
Urgent notice: suspend and tighten these immediately!

GICexpat 2021-10-29


Authorities on Saturday asked to epidemic prevention and control measures in the culture and tourism industry.

The circuit breaker mechanism for trans-provincial tourism should be enforced vigorously, said the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in a circular.

Tour group size needs to be put under strict control and operation of tourist trains is suspended as of Saturday, said the ministry.

Travel agencies and online travel enterprises are not allowed to operate group travel and "air ticket + hotel" business, not in any form to make changes.


The circular also asked for stringent disinfection of indoor spaces, and no place shall be left unchecked. 

Northwest China’s Gansu Province has suspended all tourism activities in a circuit-breaker measure after spiking COVID-19 cases, with all tourists in Lanzhou, where most COVID-19 cases in the province were reported, required to stay in wherever place they were and being quarantined. 

The province decided to adopt circuit-breaker measures to further tighten epidemic control. Tourism and health departments in the province jointly announced on Saturday that the province will suspend all tourism activities, close off all scenic spots, amusement and cultural performance venues and cinemas. All kinds of performances, exhibitions and clustered activities were suspended. 

This measure is in line with requirements released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Saturday. It requires travel agencies, in a circuit-breaker measure, to suspend cross-provincial tourism activities in regions that contain medium- or high-risk areas. 


Editor: Crystal H


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