
期刊动态 | 国际期刊《应用语言学研究方法》专题征稿

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Research Methods for Young Language Learners: New Perspectives

This Special Issue focuses on methodological innovations designed to address central but challenging questions in young language learners/YLL research, and how they facilitated the gathering of otherwise hard to elicit data.

Guest editors

Dr. Suzanne Graham, University of Reading, Institute of Education, UK, s.j.graham@reading.ac.uk Dr. Alison Porter, University of Southampton, UK, amp1g09@soton.ac.uk Dr. Pengchong (Anthony) Zhang, University of Reading, Institute of Education, UKanthony.zhang@reading.ac.uk

Special issue information:

The recent global trend for instructed second/foreign language learning to begin at an earlier age has been accompanied by a growth in research into the linguistic and non-linguistic development of young language learners, or YLL, defined here as learners aged 6 to 12 years. Increasingly, there is a recognition that the methods applied for older learners may be inappropriate for research into YLLs, for various reasons. Many research methods have been designed with fairly homogenous groups of adult learners in mind. The diversity presented by YLLs across language proficiency, literacy levels, attitudes towards language learning, and so on, makes the application of such methods potentially problematic. Therefore, traditional methods used with older learners may need to be modified in view of children’s less well-developed metacognitive and emotional profiles. Furthermore, given that language development in young learners in instructed, input-limited settings is slow, research instruments need to be sensitive enough to capture small changes over time. Additionally, more attention has been given to certain areas of YLL development than others, leaving new areas such as interaction with digital technology under-researched and under-resourced from a methodological perspective. This last point also applies to research instruments aimed at young learners of languages other than English.
Finally, questions of methodology should not be considered in isolation from the research questions they address. There remains a number of challenging, unanswered questions in respect of YLLs. For example, what is the nature and rate of development of linguistic knowledge and skills, of non-linguistic attributes, in input-poor classroom contexts; what factors influence that development; how do YLLs interact with the teaching and materials they encounter, and what learning occurs as a result and why? Those questions and others like them call for particular ‘investment’ on the part of the researcher to find ways to elicit data that may be difficult to gather because of the nature of YLLs.
This Special Issue therefore seeks to bring together papers that focus specifically on methodological innovations designed to address central but challenging questions in YLL research, and how they facilitated the gathering of otherwise hard to elicit data. While the focus of contributions must be on the methodology used and not on the substantive issue itself, the link between the two must be made clear. Submissions should therefore focus on the development of rigorous, ethical and sensitive research methods that enable central questions to be addressed and that take into account the uniqueness and diversity of young language learners, and new forms of pedagogy that they may experience. Contributions from early career researchers are especially welcome.

Manuscript submission information:

Interested authors should also refer to the RMAL website and author guidelines for details concerning the scope of the journal and the submission process.The deadline for submissions is16th May 2024.


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