
博后招募 | 日本京都大学Ko Nishino教授组招募计算机视觉博士后

帮你找学校的 AI求职 2022-03-06


AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!

Kyoto University

Neural substrates dedicated to vision is said to occupy about 40 percent of the cerebral cortex. Realizing computer vision as a truly intelligent perceptual modality is fundamental for artificial intelligence, and would also inform our understanding of human visual intelligence. Towards computational visual intelligence, our research is focused on establishing the theoretical foundations and efficient implementations of computational methods for better understanding people, objects and scenes from their appearance in images and video, as well as the development of novel computational imaging systems that can see beyond what we see. 

Our lab started in April 2018 with PI Nishino’s return to Japan from the US. Please check out research and publication for samples of research conducted in our lab. You can find many of our code and data, too.


Several Postdoctoral Researcher positions are available in the computer vision lab led by Professors Ko Nishino and Shohei Nobuhara in the Department of Intelligence Science and Technogloy, School of Informatics, Kyoto University. Successful candidates will contribute to research on human behavior modeling, inverse rendering, scene understanding including material recognition, or new imaging modalities for computational photography. 

The research projects are funded by either Japan Society for The Promotion of Science or Japan Science and Technology Agency. Initial contract will be for two years with possible multiple one-year extensions. Salary is competitive for an academic position in Japan and to live comfortably in Kyoto. No teaching requirements and obligations. The lab is located in the heart of Kyoto.


1. PhD in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, or Machine learning;

2. Strong publication record in first-class computer vision journals and conferences;

3. Fluency in spoken and written English (Japanese not required).

How to Apply

Please send your CV, representative publications, research statement, and more than two references to kon@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp.


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AI 求职是「PaperWeekly」旗下聚焦人工智能领域的招聘平台,涵盖高校硕博招生、博士后招募、企业校招、社招、实习和内推等。



