
优脍植物肉株肉来了 | YOUKUAI Launches Its Plant-Based Z-Rou Meat

维根咨询PBC 维根咨询PBC 2019-12-11


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2019年12月,中国上海 – 植物肉品牌株肉(Z-Rou Meat )正式投放中国市场,开始向主流餐厅供应这种美味又健康的植物肉。

Shanghai, China, Dec. 2019 – A cutting edge plant-based meat brand Z-Rou Meat株肉has officially launched in China and begins delivering the delicious, wholesome plant-based “meat” to mainstream restaurants.

同时,株肉(Z-Rou Meat )还宣布与VEGAN平台 · 上海(VoS)建立合作伙伴关系。

In conjunction, Z-Rou Meat 株肉 also announces a partnership with plant-based advocacy group Vegans of Shanghai.

株肉(Z-Rou Meat )的主要原材料有非转基因大豆、香菇、魔芋、椰子油,100%植物基,完美复制了令人垂涎的猪肉的味道和口感,同时提供了更安全、更健康的蛋白质。

Z-Rou Meat 株肉 is made with 100% plant ingredients including non-GMO soybeans, shitake, Konjac as well as coconut oil, to create the mouthwatering flavor, aroma, and texture of pork without compromising taste, texture, and quality of the protein. 

推出株肉(Z-Rou Meat )品牌的优脍总部位于上海,专注于为全世界消费者开发和提供植物基食品,是值得信赖的植物肉供应商。优脍植物基产品环境友好,安全、美味,且营养价值高,恪守在口味、质量和植物食材方面的承诺,引领未来全球食品产业的愿景。

YOUKUAI, the Shanghai-based company behind Z-Rou Meat 株肉, is a trusted plant-based supplier focused on developing and serving plant-based products to consumers worldwide. Their products are designed to be tasty, nutritious, safe, and accessible with only a tiny fraction of impact on the environment. YOUKUAI’s commitment to the taste, quality and plant alternative leads the vision in the future of the global food industry.


Plant-based meat is not a new concept, however. With a society linked to Buddhism, China possesses centuries of consuming imitation meat dishes. Historically, the impression of a vegan was someone associated with piety or ethical consumption. As such, a social divide existed between meat-eaters and vegans. This social divide, however, is blurring for a number of reasons. According to a report on Fortune.com*, China’s meat consumption accounts for 28% of global consumption but can only produce a fourth of the meat it consumes. For years, the tremendous environmental impact of livestock has been highlighted and criticized. Additionally, the health risk of excessive meat intake is another concern.


As a result, the demand for culinary alternatives that appeal to meat-eaters provides health benefits and is environmentally low impact has surged around the world. Restaurants are catching on that their customers are looking for delicious food alternatives that allow all different eaters to sit together at the table. 

通过对市场需求的敏锐捕捉,以及对佛教传统的延续,株肉(Z-Rou Meat )植物肉的精妙定位为烹饪界提供了更多的灵感和选择,他们的团队秉承原则,在不断为客户带来与时俱进的烹饪概念的同时,也为保护环境贡献一份力量。目前上海的美食爱好者们可以在一部分餐厅尝到这种革命性的植物肉。在感恩节这天,由VEGAN平台 · 上海(VoS)承办、株肉(Z-Rou Meat )和Pie Society携手推出的维根感恩节主题活动就是向市场推介新型植物肉的绝佳场合。

Arising out of market demands and continuing the tradition of the Zen spirit, Z-Rou Meat株肉offers an inspiring solution with crave-able plant-based meat to enrich the experience in the kitchen. Its principle is to continuously bring updated cuisine ideas to clients as well as reducing the environmental footprint. Avid foodies in Shanghai now can have revolutionary new food explorations with this innovative type of “meat” in a few locations. Z-Rou Meat株肉 with Pie Society had a themed community event on Thanksgiving Day, organized by Vegans of Shanghai, a perfect occasion to introduce the new type of “meat” to this new market.

由于消费者的大力支持,更多餐厅将会把株肉(Z-Rou Meat )列入餐单。株肉(Z-Rou Meat )品牌创始人Franklin Yao表示:“非常高兴能在感恩节这天正式在上海向素食群体推出我们的品牌,感谢大家的努力。素食群体很好地向世界传达了一个信息,那就是不需要通过伤害来满足自己的饮食选择。我们希望能通过推出更多更好的美食,来让整个群体有更大的声量。我们的植物肉符合整个群体、中国乃至世界的需求,我们也会努力将株肉(Z-Rou Meat )品牌做大做强。”

Thanks to overwhelming consumer support, more restaurants will soon be putting Z-Rou Meat 株肉on their menus. The Founder of Z-Rou Meat株肉, Franklin Yao expressed his excitement on the great launch: “It’s with great pleasure and gratefulness that we can launch Z-Rou Meat株肉 on Thanksgiving, in Shanghai, and to the Vegan community. The Vegan community is an example to the world of how not to do harm with their food choices, and we want to empower the community to continue this mission with better and tastier food options. Our plant-based meat is something that this community, China, and the world is craving right now and we take our responsibility to make 株肉 available seriously.”

“VEGAN平台 · 上海(VoS)有着宏伟的目标,就是将上海的素食类餐厅增加到几百家。能有优脍这样一个有着共同愿景和目标的合作伙伴,我们非常激动。相信通过合作,能实现我们2020 Impact Project的目标,”VEGAN平台 · 上海(VoS)以及维根咨询创始人Eve Samyuktha如是说。

“Vegans of Shanghai has an ambitious goal of increasing plant-based options in hundreds of restaurants in the city. We are thrilled and excited to have an equally motivated partner, YOUKUAI, who will help in making our 2020 Impact Project a reality”, said Eve Samyuktha, the Founder of Vegans of Shanghai and Plant-Based Consulting.

作为品牌发展战略的重要一环,株肉(Z-Rou Meat )正在积极寻求与世界顶级厨师的合作。国际星厨和社交媒体达人陆唯(David Laris)也对这一喜人进展表达了关切:“看到越来越多植物基产品和公司崛起、进入市场是一件激动人心的事。我很高兴看到如此优质的植物肉成为本地美食界和中国饮食文化中愈发重要的组成部分。”

As an important part of the brand strategy, Z-Rou Meat 株肉 is actively working on collaborations with world-class chefs. Celebrity Chef and Social Influencer David Laris also felt excited and motivated by the progress: “It’s absolutely great to see more plant-based products and companies thrive and set foot into the China market. I’m glad to see such high-quality plant-based meat to become an increasingly important part of the local dining scene and Chinese food culture”.




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