北京内推 | Apple数据应用团队招聘因果推断方向数据科学实习生
AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!
Apple is a place where extraordinary people gather to do their best work. Our community is made up of every kind of individual: artists and designers, engineers and scientists, thinkers and doers. Together we create things and experiences people once couldn’t have imagined — and now can’t imagine living without. So if you’re excited by the idea of making a real impact, a career with Apple might be your dream job. Just be ready to dream big.岗位职责
1. Track, analyze, and report consumer offers, figure out what consumers are most concerned about
2. Analyze consumer electronics market size and consumer demand trends, including but not limited to smartphone, tablet, personal computer, wearables, etc.
3. Analyze retail online channel changes and support development of related route-to- market strategy
4. Evaluate program performance both qualitatively and quantitively, highlighting risks and opportunities
5. Participate in the development of projects to improve performance and efficiency
6. Help launch and track the implementation of pilot programs
1. Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD in Statistics, Economics, Mathematics, Data Scienceor related field
2. Solid understanding of experimental designs such as A/B testing and quasi experiments
3. Experience with causal inference, regression analysis, time series analysis, GLM, probability theory, etc.
4. Experience with machine learning modeling is a plus but not required• Excellent verbal and written communication skills, in both Mandarin Chinese andEnglish
5. Coding required: Python/R, SQL, etc.
6. Minimum commitment of 4 days on site/wk, at least 4 months (prefer 6+)
7. Position is on-site in Beijing, China
📪 m_hei@apple.com
小红书社区技术部|阿里巴巴淘系搜索算法团队|百度搜索策略部相关性团队|粤港澳大湾区数字经济研究院|中科院香港AI与Robotics创新中心|智源人工智能研究院|阿里巴巴CRO线|西湖大学学习与推理系统实验室|百度商业研发部模型团队|阿里达摩院决策智能实验室|同花顺问财团队|华为云算法创新Lab|智源人工智能研究院|淘系搜索算法技术团队|秘塔科技|美柚研究院|百度商业研发部|之江实验室|蓝箭航天|华为诺亚方舟实验室|腾讯微信事业群|快手商业化算法团队|阿里妈妈智能广告平台团队|群核前沿技术研究院|京东零售内容算法部|快手模型与应用部|小红书社区搜索组|IDEA研究院|美团平台研发团队|商汤智慧城市事业群|网易互娱AI Lab|微信技术架构部|Avolution.AI团队|百度搜索策略部|蚂蚁集团|阿里达摩院视觉技术实验室|海康威视研究院|阿里巴巴淘天集团|阿里达摩院对话智能团队
香港科技大学(广州)伍楷舜教授|西湖大学机器智能实验室|墨尔本大学Olya Ohrimenko教授|香港科技大学统计机器学习实验室|华为云-香港中文大学(深圳)|香港城市大学多尺度自动化与机器人实验室|北京大学可视化与可视分析实验室|佛罗里达大学邵尉老师|香港理工大学张晓革老师|新加坡国立大学张君宇老师|新加坡科技设计大学刘俊老师|香港中文大学(深圳)马晨昊老师|香港科技大学李烁辉老师|阿卜杜拉国王科技大学王帝老师|加州大学戴维斯分校石云鹏老师|英属哥伦⽐亚⼤学⼯程学院|香港中文大学陈玥老师|香港理工大学伍淦鸿老师|南方科技大学|石溪大学刘毅老师|清华大学交互式人工智能课题组|中科院香港创新研究院|香港理工大学MIND实验室|中科院视频内容安全团队|佛罗里达州立大学王广老师|西湖大学蓝振忠实验室|南洋理工大学张书豪老师|新加坡国立大学吴喆老师|北京大学卢宗青老师|芝加哥大学李恬老师|香港中文大学(深圳)刘桂良老师|佐治亚大学卢琴老师
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AI 求职是「PaperWeekly」旗下聚焦人工智能领域的招聘平台,涵盖高校硕博招生、博士后招募、企业校招、社招、实习和内推等。