
哈佛高材生“弃法从素” | Harvard Graduate Leaves Law for Vegan Cuisine

PBC 维根咨询PBC 2019-12-12


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一个坐拥哈佛大学法学学位在法务公司如鱼得水的人,能有什么烦恼呢!妮莎·沃拉(Nisha Vora)来自California的印度移民家庭,在学业和职业上都取得了很高的成就。但她离开了很多人梦想的位置,去追求自己的热情所在。


How could a Harvard Law School graduate with a cushy job in corporate law be unhappy? Well, this was the case for Nisha Vora, high-achieving daughter of Indian immigrants in California, who would eventually leave this supposedly "dream" position to follow her passion.


She was uninspired by the work in corporate law as well as the long hours. And after two long years of the daily grind, she took a backpacking trip around the world. She traveled to Europe, Asia, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos, and came back with a new perspective on life.

首先,她决定继续从事法律工作去帮助纽约市一家非营利性机构的低收入租客。这让她感觉好多了,但还是不是她的激情所在。“我开始想到底是什么才能让我快乐。” Nisha Vora说“答案总是绕回到食物上来。”“在我的脑海里,我一直想写一本食谱,只是我觉得我还不够格。”

First she decided she would continue with law but help low-income tenants at a nonprofit in New York City. This was better, but it still wasn't her passion. “I started thinking about what actually makes me happy,” she said. “The answer always came back to food.” “In the back of my mind, I had always wanted to write a cookbook,” Vora said. “I did not think I was qualified.”


 Vora became a vegan after watching a whopping 10 documentaries within the span of several days. After learning about the meat industry and factory farming, she felt going vegan “seemed like a no-brainer.”

她创办了自己的 “彩虹植物生活”(Rainbow Plant Life) 博客,开始当是一个业余爱好,接着发展到 Instagram和YouTube。读者们喜欢她食谱和食物拍摄。她的许多食谱都是用一个压力电炖锅做的,快速,简单又健康的食物就出炉了。

Afterward, she started Rainbow Plant Life, her blog website, which began as a hobby and later expanded to Instagram and YouTube. Readers enjoyed following her recipes and food photography. Many of her recipes were made with an Instant Pot, to make it easier to include quick and easy healthy meals.

企鹅兰登出版社 (Pengium Random House)注意到了她并联系她做了一本食谱。她只花了六个月就完成了这本书,她说这也是哈佛法学的写作技巧帮助她创造了“一本易读、干净、易于阅读的食谱”。

Pengium Random House noticed the recipes and contacted her to do a cookbook. She was able to complete the book in just six months, and noted her writing skills from Harvard Law helped her to create “an easy-to-read, clean, easy-to-follow cookbook.”

这本最近出版的食谱书叫,“The Vegan Instant Pot Cookbook” (压力电炖锅做的纯素食谱),展示了她的90个素食食谱和她自己的照片。Vora说:“我想做压力电炖锅食谱,它不仅是压力电炖锅的圣经,也要是一本漂亮的相册。激励你和家人朋友分享的食谱。”食谱包括舒适食品,如千层面和巧克力蛋糕,以及来自世界各地的美食,包括印度香料烤豆腐花菜咖哩(Tofu Cauliflower Tikka Masala),拉丁美洲红豆泥(Frijoles)和西非花生炖汤(West African Peanut Stew)。

This recently published cookbook, “The Vegan Instant Pot Cookbook”, showcases 90 of her vegan recipes along with her own photos. “I wanted to create a vegan Instant Pot cookbook that would be not only the bible of Instant Pot cooking, but also a beautiful book of photos [to] inspir[e] you, a cookbook you share with family and friends,” Vora said. Recipes include comfort foods such as lasagna and chocolate cake, as well as cuisine from around the world including India (Tofu Cauliflower Tikka Masala), Latin America (Frijoles), and Africa (West African Peanut Stew).

Vora经常为非素食主义者做食物,太多人说她做的饭太美味了不太可能是健康的。她告诉大家不仅好吃而且 “每样食材都是植物基的”,所以“你吃东西的时候感觉会很好”。

Vora often cooks for non-vegans, many of whom say the food she cooks is so delicious, it couldn’t possibly be healthy. She let's them know that not only does everything taste good, “everything’s plant-based” so “you feel good about what you’re eating."



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