Fishburners China Startups Program
--Accelerate your startup's growth
The Fishburners China Startups Program (called FishProgram) exists to support the most promising startups through mentoring from experts, assistance with media exposure and a final equity investment of CNY ¥3,000,000.
Since launching in 2020, around 40 startups actively engaged in the program, 11 teams have been supported to accelerate their projects and enterprises. Each semester, we accept startups from all over the world, successful startup teams gain one-on-one access to industry mentors and advisors, a database of entrepreneurship resources, networking events and media exposure.经过1个月至3个月的创业营指导,入营团队将迎来最终的选拔,在完成展示项目的进展与成果之后,(数量不限的)优胜队伍将会有机会获得300万人民币的股权投资和后续一系列的孵化服务。
After 3 months mentoring period, the program culminates in the finale, where finalist teams present their progress for the chance to receive CYN ¥3,000,000 equity investment funding and a range of bespoke coaching and support opportunities.
- 媒体曝光与支持 (包括分享创业故事FishStories)- 线上、线下创业活动 (包括飞仕创坛FishTalk)- 后续孵化及大师班培训 (Peter Davison参与)
The program is open to startups and enterprises from the worlds that willing to start their business in Hangzhou, China.
Prepare your Business plan, Founders’ CV and other supporting documentsStep2: Online applicationSend these documents to:BP@fishbn.comEach semester, the top 10 startups will be invited to talk about their ideas to the Voting Mentors they will vote on which teams will make it into the program.
Contact our account manager for more info
上一期创业营4个项目通过了技术评审,他们是Planet Venus, Frethan, SME 和,由衷的希望每只队伍最后都能通过投委会走到最后!
There were 4 teams pass the technical review of the 3rd Fishburners China Startups Program, they are: Planet Venus, Frethan, SME and We hope each project will pass through the investment committee and successfully be funded.