
Woman lost 60 thousand yuan because of a WeChat message!

GiCexpat team GICexpat 2021-01-23

A woman named Xiaoyu in Suzhou, Jiangsu made a promise on WeChat and lost 60 thousand yuan.

What happened?

Xiaoyu and her ex-husband Dahai agreed to divorce in 2018. The two signed a divorce agreement, under which the husband agreed to pay Xiaoyu 60,000 yuan by the end of 2019.

In July 2018, their relationship got better. On a message sent via WeChat, Xiaoyu invited Dahai to travel, but Dahai refused because he was saving money and paying off his debts. Replying to this, Xiaoyu said on WeChat that "I don't want the 60,000 yuan now".

Later on, their relationship deteriorated, with both parties litigated over the 60,000 yuan.

In court, Dahai showed Xiaoyu's message to the judge which says: "You don't need to pay me 60,000 yuan, as I told you at that time." Dahai then concluded that Xiaoyu had voluntarily given up her claim and refused to pay her 60,000 yuan.

The judge asked both sides to operate WeChat in court and read WeChat chat records.

According to an assistant judge at Suzhou Wujiang district people's court, what the woman said on WeChat constituted a legal debt relief, so the court finally ruled that the man was not required to pay the woman the 60,000 yuan.

The court reminded everyone: "Regarding WeChat chats,  if the other party on the WeChat or other forms of electronic evidence agrees to give up his or her right over any claim,  we can put the chat record as evidence submitted to the court. Knowing that, we must learn to keep good evidence."

Since May 1, 2020, WeChat and other chat records have been legally incorporated into electronic data and can be used as evidence in civil lawsuits.

However, there are two premises for the chat record as evidence: one is to prove that it is the parties involved who produced the chat record; the other is the integrity of the WeChat chat record, which can reflect the real intention of the parties .

When you chat on WeChat, QQ and other communication tools, be careful!

Editor: Crystal H

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