
Photos | A Student-Led CIS Talent Show! 精彩图集:学生会主办CIS年度达人秀

CISGZ CIS广州加拿大国际学校 2022-04-30


Being young is a synonym of change, progress and future. Being young is, ultimately, facing challenges and creating or recreating a space for future full development. It means turning problems into opportunities and solutions and being the driving force of society. 




Young people represent our future. At CIS, we know that our students are society’s main agents of change and progress. Our motto ‘Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow’ reminds us every single day that our students have a voice, and that as a school, we must provide opportunities for student-led activities and foster a leadership culture in which students are encouraged to make positive impact on the school community. 

As representatives of our students, the CIS Student Council worked collaboratively with their peers to plan, design and host a talent showcase for our CIS community: CIS Got Talent! From planning, scheduling, applications, auditions, rehearsals and more, CIS Student Council Culture Committee truly rose to the challenge, learnt how to overcome obstacles and ultimately grow as leaders.

Due to recent COVID protocols, parents joined via live stream for the entire talent show. Congratulations to all our wonderful performers! Our wonderful judges had a difficult task choosing just four champions. In their exact words, everyone was a winner today! A huge thanks to our CIS Student Council Culture Committee for a successful show! You have embodied our motto: Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow, showing us that the youth of today are indeed our future leaders and changemakers of tomorrow. 




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