
【新闻】 中国媒体怒责Impossible Foods言论 | Impossible Foods Angers Chinese

维根咨询PBC 维根咨询PBC 2020-01-16


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Recently, China Daily has responded with a backlash against a New York Times article stating that growing demand for pork and beef in China has fueled much of the recent environmental crisis, and including an inflammatory comment from Impossible Foods’ Pat Brown.


A rebuttal was also written by 共青团中央 which has received over 100k+ views and has gone viral on WeChat since a few days ago.

上周二,《纽约时报》发表了一篇名为《Impossible饺子和小面包:中国人会买假肉吗?》其中有Pat Brown的一句话:“中国人每吃一块肉,亚马逊就会冒一缕烟。”

Last Tuesday’s New York Times article, entitled “Impossible Dumplings and Beyond Buns: Will China Buy Fake Meat?” includes the following quote from Pat Brown – “Every time someone in China eats a piece of meat, a little puff of smoke goes up in the Amazon.”


The article discusses the potential entrance of plant meats into a “potentially even more profitable market with a major environmental footprint: China, the world’s largest consumer of meat. Meat production is a leading cause of climate change, experts say, and the growing demand for pork and beef in China has fueled much of that environmental damage, from water shortages and heat waves to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.”


In this way, the article is effectively blaming China for a large part of the climate crisis, and in doing so has unsurprisingly upset the Chinese press and the public at large.


The China Daily response discusses the statistics of meat consumption between China and the US: “According to the National Bureau of Statistics, average meat consumption per person in China in 2017 is 26.7 kilograms. In the same year, the data provided by statistica.com for the US is 98.4 kg, 3.6 times that of China.”


Clearly, companies wishing to enter a colossal and hugely important market such as China, need to be highly aware of the words used in their publicity, and cautious not to be offensive or come across as patronising, and such firms are in a critical game of potentially saving billions of animals and epic environmental destruction.

Article Partially Contributed By Our International Media Partner


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