HOW 新展 | 文字的文字的文字的 A rose is a rose is a rose
—— 许慎《说文解字》
昊美术馆(温州)将于12月21日向公众呈现的新展《文字的文字的文字的》是一个强调文字作为图像主体的展览。展览中文标题借用了回文诗词序回环往复的造句方法,在重复中回返。展览的英文标题来自诗人、小说家、理论家格特鲁德·斯泰因(Gertrude Stein)的一句名言 “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” 中演变而来,意指在认知的法则中,物自身与再现的形式之间辩证关系。
徐震®,《发誓要说真话,全部真话,只说真话...?》,2016,镜面不锈钢,铁链,260 × 420 cm,图片致谢艺术家和没顶画廊
Artist:James Carl, Cosmo Dean & Trevor Wheatley, He An, Jeppe Hein, Christine Sun Kim, Stefan Sagmeister & Jessica Walsh & Santiago Carrasquilla, Shi Wenhua, Shi Yong, Wang Bo, Lawrence Weiner, XU ZHEN®, Yao Dajun, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Zhang Ding
Curator:Zhou XinVenue:No.1, East Jiangbin Road, Wenzhou (ONEHOME H.S ART HOTEL)
Jeppe Hein, YOU ARE ALREADY EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO BE, 2016, Powder coated aluminium, neon tubes, two-way mirror, powder coated steel, transformers, 100 x 100 x 10 cm, Courtesy the artist, KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin, 303 GALLERY, New York, and Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen
HOW Art Museum (Wenzhou) is pleased to announce its upcoming group exhibition “A rose is a rose is a rose”, which opens on December 21st, 2019. This exhibition is an attempt to reposition the relationship between the word and the image, and to emphasize the word as the subject of the image itself. The Chinese title of the exhibition, literally translated into English as “the words of the words of the words...”, is conceived as a palindrome (huiwen) poem, which always returns to itself in its composed structure. The English title of the exhibition borrows from the famous quote "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose" by the poet, novelist and literary theorist Gertrude Stein, referring to the dialectical relationship between the object itself and its representation.
James Carl, Content 1.0, 2002, Font, book, CD, Courtesy the artist
Most of the artists participating in the exhibition work with semantics, symbolism, and the phonology of the word. Either through a direct statement or different juxtaposition and re-arrangement of the “words”, the artists look at the literal text as a ready-made product, and used a variety of materials (metal, neon lights, polysterene, computational images, etc) to attach different meanings to the rearranged text/image. Through the act of paraphrasing, collages, cynicism, statements, the artists directly or indirectly express his/her judgement of the reality, or to show one kind of emotion, or to reflect on the future of Chinese writing in the respective works. This is a thematic exhibition that can be too messy or absolutely monotonous, and therefore switches back and forth between a rich and even redundant information overload and another crisp black and white hue.
Stefan Sagmeister & Jessica Walsh & Santiago Carrasquilla, Actually Doing the Things I Set Out to Do Increases My Overall Level of Satisfaction, 2012, room installation with a bicycle on an aluminium pedestal, neon writing, metal fittings for mounting the neon glass, neon writing, approx. 546 x 965cm, Courtesy the artists
Lawrence Weiner, IN & OUT OF PLACE CARRIED BY ITS OWN WEIGHT, 2011, cat. no. 1047, language and materials referred to, Dimensions Variables, Courtesy the artist and Mai 36 Galerie Zurich
“Word”, either in its spoken and written form, is an ancient method of information transmission, a carrier of historical records, and is also considered as an invention in the history of technological evolution. In the general contemporary visual experience, the word comes in the form of subtitles, voice-overs, advertising slogans, plain texts, captions, prefaces, and curatorial statements. The words attach meanings, and so is of value, and helps communication. The word can be edited, typeset, bolded, italicized, copied, pasted, and is the name of Microsoft's iconic software. In this exhibition, the viewer does not see the object pointed to by the "named" words, rather, words are just words and they proliferate. Here, the word is fixed. It can be without meanings, but it is placed in the foreground, like an image to make itself visible.
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