

维根咨询PBC 维根咨询PBC 2020-01-17


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We will be screening the documentary The Game Changers soon. [Yayyyyyy!]


Before this, we thought it would be helpful to summarize a couple of honest reviews about the documentary. Remember, no matter what your reasons are to go Vegan, read this article thoroughly before you take any drastic steps in changing your diet.

 豆瓣评论 | Douban Reviews


“战争始于食肉”:这是人类与大自然之间的战争,也是人类与动物之间的战争,更是人类与自己之间的战争。Be vegan, make peace 绝不是一句空话。

"War begins with meat": this is the war between humans and nature, between humans and animals, and between humans and ourselves. "Be vegan, make peace" - This is no empty talk.


虽然由于肉太好吃了我暂时不会完全放弃吃肉,但是本片的两大核心观点已经说服了我:1) 吃素能提供跟吃肉一样的营养。2) 就运动员表现和健康而言吃素比吃肉更强。然而有一个很明显的问题:本片基本全是一线运动员背书,当然很有说服力(尤其几位传统的力量型运动员冲击力极大),但是他们基本都是有营养师提供专业膳食建议的,对于没有这些资源的普通素食者来说,其实挺容易出现碳水过多或者蛋白质不够的情况。片子里出现的好多食物,普通餐馆里根本没有,去超市也要费一番功夫才能买到,更别提制作的功夫了。所以决定吃素之前还是想想自己对于营养和健康有没有一定的了解,有没有足够的资源和精力来支持这样的膳食。

Although I won't give up eating meat completely for a while because it's so tasty, I've been convinced by the film's two core points: 1) a vegetarian diet provides the same nutrients as eating meat. 2) eating a vegetarian diet is better than eating meat in terms of athletic performance and health. And yet there is an obvious question: the film basic all is a line of athlete endorsement, of course, is compelling (especially a few traditional strength athletes impact greatly), but they are basically a nutritionist to provide professional dietary advice, for without these resources vegetarian, is prone to too much carbohydrate or protein is not enough. A lot of the food in the movie is not available in ordinary restaurants, and you have to go to the supermarket to get it, let alone make it. So before you decide to go vegetarian, think about whether you know something about nutrition and health, and whether you have the resources and energy to support such a diet.



As a publicity video, I was very excited when I watching it and want to become vegan, but in fact, I don't think I can last it for two days.


在我看来还不如what the health有说服力。我真的很讨厌这种用事物A的优点去比较事物B的缺点的方式,在我看来丝毫不具说服力。我完全同意含有大量植物的饮食是健康的,但根本没必要全素啊!蛋肉的好处一句不提,就是流氓; 忽视个人化饮食消化吸收能力也是耍流氓; 难听点说,一群中产人类吃饱了撑的单方面抱怨某工业污染严重,却忽视了该工业涉及到的诸如就业等诸多方面,自私至极。最后,满眼的肌肉,力量,雄性荷尔蒙,看着比纯肉饮食还腻味。

In my opinion, it's not as convincing as what the healthI really hate this way of comparing the advantages of thing A with the disadvantages of thing B, which seems to me unconvincing. I totally agree that a plant-based diet is healthy, but it doesn't have to be vegan. They didn't mention the advantage of egg meat; Ignoring the digestibility of a personalized diet is also cheating; It is hard to see how selfish it is for a group of well-fed middle-class humans to complain unilaterally about the pollution of the industry while ignoring the many aspects of that industry, such as employment. Finally, the sight of muscle, strength, androgen, looks more boring than a meat diet.


This film is a reminder that the audience cannot fully trust documentaries. The documentary spreads lies, wrong ideas or panders to some interests, conceal the whole content of the truth to let people see their cherry-picked facts and packaged with one-sided views and most of the time deliberately deceive people.

 国外评论 | International Reviews

“坚持诋毁动物产品的做法让所有人都非常愤怒。常见的批评是,引用的证据太过有限和不完整,不足以证明纪录片提出的大胆建议是正确的。 - Luke Feltham

“This insistence on vilifying animal products is what has everybody so riled up. The common critique is that the cited evidence is far too limited and incomplete to justify the bold recommendations made in the doccie.” - Luke Feltham

* Luke Feltham 负责《每日邮报》


* Luke Feltham runs the Mail & 

Guardian's sports desk. 

He was previously the online day editor. 

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“就像世界上其他许多医生一样,我已经把它推荐给我的病人。 - Josh Cullimore博士

“I am already recommending it to my patients, as are many other doctors across the world.”  - DR. Josh Cullimore 

* Josh Cullimore博士是英国布莱顿的一名全科医生,

他曾在布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)学习医学,

并在伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)获得公共卫生硕士学位。

* Dr. Josh Cullimore is a GP based in Brighton, UK. 

He studied medicine at the University of Bristol, 

and a Masters in Public Health at Imperial College London.

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“···the movie could have used a more thorough, gram-for-gram comparison of plant-based and animal proteins. No matter, there’s much fine food for thought.”

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“游戏规则的改变者们不断地将纯素饮食与包括肉类的饮食进行对比。这部电影就是这么做的,以至于你慢慢意识到“植物性”只是“纯素食”的伪装。 -  Paul Kita

“The Game Changers repeatedly pits a vegan diet against a diet that includes meat. The film does this to such an extent that you slowly realize that “plant-based” is just a masquerade for “vegan.” - Paul Kita

* 保罗是《男性健康》杂志的食品与营养编辑。



* Paul is the Food & Nutrition Editor of Men’s Health. 

He’s also the author of two cookbooks: 

Guy Gourmet and A Man, A Pan, A Plan.

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“···这部纪录片很吸引人,即使你不是体育迷,也能保持90分钟的注意力。所以,拿一些(不加黄油的)爆米花,看着它,开始制作你的植物类食品清单吧。 - Cynthia Sass

“ ..the documentary is captivating enough to keep your attention for a full 90 minutes, even if you’re not a sports fan. So grab some (unbuttered) popcorn, give it a view, and start making your plant-based grocery list.” - Cynthia Sass, 

* Cynthia Sass,公共卫生硕士,注册营养师,



* Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, 

is Health's contributing nutrition editor, 

a New York Times best-selling author, 

and a nutrition consultant for the New York Yankees.

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 VoS评论 | VoS Review



What impressed me most about this film is the "prejudice". People always seem to have a strange prejudice against vegetarians. Men who follow a plant-based diet must have no strength. Men who eat chicken burgers in restaurants are more masculine than men who eat salad. Lots of ideas are not come from our thinking and trying, but what the environment has instilled in us, which is what we want to get rid of.


Long-press the QR-code below to watch The Game Changers with us.


English Screening on Jan 9th. Chinese Language Event and Screening to announce soon. 


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