
What things do you want to take back to home country from China?

GICexpat 2022-03-14

After living in China for many years now, there are things that expats do not know that can live without – these are some of those things.

1. High-Speed Rail 

How awesome is high-speed rail in China? 

Many people just cannot express how incredible this is.
2. Efficient metros/subways, etc

Clean, bright, efficient and modern subway stations in China.

3. Fruit shops everywhere

It is incredibly easy to buy fresh fruit and vegetables from pretty much anywhere.

The quality is normally very good, the price is very reasonable and the range covers everything you might need to pick up quickly on your way home.  4. safety  

You don't think twice about walking home alone at 2 AM

China is widely accepted as one of the safest countries to live in, as evidenced by a 24.3% drop in its number of criminal cases between 2016 and 2019. This improvement was announced in a work report published on Monday by the State Council on the law enforcement of public security organs during an ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature.

The case number of crimes against property, including theft and robbery, fell 48.5%.

There are security checkpoints in every train and subway facility across the country! China has also banned the use of guns and drugs.

5. E-commerce

You can buy ANYTHING on these websites, and the customer service is usually brilliant. The fact that you can get stuff shipped to you across the country in 24 hours is incredible. Super fast and good delivery service.

Discuss: What would you want to take home with you?

Editor: CH


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