into 2 新刊发售 / almost famous 几近成名
into issue 02:
几近成名 almost famous
卜佳新 Jiaxin Bu & Moreno Schweikle (德国) / 班弓 Gong Ban & Henry Wilson (澳大利亚) / 张宁 Ning Zhang & Laura Molina (西班牙) / 毛杰 Jie Mao & Daniel Rybakken (挪威) / 曾静华 Jinghua Zeng & Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä (芬兰)/ 刘潇 Shaw Liu 王旭 Xu Wang 曹峰 Feng Cao / 王鸿超 Hongchao Wang 游鹏 Peng You Godfrey Lam / 翁昕煜 Weng Xinyu 陶海悦 Tao Haiyue 梁乐乐 Lele Liang / 厉建伟 Jianwei Li(HC28)/ 朱姝乐 Shule Zhu 陈诗杰 Shijie Chen 洪羽裳 Yushang Hong(梵几)
magazine into 第二期“almost famous 几近成名”,关注着尚未冒出水面、还没被多数人所看到的年轻设计师。对他们而言,中国独特的文化、社会环境有着充满机遇的、积极的一面,但同时也带来许多困惑与挑战。
The second issue of into "almost famous" mainly focuses on young designers who are still struggling to be noticed. The unique Chinese culture and social background brings on chances as well as positive information, but it also put them in an environment of confusion and challenges. Young designers are on the process of searching what they want from design, and trying to find a balance between self-realization and reality.
除了主刊外,本期还包含2册实验性副刊。“sponge puzzle 海绵拼图”是magazine into邀请创作者查吟,创作了一个可随意打乱拼接的拼图,以画面解读“almost famous 几近成名”这个主题。
另外一册副刊“sketchbook 设计记录”,则呈现了一个正在进行中的材料设计项目,在其中的各个参与方构成真实的设计过程,也是对主刊中年轻设计师日常工作的补充注解。
We designed two supplemental magazines for this issue. The first one "sponge puzzle" was created by Yin Zha, it contains puzzles that can be mixed and matched casually. Another one "sketchbook" presents the process of a material design project from which we can have a glance of how different materials are combined into a piece of art. "sketchbook" is an explanation of young designers' daily job as well.
在创刊号“MADE-LAND 制造地”后,magazine into已经形成了选题上更清晰的视角。我们想借由设计这个切口,呈现我们所看到的中国当下,时代所包含的特殊性。
Magazine into has formed a clear standard after making the issue "MADE-LAND". We now have a clearer view on deciding topics for our magazine. What into wants to show is the distinctiveness of our generation and the current state of China. Design is just an entrance to this. The design industry in China is so special, and it makes China designers embody a sense of fragmentation. These designers explore self-value and the balance between external environment and reality on the paths of self-realization.
The growth of designers is a grand topic. In this issue, we have divided our magazine into four parts: "Young Ones", "Stayin' Alive"," A System","Common Sense". We discuss designers' life from different perspectives of views.
“almost famous 几近成名”第一个部分,记录了5位新生代的中国独立设计师近一年来的创作与日常。同时,我们邀请他们选择自己关注已久的5位海外设计师,由我们进行对照访问。
The five young designers in part 1 are in the first interviewee list of "almost famous". We also let our interviewees prepared questions to ask overseas designers they are interested in, and into team would help them to gain the answers from designers. What we found in this process is the obvious differences of culture. But all these differences finally lead to the same destination. Overseas designers are also curious about whether Chinese designers face the same problem as them.
/ 卜佳新 Jiaxin Bu
& Moreno Schweikle(德国)
Jiaxin Bu established his studio in Xiamen in 2021. His works focus on art expression of embellishments while gaining inspiration from modern culture and materials of China. But it seems that he struggles in this path. During our interview we often heard him say: I will go back to office if it doesn't work.
