Nature Communications: 一种环境友好可回收可降解的粘合剂
We are replacing current materials that are not degradable with something better for the environment while still maintaining the properties we expect from a performance standpoint, we can have both, we just have to be smart about how we do it.
--Mark W.Grinstaff
The key ingredient is CO2, so it’s a win for the environment and a win for the consumer, as it can potentially lower the price of goods since CO2 is a cheap raw material.
-- Anjeza Beharaj
This represents goodprogress toward making products greener, which should be a priority for thescientific community right now.-- Ethan Z. McCaslin
The question rightnow is finding the best application, and we’ll start by learning what the needs are from different communities. People in the surgical field will have a different idea than someone in packaging, but we can address both markets.-- Mark W. Grinstaff