博士申请 | 日内瓦大学招收机器学习和计算机视觉博士生(年薪35万)
AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!
University of Geneva
1. Master’s degree or an equivalent in one of the following domains: computer science, data science, electrical engineering, physics or mathematics;
2. Previous experience with machine learning, computer vision and signal/image processing;
3. Strong programming skills in Python with experience in TensorFlow, PyTorch or Keras that will be verified;
4. Strong verbal and written communication skills in English;
5. Strong analytical abilities and problem solving/troubleshooting skills.
1. Great learning opportunities;
2. Flexibility in research subjects;
3. Support and guidance to publish papers and attending top international machine learning, computer vision and image processing events;
4. Collaboration with academic and industrial partners;
5. Salary: about CHF 50’000 per year
The PhD position is funded up to 5 years. The successful applicants will be involved into a research project related to the development of machine learning and computer vision. The project concerns fundamental research on the development of new machine learning methods for universal image processing using recent generative models. Additionally, the project covers the development of new machine learning methods based on variational information bottleneck framework and self-learning. An important component of the project is a close collaboration with industry and access to real data.
The SIP group has a broad network of international collaboration and has excellent possibilities to organize scientific exchange visits and training. The SIP group has also a close collaboration with CERN in the domain of machine learning and is a part of Swiss SKA initiative.
As soon as possible
Applications should include a CV, recommendation letters (if any), diploma with grades, links to your publicly available projects, codes or publications (if any).Pre-selected candidates will be invited for a skype/zoom interview.
📪 ysvolos@unige.ch
📪 olga.taran@unige.ch
阿里巴巴达摩院对话智能团队|OPPO数据智能隐私计算团队|清华大学NLP实验室|百度ACG智慧城市事业部|字节跳动AI Lab|微软亚洲研究院深度与强化学习组|阿里巴巴达摩院决策智能实验室|元象唯思认知智能组|阿里巴巴淘系技术部|清华大学李涓子教授课题组|京东搜索检索团队|腾讯天衍实验室|远鉴科技|微软亚洲研究院机器学习组|字节跳动搜索团队
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AI 求职是「PaperWeekly」旗下聚焦人工智能领域的招聘平台,涵盖高校硕博招生、博士后招募、企业校招、社招、实习和内推等。