佳新对话的Moreno Schweikle是一位同样在做艺术化设计表达的德国设计师,佳新很欣赏Moreno观察事物的角度,譬如用大型饮水机桶制作的Oasis和Spring Cooler系列。
Moreno在2018年成立自己的工作室,目前运营相对稳定,不久前还收到Balenciaga的邀请进行了橱窗展览。在欧洲,独立设计师的职业并没有我们认为的那么普及,Moreno Schweikle同样被长辈们问是不是应该去做个“正经工作”。
Jiaxin chose Moreno Schweikle to be interviewed. Jiaxin appreciates the way Moreno observes materials, like what Moreno did in the project Oasis seriss and Spring Cooler series, he built this art piece using water cooler bottles and water fountains. Moreno established his studio in 2018. He was invited to make a display window for Balenciaga not long ago. Moreno told us that his parents also questioned about him not having a "real job".
/ 班弓 Gong Ban
& Henry Wilson(澳大利亚)
Designer Gong Ban started to run his studio in Shanghai since 2020. He had saved enough money for his business by working as employee for many years. Gong Ban gathered rich experience from his previous design jobs. After running his own studio, he insists on exploring his expression system. At the same time he maintains his business by doing design services and customized designs for selling.
班弓对话的Henry Wilson,是他2014年在英国留学期间所关注到的。Henry Wilson运营着自己同名的工作室,他从一个名为A-Joint的作品开始,发展出了自己的产品体系。如今他一边与Aesop等品牌保持着长期的合作,工作室主要收入则主要依赖他自己的产品售卖。
Henry Wilson, who was chosen and followed by Gong Ban since 2014, is a designer with rich experience. He is running his studio successfully and has built a long-term business relationship with commercial brands like Aesop. He mainly earned his living by selling products.
/ 张宁 Ning Zhang
& Laura Molina(西班牙)
Ning Zhang and Yafei Yang established Cometabolism Studio in 2020. They rented a house in Shanghai Qingpu as the place for working and living. They aim to find their way of expression between art and design area. Among all Chinese young designers we interviewed, Ning Zhang is probably the most relaxed one. As to be famous, she said we need to be cautious.
张宁对话的Laura Molina来自于西班牙同样的双人设计组合TODOMUTA Studio。和“共代谢”类似,他们的运营比重很大的一部分来自于作品的贩售和委托定制。相比纯粹的设计师,他们更看重自身理念的表达与探索,工作方式也有不同。
Laura Molina who communicated with Ning Zhang is also a designer from a duo design team named TODOMUTA. Just like Cometabolism, the main income of TODOMUTA Studio is from selling products and custom-made design services. Being different from normal designers, they pay more attention on exploring and expressing their ideology, and their work pattern is also distinguished from others.
/ 毛杰 Jie Mao
& Daniel Rybakken(挪威)
Jie Mao started his own studio in his apartment in Ningbo since 2018. Jie Mao saw design as a new born industry when he was back from France. But now, he still has problems in making money by running the studio. Sometimes he will do some graphic design works as well as financial investment and part-time French teaching to earn his expense.
毛杰所关注的Daniel Rybakken,同样在灯具、光线的表达上有自己的探索。在哥德堡,他的生活张弛有度,每天固定地工作,并且将重心放在灯具和家具设计上,与不少品牌达成了稳定的长期合作。在Daniel看来,设计行业总是急于将年轻人包装成“摇滚明星”,而实际上真正能实现生存,要花很长时间。
The designer Jie Mao is interested in is Daniel Rybakken. Daniel Rybakken has his understanding in lighting fixtures. He has reached a balance of life and work in Goteborg. He would like to do more works related to furniture design, and he has built up stable relationships with many brands. Daniel considers himself lucky. Because young ones like him can always have the chance to be "rock stars" by working in well-known projects. But the truth is designers need to spend much more time to survive in this area.
/ 曾静华
& Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä (芬兰)
Jinghua Zeng’s studio was founded in 2020. The studio was moving out of her parents’ house to a traditional lighting mall named "Versailles". when we were interviewing her on site. She often works late at night and needs to go through the towns on the way back home. During the long time we spend with her, we find Zeng has gradually dragged herself out of anxiety and shifted to a more peaceful state of mind. She even finds her own way to communicate with suppliers who she used to think too hard to deal with.
