
新展预告 | 慢慢来:冯仕恒岩彩个展 Piano piano by Feng Shiheng

慢慢来 冯仕恒岩彩个展

开幕 | 2020年9月19日 下午3 - 5点

展期 | 2020年9月19日 - 11月15日

展址 | 宏藝空間4号馆





“Piano piano”其实是意大利语,他代表着慢城文化——慢慢来。现代社会是一个追求效率的社会,吃的要快,走的要快,工作的速度要快。我们被告诫每一分每一秒都是珍贵的。而正是因为时间是宝贵的,为什么要任由时间来掌握我们的生活,为什么不慢下来,沉浸在当下,享受生活的内涵。慢慢来,细密的思考,与身边的人分享美好的瞬间,尝试用自己的速度生活。慢活未必要在慢城,可以在城市的任一个角落让自己跟随自我的节奏生活。


天青青3,  2020,  岩彩、木板  

Blue sky3, Rock colour on board, 23x30cm

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Piano piano 

by Feng Shiheng 

Opening | 3 - 5 pm, 19th September, 2020

Dates | 19th September - 15th November, 2020

Address | Great Art Space No.4

No.1003 Shennan Avenue, Futian, Shenzhen

“Human beings must have the wisdom to liberate themselves from being limited by speed, which reduces them to an endangered species."

                                                                                                                                   ——Carlo Petrini

GREAT ART SPACE is pleased to invite artist Feng Shiheng to hold the solo exhibition "Piano Piano", which is centred around the concept of the slow city and will be located at Great Art Space No.4. The concept of Slow City comes from the Slow Food movement, it is also a lifestyle has been promoted by a non-profit organization founded in Italy to slow down the pace of urban life, especially by reducing the use of space and the flow of traffic to improve the quality of life. The "Slow City" is not a city, but a new model of urban life, which represents a good state of living, more elegant, leisurely and relaxed. Slow is not lazy in the imagination, but a kind of sincere approach to life.

"Piano piano" actually is Italian, it represents the culture of “Slow city” —— take one’s time, slowly and slowly. Modern society is a society of efficiency, eat fast, walk fast, and work fast. We are warned that every second is precious. And because of this preciousness of time, why are we letting it take control of our lives, why not slow down, immerse yourself at the moment and enjoy what life has to offer. Take your time, think carefully, share the beautiful moments with those around you, and try to live at your own pace. Slow life doesn't have to be in a slow city, you can live in any corner of the city and let yourself follow your own rhythm.

The rock colour works of Feng Shiheng carry such a "slow city" quality. In her works, you can feel the slow movement of time, riding home on a scooter at sunset, or doing yoga in the morning light, the wind blowing through the moon and forest, even the small animals in her paintings are more lovely. You can always calm your heart down by looking at her works.


The shore and the other shore, Rock colour on paper, 90x120 cm

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Exhibition Overview


The exhibition is divided into three parts: the artist's living room, the artist's garden, and a small city. In the artist's living room you can sit on the living room sofa and read, or listen to the artist's song list on the desk to feel the artist's creative state. In the artist's garden you will see the plants that we have cultivated, you can adopt the plant seedlings and take them home, or you can sit on the wooden table with a cup of flower tea and spend a leisurely afternoon. In the small town you will see the artist's thinking around the relationship between people and people, people and the nature. You can also sit on a bench and think like the artist.

生命树,  2018,  岩彩、纸本、木框

the Tree of Life, rock colour, paper, wooden frame, 90x120cm

一座小城, 2020, 岩彩、纸本、木框

a small city, rock colour on paper, wooden frame, 75x80cm



Take your time, it's quicker, and truly enjoy the joy of your life.


延伸阅读 Read More:


No.1003 Shennan Ave, Futian, Shenzhen

138 2333 5003, 免费参观 Free entry

开放时间 Opening Time

周一 Mon 13:00-19:00

周二至周日 Tue-Sun 10:00-19:00

