论文快递: 第一百八十七期
Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!
本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百八十七期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括周边地方自治主义,中国流动人口的继续迁移,关怀基础设施,城市转型的能动性,标志性建筑与城市身份,欢迎阅读。
Towards variegated ‘Peripheral Municipalisms’: The experience of Valparaíso and Recoleta, Chile
AbstractIn the context of a renewed interest in new forms of municipalism, this paper seeks to contribute by critically analysing two cases of the municipal experience in Chile: Valparaíso and Recoleta. By coining the notion of ‘Peripheral Municipalisms’, our aim is to give voice to a diversity of municipal endeavours in the Global South marked by highly precarious forms of local government. In both case studies, municipalist strategies are used as tools to challenge deep-rooted neoliberal structures. Through a qualitative methodology, based mainly on document analysis and semi-structured interviews, we analyse particular forms of municipalism based on the remunicipalisation of public services and broad-based citizen platforms. These institutional reforms and participatory practices have enabled more just futures by challenging dependency on central government and building a more egalitarian urban process. The article calls for more situated studies on municipalist forces in the Global South in order to continue building this translocal movement from comparative experiences, going beyond ‘model cases’.
在人们对各种新式地方自治主义重新产生兴趣的背景下,本文试图通过批判性地分析智利这个城镇瓦尔帕莱索 (Valparaíso) 和雷科莱塔 (Recoleta) 的地方自治实证案例来对此进行研究。第三世界国家还是以高度不稳定的地方政府形式为特征,通过创造“周边地方自治主义”的概念,我们旨在为第三世界国家多样化的地方自治主张发声。在这两个案例研究中,地方自治主义战略都被用作挑战根深蒂固的新自由主义结构的工具。通过主要基于文件分析和半结构化访谈的定性方法,我们分析了基于公共服务再公有化和基础广泛的公民平台的特定形式的地方自治主义。这些制度改革和参与式实践通过挑战对中央政府的依赖,以及构建更加平等的城市化进程,实现了更加公正的未来。本文呼吁对第三世界国家的地方自治主义力量进行更多情境化研究,以便超越“典型案例”,根据比较经验继续开展这种跨区域运动。
cosmopolitan municipalism, local governments, new municipalism, peripheral municipalisms, peripheral urbanisation
Patterns of onwards migration within the urban hierarchy of China: Who moves up and who moves down?
This paper examines onwards migration patterns and the factors that influence them in urban China. In contradiction to Ravenstein’s laws of step migration, we argue that movement up the urban hierarchy does not dominate onwards migration in the Chinese context. Using the 2017 China Migrants Dynamic Survey, we model how past migratory experiences intersect with migrants’ demographic and socio-economic characteristics to explain the stay-versus-move decision and who moves up as well as who moves down within China’s urban hierarchy. The general pattern of China’s domestic migration is a movement up the urban hierarchy in the first migration and a movement down in onwards migration. We identify a transition-levels effect whereby the larger the difference between the hukou-registered place and the first migration city in the urban hierarchy, the greater the probability of onwards migration, with the effect manifesting most strongly for less-educated, mid-age (the 1970s and 1980s birth cohorts) migrants with rural origins. As to onwards migration direction, mixed results were found for migrants’ demographic and socio-economic characteristics whereas educational level and the transition-levels effect are both highly predictive of movement up and down the urban hierarchy. Our findings suggest that ‘jumping too high’ in previous migration(s) predicts a greater likelihood of moving down the urban hierarchy in response to insurmountable obstacles to settling in cities classified as large and above. Our research advances migration scholarship by considering the multipolar nature of onwards migration and offering an integrated approach to analysis that foregrounds the causes and effects of multiple-step migration.
