
宏藝新展|梦 · 江湖 —— 水振基个展 Dream Jiang-hu by Shui Zhenji

宏藝空間 GREAT ART SPACE宏藝空間 2022-12-03

梦 · 江湖
Dream Jiang-hu

Shui Zhenji Solo Exhibition

展期 Date | 2022/2/26 - 2022/4/17
展址 ADD | 宏藝空間4号馆
No.1003 Shennan Avenue, Futian, Shenzhen

时隔三年,宏藝空間很荣幸再次举办水振基个展「梦 · 江湖」,呈现其全新创作于2021-2022年的布面油画、纸本以及雕塑作品共计20余件。 以笔为刀的水振基,将自己的生活纪事与潜意识世界联结起来,并借由创作折射出他个人的江湖。在水振基的作品中,我们既能找寻被时代尘垢之下的上古或中原,也能发现一些潜伏在梦境中的当下与现实,以此触碰和超越不同层次的时空。

水振基 Shui Zhenji, 保持清醒 Stay Awake, 2022纸本综合材料 Mixed media on paper, 34 x 34 cm

 水振基的油画作品线条与色彩粗狂凛冽,充满野性。出土文物的质地般厚重感的颜料涂抹,隔着远古时期漫长距离感的元素形象,视觉扭曲但取自当代的怪诞题材,都犹如一个个刺点击中你的凝视与知觉延伸。 水振基不断在布面油画、纸本综合材料、以及雕塑这些不同材料和表现形式之间来回探索。纸本的通透包容,水墨和丙烯的相互交融,雕刻的立体维度,搭配他极具个人语言的构图和潇洒线条,呈现出沉稳但生动有趣的新鲜画面,极具故事性。

水振基 Shui Zhenji, 降落地球 Landing on Earth, 2022纸本综合材料 Mixed media on paper, 34 x 34 cm


水振基 Shui Zhenji, 依靠 Leaning, 2020木雕 Woodcarving, H 25 cm

Great Art Space is pleased to present Dream Jiang-hu by Shui Zhenji. After three years, Great Art Space will show Shui Zhenji’s works again by presenting his most recent works of oil on canvas, paper work and sculpture which was created in 2021-2022, totaling more than 20 pieces. Using pen as a sword, Shui Zhenji connects his experiences with the subconscious world, he reflects his personal Jianghu through his creation. In Shui’s works, we can not only experience the ancient times or Central Plains beneath the grime of time, but also find the reality hidden in the dreams, through which, to touch and transcend different levels of time and space.

水振基 Shui Zhenji, 山林 The Forest, 2021布面油彩 Oil on canvas, 25 x 30 cm

 Shui Zhenji’s oil paintings are full of wild lines and colors. The heavy pigment coating of the unearthed cultural relics, the figures and images from early ancient times, and the grotesque themes of the present day with distorted vision, are all like the extension of your gaze and perception in one prick and click. Shui Zhenji continues to explore between different materials and forms of expression, such as oil on canvas, mixed materials on paper, and sculptures. His imaginative works present a calm but vivid picture with the transparency and inclusiveness of paper, the integration of ink and acrylic, and the three-dimensional dimension of sculpture by combining with his composition and lines with his own unique insights.

水振基 Shui Zhenji, 无法呼吸 Can't Breath, 2021木板综合材料 Mix media on board, 100 x 60 cm

Instead of being sweet and romantic, Shui Zhenji prefers to reveal people’s inner pain or something more obscure, which is, anxiety or self emotion that people usually do not want to confront. After being removed from this mood, Shui Zhenji depicts the rough and blurred images of people, mountains, stars, beasts and alien creatures that we see. Through these dream-like visions, Shui Zhenji describes the doubtful, nostalgic, lonely and warm world and life in his eyes.


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深圳市福田区深南大道1003号1楼No.1003 Shennan Ave, Futian, Shenzhen138 2333 5003, 免费参观 Free entry
开放时间 Opening Time周一 Mon 13:00-19:00周二至周日 Tue-Sun 10:00-19:00

