
Instructions on Application for Family Reunion Residence Permits

SFBC 涉外商务咨询 2022-07-29

Applicant Eligibility


1. The foreign family members of Chinese citizen, or with permanent residence status in Beijing and the kinship, including spouse, parents, the spouse's parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and children's spouse.


2. Foreigners under 18 being fostered in Beijing who are the children of foreign nationals of Chinese origin or overseas Chinese.


Supporting Documents and Relative Requirement


1. Valid passport or other international travel documents.

1. 有效护照或其他国际旅行证件。

2. Completely filled VISA / STAY PERMIT / RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM with recent half-length, white background, bareheaded, full-faced 2-inch color photo. Please fill in the application form in black ink or sign pen.


3. Valid accommodation registration form of the applicant obtained from local police station or hotel of present residence.

3. 申请人在现居住地派出所或酒店索取的有效住宿登记表。

4. The applicants for visiting family members shall submit the following documents:

4. 探亲申请人应提交下列文件:

a. The certificate or letter on family relationship or kinship  


i. For Q1 & Q2 holders, certificate letters of family relationship or kinship. 

i. 对于Q1和Q2持有人,家庭关系或亲属关系证明书。

ii. For non-Q1 & Q2 holders, supportive documents on family relationship or kinship, such as Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate (or equivalent document ) or notarial Certificate. (These documents issued by foreign authorities or notary offices need to be authenticated by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in the relevant country).


Note: If one or more of the aforesaid documents could not be provided, the applicant may voluntarily provide other relative supporting documents. As for following applications, if the family member has not changed as in the first time application, no supportive document of family relationship or kinship is needed.  

注: 申请人如未能提供上述一项或多项证明文件,可自愿提供其他相关证明文件。至于下列申请,如家庭成员与首次申请时一样没有改变,则无须提供家庭关系或亲属关系的证明文件。

b. The identification documents of the person to be visited and a proof of over 6 months' residence in Beijing as follows:


i. For applicant visiting a Chinese citizen: Beijing Household Register (or Temporary Residence Certificate of Beijing, Residence Permit or The Certificate of Work and Residence in Beijing) and Personal Identification Card.

i. 申请人访问中国公民: 北京户口簿(或北京临时居留证、居留证或北京工作居留证)和个人身分证。

ii. For applicant visiting an overseas Chinese: China passport, permanent resident permit of present residence country, a Registration Form of Temporary Residence with validity of over 6 months issued by the local police station of present residence in Beijing.


iii. For applicant visiting Hong Kong or Macao residents: valid Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents and a Registration Form of Temporary Residence with validity of over 6 months or Resident Permit For Hong Kong and Macao Residents issued by a local police station.

iii. 申请人来港澳旅游:有效的港澳居民内地旅游通行证及有效期超过六个月的临时居留登记表或当地派出所签发的港澳居民居留证。

IV. For applicant visiting Taiwan residents: valid Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents or Travel Document of People's Republic of China and a Registration Form of Temporary Residence with validity of over 6 months or Resident Permit For Taiwan Residents issued by a local police station.

IV.访问台湾居民的申请人: 有效的《台湾居民往来大陆通行证》或《中华人民共和国旅行证件》、有效期超过六个月的《临时居留登记表》或当地派出所签发的《台湾居民往来大陆通行证》。

V. For applicant visiting foreigner with permanent residence status in Beijing: the Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card in China.

V. 申请人来北京旅游的外国人: 外国人在中国的永久居留证件。

5. The applicants for fosterage shall submit the following documents:


a. Birth Certificate of the foster child.

a. 寄养儿童的出生证明。

b. Passports photocopies of the foster child's parents; if one or both of the parents are of Chinese nationality, photocopies of permanent resident permit of their residing foreign country shall be submitted additionally. 

b.领养子女的父母的护照复印件; 父母一方或者双方为中国国籍的,应当另外提交居住在外国的永久居留证复印件。

c. Certificate of Entrustment of the applicant's parents, in which the content shall include a trustee of foster care, or the appointed guardian and the foster period etc. 


d. Certificate of Trustee of the trustee of foster care.

d. 寄养受托人的受托人证明书。

e. The trustee's Beijing Household Register (Temporary Residence Certificate of Beijing, Residence Permit or The Certificate of Work and Residence in Beijing) and Personal Identification Card.


6. Applicants, who are aged above 18 and apply for residence permit with validity of more than 1 year, shall provide Verification Certificate of Medical Examination Records of Overseas Personnel issued by entry-exit health and quarantine institutions in China. The aforesaid verification certificate is valid for 6 months since the date of issuance.


Timeline for Application


Those who are under 18 or over 60 can apply for a residence permit with validity of no longer than 3 years and no less than 180 days (for those who are under 18, the expiration date can't exceed their 18th birthday). The others can apply for a residence permit with validity of no longer than 2 years and no less than 180 days.


Points for Attention


1. The applicant shall go through a face-to-face interview. However, for applicants who are aged under16 or above 60 and inconvenient to travel due to disability, or apply for an extension of residence permit, the relative of applicant or a particular service agency can submit the application on behalf of the applicant (a copy of the trustee's ID is required). Nonetheless, if the Exit-Entry Administration Department notifies the applicant that an interview is necessary, the applicant must go through the interview personally.


2. For the above-stated materials, the original documents need to be verified, and the photocopies submitted.


3. Any application material in foreign language (except English) should be translated into Chinese.

3. 任何外文申请材料(英文除外)应翻译成中文。

4. Applicant who doesn't nullify China's household registration should apply after the cancellation of household registration.


5. Foreigners under 18 who submit the application for the first time in China shall prepare the Birth Certificate or equivalent document, passports and permanent resident permit of parents and other relative documents as certification of nationality.


Legal Reminders


1. Where visas held by foreigners specify that foreigners need to apply for residence permits after entry, such foreigners shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply for foreigners' residence permits.


2. Foreigners residing in China who apply for the extension of the duration of residence shall file their applications at least 30 days prior to the expiry of the validity period on their residence permits.


3. During the period when the applicant's passport or other travel document is under legal custody of the exit-entry authority for the issuance of visa or resident permit, the applicant may, bearing the receipt notice of the application herein, travel and reside legally within the territory of China.


4. Where the registered item in a foreigner's residence permit has changed (the items shall include the bearer's name, sex, date of birth, reason for residence and duration of residence of the holder, date and place of issuance, passport number or other international travel documents number), the holder shall, within 10 days from the date of change, apply to the exit-entry administration of public security organ under the local people's government at or above the county level in the place of residence for going through the formalities for alteration.

4.外国人居留证登记项目变更的(应当包括持证人姓名、性别、出生日期、居住原因、居住期限、签发日期和地点、护照号码或者其他国际旅行证件号码) ,持证人应当自变更之日起十日内向居住地县级以上地方人民政府公安机关出入境管理部门申请办理变更手续。

5. The exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ may verify the purpose of application through such means as interview, telephone inquiry and on-the-spot investigation.


6. Decisions made by the exit-entry administration of public security organ on rejecting applications for extension or re-issuance of ordinary visa, or on not issuing foreigners' stay or residence permits or not extending the duration of residence shall be final.


The right to interpret this Instruction shall reside in the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.



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