【指南】弹性式植物饮食是否适合你? | Could flexitarianism be the diet for you
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With many different factors affecting how and what we eat, everyone’s diet can be different. Whether that’s because of lifestyle, preferences, beliefs, knowledge, health or even money, finding a diet that’s tailored to you can be a game-changer.
What is flexitarianism?
Put simply, it means being flexible with your diet. There are no rules to stick to, it’s about eating less meat and choosing a more plant-based diet to help the environment and help improve your health. A flexitarian diet could mean having a plant-based diet in the week and having a cheeky cheese pizza at the weekend. Or not cooking meat and fish at home but eating it when you’re out for dinner.
There’s no judgment to the diet if you want to lead a plant-based lifestyle but you have a bit of cow’s milk in your drink when your local coffee shop has run out of soya milk (heaven forbid!) or you fancy a cream cake, embrace it and move on. Following a flexitarian diet can also help reduce your carbon footprint versus a diet that includes meat if you don’t want to, or you’re not ready to, go full vegetarian or fully vegan.
What are the benefits?
健康方面 | Health
One of the health benefits to going flexitarian and reducing your intake of meat, especially red and processed meat, can be helping to reduce your intake of saturated fat. It’s worth knowing that the more white you can see on red meats, the more fat it contains. So when you’re deciding what to have with dinner, try going meat-free, choosing beans or lentils or a low-fat meat substitute like tofu or Quorn instead – or if it has to be meat, choose turkey or chicken.
Boots营养学家Vicky Pennington说:“卫生部建议,每天食用大量红肉和加工肉类的人,即每天食用90克以上,应该减少到70克,因为这可能会增加患肠癌的风险。”
Boots nutritionist Vicky Pennington says, "The Department of Health advises that people who eat a lot of red and processed meat, more than 90g a day, should cut down to 70g because of a probable link with an increased risk of bowel cancer."
And let’s be honest, adding more vegetables and beans to your diet is never a bad thing!
动物福利 |Animal welfare
成为弹性植物性饮食者也会让你更多地思考“从农场到餐桌”——你盘子里的肉是怎么来的,又是怎么生产出来的。如果你还在吃肉,那就买你买得起的最好的质量的肉。尝试寻找福利批准的肉类,如Red Tractor计划,或购买有机或自由放养的肉类,它们都是被严格管制的。如果你去当地,不要害怕问肉来自哪里——只是因为它在这个肉店卖并不意味着它总是在本地采购的。
Becoming flexitarian may also make you think more about ‘farm to fork’ – how the meat on your plate got there and how it was produced. If you’re still eating some meat, buy the best quality you can afford. Try looking for welfare approved meat like the Red Tractor scheme or buying organic or free range meat which is strictly regulated. If you go local, don’t be afraid to ask your butcher where the meat has come from – just because it’s sold in your butcher doesn’t mean it’s always sourced locally.
环境 | Environmental
By going flexitarian and eating less meat, you can help to reduce your carbon footprint. The water footprint from food consumption (domestic and imported) per person per day is currently 2,757 litres in the UK. Switching to a healthy vegetarian diet can reduce water consumption by 35-55%. The meat industry also has a negative effect on food security, global warming, pollution, deforestation and land degradation. A plant-based diet has three times more of a positive impact on the environment than washing your clothes in cold water and four times more than recycling!
Did you know: Globally, animal farming provides just 18% of calories but takes up 83% of global farmland? A bit of food for thought there…
It means you can make your diet personal to you, and flex it to suit your lifestyle. For example, if you’re trying to save a few pennies stop buying meat in your weekly shop and put the money you would have spent in a pot and see how much is in there at the end of the month. It also means you’ll probably discover more meal ideas and food than you might have done previously – opening up your food choices!
Like with any diet and lifestyle, it needs to be varied and well planned with foods from all the food groups, including your five-a-day (5 A Day is any of various national campaigns in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, to encourage the consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day), to be healthy and nutritious. Don’t worry that you may be lacking in protein by cutting out meat, as plant-based choices such as beans, lentils, soya and nuts are good sources of protein, too. If you’re cutting foods out of your diet, make sure you replace them with ones that are nutritionally similar such as swapping cow’s milk for fortified soya milk and meat for beans and lentils to help maintain your iron intake. Try researching some yummy recipes and plan in advance what you’re going to cook, making sure to include your five-a-day.
Go at your own pace.
If you’re an avid meat eater, the Health Reset Program with. If you’re a vegetarian and you like the idea of veganism but you’re not quite ready yet, try using alternatives throughout the week but maybe not at the weekend. Here are a few ideas you can try:
• 将牛奶换成非乳制品替代品,如强化大豆、强化杏仁、强化燕麦或强化椰奶
• 补充(一半一半)或将肉与煮熟的扁豆互换,例如在馅饼中使用大豆碎
• 把肉换成炒豆腐
• 在午餐时间选择豆卷,而不是火腿三明治
• 尝试纯植物性食奶酪——你可以尝试一半植物性食奶酪一半普通奶酪
• Swap from cow’s milk to non-dairy alternatives, such as fortified soy, fortified almond, fortified oat or fortified coconut milk
• Supplement (half and half) or swap meat with cooked lentils for example in a shepherd’s pie or use soya mince
• Swap meat for tofu in stir fries
• Choose a bean wrap at lunchtime rather than a ham sandwich
• Try vegan cheese – you could always try half and half with your normal cheese
If you’re not too bothered about meat but wouldn’t call yourself a vegetarian, you could stop buying meat and fish and maybe only have it when you’re eating out – you could save yourself money, too. If you really don’t want to give up meat and fish but want to do something positive for the environment, choose sustainable fish and go local instead.
Whatever way you want to tailor your diet, why don’t you try something plant-based each week and being more flexible with your diet*? You might be pleasantly surprised.
*If you have an on-going medical condition, please consult your healthcare professional before making changes to your current diet.
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