曾静华所对话的Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä,是她在阿尔托大学念书时候就关注的。2014年Hanna和Anni Pitkäjärvi成立了工作室Studio Finna。北欧丰富的设计传统,对年轻一代的设计师来说,既是一种滋养,同时也是包袱。而作为女性,Hanna乐意在充满“男性设计师”的世界里强调自己工作室的女性角色与视角,周遭也更友好更放松地使她接纳自己。
Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä is the designer that Jinghua Zeng started to follow when she was studying in Aalto University. Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä and Anni Pitkäjärvi set up their studio in 2014. The abundant traditional design knowledge of North Europe could be nutrient as well as burden for young designers like them. As a female artist, Hanna is wiling to stress her female philosophy in world that full of male designers. The friendly environment makes her embrace herself in a free relaxing way.
In part 2, we interviewed several designers that have distinctive career paths. We also interviewed someone who worked with these three designers for a very long time, tried to find the common characters of designers from the third perspective.
/ 刘潇 王旭 曹峰
/ Shaw Liu, Xu Wang, Feng Cao
Shaw Liu entered a short rest period after her first design collection.Because of an exhibition, she was given the chance to be involved in mainstream design industry. Her path is a typical example of designer’s career option. We invited Xu Wang, the judge of the exhibition, and Feng Cao, the business partner of Shaw Liu, to share opinions about young ones in design area.
/ 王鸿超 游鹏 Godfrey Lam
/ Hongchao Wang, Peng You, Godfrey Lam
Benwu的王鸿超做设计多年,如今大部分的工作都来自稳定的客户,日子过得看似玩世不恭却又安稳;他的合伙人游鹏和他找到了一种相处之道。每到职业胶着或有困惑时候,王鸿超也会找前辈Godfrey Lam聊聊天。
Hongchao Wang from Benwu has been a designer for many years. Most of his jobs are design services. And now he lives a comfortable life with cynical attitude. His partner Peng You has cultivated a balanced working harmony with him. When Hongchao Wang faced obstacles in his work, he would talke to senior designer Godfrey Lam.
/ 翁昕煜 陶海悦 梁乐乐
/ Weng Xinyu, Tao Haiyue, Lele Liang
Weng Xinyu of Yuue has been settled down in Germany. Compared with many Chinese designers, he is living a free and more relaxing life. His former partner Tao Haiyue shared another perspective of view of his life. And Lele Liang, the brand operator of mamamoon, also shared the work experience with Weng Xinyu.
To cooperating with brands has been the ordinary working state of designers. But how about the working state of brands? How do they think about the cooperated designers?We interviewed two distinctive brands to present in part 3.
/ 厉建伟 Jianwei Li (HC28)
HC28 is a company that has complete supply chain and commercial landscape. They share many long-term cooperation experiences with both national and international designers.
/ 朱姝乐、陈诗杰、洪羽裳(梵几)
/ Shule Zhu, Shijie Chen, Yushang Hong (FNJI)
FNJI is a young brand with new bloods. They keep their brand vibrantly and build up a positive approach to work with designers.
“海绵拼图”是magazine into邀请查吟进行的特别合作。查吟是一个很难被定义的创作者,不仅做静物造型、拍摄置景,也参与年轻设计师与品牌的展览设计和陈列。她的作品基于理性和逻辑,以此建立起空间、物件的联系。
"sponge puzzle" is work finished by Yin Zha, who has been specially invited by into. Yin Zha is a hard-to-define creator. Her works include styling, scene setting, as well as exhibitions and display for both young designers and brands. Yin Zha builds up the relationship between space and materials and her works are based on the ideology of rationality and logic.
基于对本期正刊主题“almost famous几近成名”的理解,查吟创作了一个以随机分布的“海绵条”为主要元素的画面。这个画面被裁切成49块拼图,而它并没有唯一拼法,可以进行顺序上的打乱。这既是对个体状态的抽象表达,又在使用者的任意顺序拼接后,产生因人而异的图像和解读。
With her understanding of almost famous, Yin Zha created a painting of sponges for the topic. The painting is divided into 49 pieces of puzzles without regular shapes. You can combine or mess up these puzzles casually. Yin Zha created sponges that are randomly scattered on the painting. It is her way of expressing abstract art. Users can explain it in their ways by turning these puzzles into any form they like.
