“cheer up flowers 送你花”荣获北京设计博览会月桂奖
“cheer up flowers 送你花”是一项公益行动,意在缓解疫情过后的紧张情绪。出发点很简单,希望通过免费的送花活动,建设人与人之间的信任,找回对生活的正面情绪。该公益行动设计希望通过一个普通的行动介入到细微的日常生活中,从一个微笑开始改善。
了解更多活络项目信息:城市元气+88888888!| 摆(ba)摊(te)头(dhou)
活络(Acts and Pathways)是一家跨学科空间设计事务所,致力于为城市空间注入活力。我们关注社会问题和当代文化,优先考虑那些从内容到形式都需要量身定制的城市空间项目。活络的创始人是设计师与策展人,团队由多样化学科背景的成员组成,我们的工作方法从针对特定空间的故事及其使用人群行为的研究开始,主张设计成果没有固定的形式或风格。活络的创意实践为空间、地点、活动、建筑等设计项目提供区别于传统空间实践的新思考。
Acts and Pathways is a spatial practice which takes a multi-disciplinary approach to design, it aims to inject metropolitan areas with vitality. We focus mainly on contemporary culture and society as a whole, prioritizing urban spatial projects that demand to be tailored in both content and form. Founded by a designer and a curator the team at Acts and Pathways also come from many different backgrounds. The team approaches spaces by fusing in-depth research with latent narratives, focusing on the spatial experiences of inhabitants without emphasizing any signature form or style. Our creative practices, which bare stark contrast to that of traditional spatial design, shape a new mode of thinking about places, spaces, events, and buildings.
中国 上海 黄浦区陕西南路39弄83号, 200020NO.83, Lane 39, South Shanxi RoadHuangpu District, Shanghai, China, 200020
+86 (0) 21 64458212 hello@actsandpathways.comactsandpathways.com