
Can You Read These Tricky Chinese Tongue Twisters?

GICexpat 2021-02-23

 this tricky Chinese tongue twister (绕口令, ràokǒulìng)?


nà biān huá lái yì sōu chuán,


zhè biān piāo qù yì zhāng chuáng,


chuán chuáng hé zhōng hù xiāng zhuàng, 


bù zhī chuán zhuàng chuáng, 


hái shì chuáng zhuàng chuán.

Did you catch the meaning? If you think this tongue twister is about a boat (船chuán) and a bed (床 chuáng) bumping into each other (互相撞 hù xiāng zhuàng) in a river (河 hé)then you're absolutely right! 

Now, watch as Guilin locals try to pronounce this tongue twister while following CLI’s Zicong 老师 through beautiful Guilin. 

If you like tongue twisters, be sure to stay tuned for our next 绕口令 video. In the meantime, hone your speaking skills by enrolling in CLI's custom Chinese lessons

Oh, and don't forget... 

Message "bayuehuodong" to CLI's official WeChat account and receive 8 online one-on-one hours for $80! Limited to first-time students. Offer valid until August 31, 2020. 


~ The CLI Team 

The above contents are provided by Studycli.

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What are some of your favorite Mandarin phrases and buzzwords! Comment below!

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