在中国,一件产品的诞生将经历复杂的历程。从材料开始,到研发、量产,每一个环节都在挑战既有的供应链标准与工作方式。因此,真正让设计落到实处,往往需要全链条的多方协同合作,才有可能达到预期的设想。对于“almost famous”的年轻设计师,初入行业时往往无法具象地想象这个过程。
A piece of product might need to go through a complex making process in China. From material selection to research and development, every step of this process is challenging the traditional supply chain and work approaches in China. Therefore, turning a piece of design into product takes effort from all parties. As for the young designers involved in "almost famous", they can’t imagine how many obstacles they are going to meet when they step into design area.
在有限的时间里如何完成一个全新的设计项目?从材料研究开始,最终怎样一步步让产品落地?这其中参与的各方,将经历什么?2022年起,我们持续跟进记录三顿半“返航计划”的一个设计项目,并将在10月份以“sketchbook 设计记录”增补刊的方式呈现这个过程。
How to finish a new project within limited time period? How designers turn materials into products step by step? What designers and other partners experience in the creating process? We are going to follow up an unique design project from October 2022, and keep updating details of working process in our volume "sketchbook".
into 2预售开启
into issue 2 :almost famous 几近成名
主刊 almost famous 几近成名 × 1册
别册 sponge puzzle 海绵拼图 × 1册
别册 sketchbook 设计记录× 1套
售价 298 元
2022年8月1日前 预售价278元
- 如遇小程序问题,可添加客服咨询购买
- 全国顺丰包邮,9月15日后依照订单顺序发货
- 海外订阅请联系hello@subfictions.com或留言咨询
主刊 “almost famous 几近成名”
约272P 中英双语
尺寸 190x270mm
厚度 约20mm
纸张 EVA 高密度海绵 / 图文细致 / 平日白坚纸
别册 “sponge puzzle 海绵拼图”
别册 “sketchbook 设计记录”
包装尺寸 190×270mm
拼图尺寸 350×350mm
Pre-order for ¥278 before August 1
Free shipping nationwide
Shipping in orders from September 15
For overseas subscription,
please contact or leave a message
It was at the last few months of 2020, when we were still working on last issue, Jie Mao had run his studio for more than one year. He told us that, "Young designers are difficult to be famous nowadays."
After that, during several conversations with other designers, one told us, "In China, ten fingers are enough to count out the numbers of designers who can earn their livings by doing design only."And the topic "almost famous" came out of a conversation like this.
To finish interviews, editors followed designers nearly one year to visit cities where designers are living in, and went to places designers usually went such as bowling alley, towns, suburban mountains and so on. We don’t want to present independent designers with intention of self-expression only, we want to show more about their ordinary life as ordinary youngsters.
Editors realize that as an independent designer, you need to communicate with yourself and the world at the same time. But every designer has his limitation, meanwhile, they are facing different challenges in different timelines.
There is so much uncertainty left in the interviews. We often heard designers said in the interviews: "We will go back to office if design doesn’t work." It seems that every option we've made would not be promised to lead to a satisfied result. Also, not all our experience can prove its value at this moment. The greatest thing that happened in making process is every designer we interviewed trusted us so well. They talked about their life frankly so we can understand their happiness and anxiety, and reach to their courage and self-consistent awareness in their inner heart.
主编 Editor in Chief 许亦舒 Sue Xu / 编辑 Editors 龙玲 Ling Long 周婧 Jing Zhou 郑凌 Amber Zheng / 美术编辑 Art Editors 高瑾 Kim Gao 刘荔琦 Lizzy Liu / 项目协调 Coordinator 林依惠 Lori Lin / 品牌商务 Marketing 林丽 Lili Lin 崔颖 Vino Cui / 翻译 Translation 李欣茹 Xinru Li / 实习生 Interns 蔡雅诗 Yashi Cai 罗溪梦 Ximeng Luo 方正 Zheng Fang 尤婧瑄 Jingxuan You 高真雯 Star Gao 闫睿欣 Ruixin Yan 林静瑜 Jingyu Lin 林欣彤 Xintong Lin
特约摄影 Photographer 邹训楷 Xunkai Zou / 视觉设计 Designer 山洪泥设计工作室(shame-on-you) Office林倩如 Rose Lin 陈冠仁 Ray Chen / 短片制作 Video Producer 新桥影像 Oldfish Film / 推文图片拍摄 Product Photographer 朱岚清 Lanqing Zhu
特别感谢 Special Thanks 三顿半 Saturnbird