新展预告 | BLANKgallery 潘小荣、孙玥双个展 : 回响 Reverberation
展期 | Date2023/04/08-05/08
策展人 | Curator邹一智 Zou Yizhi, 钱秦运 Blanca Qian
开幕时间 | Private View
2023/04/08 16:00-18:30
地点 | Venue上海普陀区莫干山路50号M50艺术园17号楼102室 102, Building 17, M50 Art Park, No.50 Moganshan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai
BLANKgallery荣幸宣布将于2023年4月8日呈现潘小荣和孙玥的双个展:“回响 Reverberation”。本次展览将呈现两位艺术家本年度创作的全新作品,潘小荣的绘画作品和孙玥的陶艺作品将构成复合视角的观展动线,探索诗性意识的有机形态,立体抒发两位艺术家对于生命存在的精神观察。展览将于4月8日下午4点开幕, 展览将持续到2023年5月8日。
BLANKgallery is pleased to announce a duet exhibition by Pan Xiaorong and Sun Yue: "Reverberation" on April 8, 2023. The exhibition will present new works created by the two artists this year. Pan Xiaorong's paintings and Sun Yue's ceramics will form a composite view of the exhibition, exploring the organic form of poetic consciousness and expressing their spiritual observation of life's existence in three dimensions. The exhibition will open at 4 pm on April 8 and will run until May 8, 2023.
潘小荣 Pan Xiaorong, 自由的形状 The Shape of Freedom,2022,布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas.
“微粒场”,一个艺术,上海(2019);“继续——M50创意园二十周年特展”,香格纳画廊,上海(2019);“新抽象——第二回展”,HdM画廊,北京(2019);“和维画廊&HADRIEN DE MONTFERRAND画廊@第四届香港巴塞尔艺术展”,香港会议展览中心,中国香港(2016);“Small is Beautiful”,Jewelvary Art and Boutique,上海(2015);“对流——全息的上海创作实录”,上海韩国文化馆,上海(2015);“复象的幽灵”,玉衡艺术中心,上海(2015)
重要机构收藏: M+希克收藏
现场|BLANKgallery群展:春潮 Spring Blooming
Pan Xiaorong (b.1985) was born in Jiangxi Province and currently lives and works in Shanghai. 2004-2008, he studied at the Oil Painting Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. He also studied under the supervision of renowned artist Ding Yi and was a finalist in the 2009 Creative M50 Award for Creative Emerging Artists.
Main exhibitions
“Grain Field”, ANART, Shanghai, China(2019); “Continuance——The 20th Anniversary Special Exhibition of M50”, ShanghART, Shanghai, China(2019); “New Abstraction: Chapter 2”, HdM Gallery, Beijing, China(2019); “Small is Beautiful”, Jewelvary Art and Boutique, Shanghai, China(2015); “Between Two Waves – Holographic Creation in Shanghai”, KOREAN CULTURAL CENTER, Shanghai, China(2015);“The Spectres”, Alioth Art Center, Shanghai, China(2015)
Institutional Collection: M+ Sigg Collection
孙玥 Sun Yue, 声的身体 The Body of Sound,2022,缸泥炻器 Hand-built stoneware ceremic.
Courtesy of BLANKgallery
孙玥1991年出生于中国辽宁,现居杭州。本科就读于清华大学美术学院服装设计专业,后赴美国Parsons School of Design at New School学习,2017年获得Fine Arts纯艺术专业MFA艺术硕士学位。2018年成立Key-Craft陶艺工作室,进行个人陶艺创作实践至今。
“回响Reverberation 潘小荣·孙玥双个展”, BLANKgallery, 上海(2022); “春潮 Spring Blooming群展” ,BLANKgallery,上海(2022);“世界的额头 孙玥·张小英双个展”,现所,上海(2022);“欢乐的时光并不总是短暂的 覃钰玲·孙玥双个展”,Gallery Where,北京(2022);“曲直·艺术与设计的孪生”,真宝艺术基金会,上海(2022);“卷宗Wallpaper”,“Co-Made 可美了”合作项目,上海(2022);“明州问陶——2022宁波国际(中日韩)当代青年陶艺家作品展”,中国港口博物馆,宁波(2022);“自然形态”,20C Gallery,上海(2022);“倒影中的花圃”,Doya Space,杭州(2021);“沙之书个人展览”,那云,杭州(2020); “Loewe Artbox Shanghai”,嘉里中心,上海(2020)
正在展出 Current Exhibition
在上海创立以来,BLANKgallery以中国新兴艺术家为主,放眼至亚洲及全球,持续呈现具有实验性及前瞻性的展览和项目。在尝试突破策展手法和思维的同时,发掘、聚集新生代具有创造力和潜力的先锋艺术家,跳脱形式局限,鼓励多元媒介及不同表现方式交融冲击,亦推动与其它艺文领域的跨界合作,思考探索当代艺术的更多可能性, 及其参与在当下社会浪潮中散发的光与热。