第一季“拓界”读书会的主题为“Deep AI+”,希望能通过本季读书会,一起探讨和交流“How to make AI+ deeper”。能够让做AI理论研究的老师和同学们理解传统行业场景和深入了解基础理论研究,并且能够让大家理性认知AI工具:它们既不是万能钥匙,也不是毫无理论支持的拟合工具。




潘   琪 土木工程学院博士研究生 


高翔宇 数学科学学院博士研究生

手机号:19921251356 / 微信号:CH3COCl

编辑|马浩洋 潘琪

校审|潘琪 霍钧资 张绣宇 孙羽捷

海报设计|屈泊彤 蒋天逸 霍钧资

