OPEN CALL | 挑战与机遇: 特展作品征集 Calling for Artworks
挑战与机遇: 特殊时期作品展
宏艺空间四号馆 Great Art Space 4
Great Art Space is pleased to invite all artists to apply for the exhibition
Challenges and Changes:
Art in the Special Times
for December 2020. The exhibition aims to present diverse reactions by artists to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
• 宏艺空间承办群展并推广作品 *
• 画廊选择奖: 参展艺术家将有机会获得一定额度奖金,以支持创作 *
宏艺空间3号馆 Great Art Space 3
• Great Art Space hosts the exhibition and promotes the artworks *
• Great Art Space will reward 1 - 2 participating artists financially as special appreciation *
• 作品须因疫情而响应创作或主题相关
• 须为不限材料与尺寸的架上当代艺术作品
• 创作者为不限制年龄或国籍的职业艺术家
• Applying artworks shall be a visual response to the pandemic in 2020
• Accept only paintings with no material or size limitation
• Open to full-time artists in all age and with all nationality
①参展作品高清图附注释 + ②个人简历 + ③一般作品集
Please send application includes:
① HQ Images of Applying Artworks with Full Caption + ② Artist Resume + ③ Portfolio
Looking forward to Your Application!
咨询电话 Inquiry Phone:138 2333 5003
展览名称 | 挑战与机遇: 特殊时期作品展
展览时间 | 2020年12月至2021年1月
展览地址 | 宏艺空间 4号馆,深圳市大中华国际金融中心
Exhibition Title | Challenges and Changes: Art in the Special Times
Exhibition Dates | December 2020 to Janurary 2021
Exhibition Venue | Great Art Space, IFC, Shenzhen
* 详细参展政策将见于特展参展手册,宏艺空间保留解释权
* Full Participation Policy in Special Exhibition Guidebook