
Not wearing a mask suspected of breaking the law in this place

GICexpat 2022-04-01


On the evening of March 30, Zhengzhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court, Zhengzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate and Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau jointly issued the Notice on Severe Punishment for Violation of Epidemic Prevention and Control Offenses according to Law.

During the period of epidemic prevention and control: refusing to scan the registration code when in public places, not wearing masks as required, refusing to participate in the unified organization of nucleic acid testing, deliberately concealing the itinerary, and companies or market entities not fulfilling their responsibilities for epidemic prevention and control.

These five types of behaviors that hinder the prevention and control of the epidemic will be considered as "refusal to implement the decisions and orders issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law in case of emergency.


It will be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishment; if it causes the spread of the new coronavirus or has a serious risk of spreading, and is suspected of obstructing the prevention and control of infectious diseases, criminal responsibility will be investigated in accordance with the provisions of Article 330 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China."


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