
My takeaways from 10 days of silence.

Juan ComeUnity 2023-03-25

My thoughts


For 10 days I had the beautiful opportunity to observe my breath and the sensations in my body. A constant dance of subtle and gross sensations, all of them with the same characteristic: arising-passing away, arising-passing away. All of them reminded me the powerful tool they are in the process of cultivating equanimity, peace & harmony within.  

Through the retreat I could observe the negative patterns of my mind, I faced many things I was avoiding, I made an honest inventory about my behavior, I savored the miracle that is to be in this world and I gained clarity about what matters to me in this moment of my life. 

My key takeaways from these 10 days:

- Our human body is a magnificent reflection of the nature of impermanence. If instead of reacting I just observe with equanimity all the experience that is going on within my body, I will be able to respond in the same way to any exterior experiences.  

- I'm not the victim of circumstances, I'm the victim of my perception of those circumstances. 

- I have a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with my roots and heal my inner child while I'm here in Colombia. The process sucks and hurts but I trust will bring a lot of liberation. 

- Perhaps I'll never get 100% over losing my brother, but I can 100% embody the qualities that I admired about him, keeping him alive in my heart. 

Inspiration from great minds

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.

- Marcus Aurelius

“ With life as short as a half-taken breath, don’t plant anything but love

- Rumi

Time to action

My question for you

What is holding you back, to face that situation, that you know is hurting you?

Juan Carlos Duran 

Life Style Entrepeneur|Coach

P.S  I've designed a program for March full of tools and resources to help you to heal and liberate yourself of those useless resentments. 

Check it out👇🏽

May you love and be loved, 


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