onwards migration, past migratory experiences, selectivity, transition-levels effect, urban hierarchy
继续迁移, 过去的迁移经历, 选择性, 过渡水平效应, 城市层级
Care commons: Infrastructural (re)compositions for life sustenance through yet against regimes of chronic crisis
AbstractInfrastructures constitute key sites in the contemporary crisis regime. Emerging infrastructural configurations, particularly in the urban setting, are raising questions about the possibilities and challenges that these transformations may bring regarding more just and sustainable modes of social provision. Attention is being drawn to the grassroots, where experiments with novel forms of organisation are bringing about new collective contexts and political conceptions. In this context, infrastructure has been proposed as a concept to both examine contemporary crises and devise ways to cope with breakdown that can gesture towards living alternatives at the service of life. In this article, I engage this debate through an ethnographic study of two grassroots initiatives in Athens (Greece) intervening in the realm of life sustenance. I will show that these people-driven initiatives (re)compose networked infrastructures in ways that advance organisational modes of social provision different to institutions, and forms of political engagement and possibility. They do so by infrastructuring care through commoning. I will argue that infrastructural systems of care commons contribute to an infrastructural imagination that moves away from modern ideals towards values of relationality, conductivity, care and repair, which may nurture a transformative politics for a world in crisis, yet against crisis regimes.
基础设施是当代危机机制中的关键场所。新兴的基础设施配置,特别是在城市环境中的基础设施配置,令人对这些转型可能带来的机会和挑战产生了疑问,其涉及更公正和可持续的社会供应模式。人们的注意力正在被吸引到草根阶层。草根阶层对新的组织形式的实验正在带来新的集体处境和政治观念。在这种情况下,有人提议将基础设施作为一个概念来审视当代危机并设计出应对崩溃的方法,这些方法可以提供其它生活备选方案,为生活服务。这篇文章通过采用人类学研究方法,对希腊雅典两项生计方面的基层干预举措进行了研究,从而参与这场辩论。文章将说明这些以人为本的举措(重新)组合基础设施网络,并推进不同于制度的社会供给组织模式以政治参与和可能性的形式。他们通过共享 (commoning) 使关怀成为一种基础设施,从而实现这点。本文将论证,关怀公地基础设施系统有助于实现一个关于基础设施的构想,从现代理想转向关系性、传导性、关怀和修复的价值观,这可能会为处于危机中的世界培育与危机制度相悖的变革性的政治。
Keywords care, commons, informality, infrastructure, networks, social justice
关怀, 共享 (commons), 非正规性, 基础设施, 网络, 社会正义
Where is agency in the context of urban transformation? Exploring the narratives of institutional stakeholders and community activists in Birmingham
Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska(波兰华沙大学)
Liam O’Farrell(英国谢菲尔德大学)
How do institutional stakeholders and community activists differ in their perception of their agency to affect change? We explore this question by synthesising Archer’s theory of structure–agency dynamics’ and Easterly’s development models as it is now, and debates on the ‘just city’ to explore narratives around urban transformation in data from two projects in England’s second city, Birmingham. Our results show that, whereas institutional stakeholders affiliated with local government feel rather disempowered and defer to signals from national government or investors, community activists are focused on opportunities to use their agency and create change in their local areas. The implications of this divergence for the aims of achieving empowerment and social justice are discussed. Also, the benefits of a co-production model used in one of the research projects are reflected upon. Building on this model through policies of collaboration, forming social connections and active civic engagement could use the social energy and potential we identify to reinvigorate agency and the motivation of institutional stakeholders and generate change that is more bottom-up than top-down. To this end, we encourage greater reflection on notions of agency and participation in discussions on the ‘just city’. However, in view of prevailing structural forces, we acknowledge that such efforts ultimately remain aspirational and difficult to achieve.
对于资深在影响变革方面的作用,机构利益相关者和社区积极人士看法有何不同?结合阿彻 (Archer) 的结构-代理动态理论和伊斯特里 (Easterly) 的发展模型,我们探索了这个问题。我们还研究了关于“正义城市”的争论,以探索英国第二大城市伯明翰两个项目的数据中关于城市转型的叙述。我们的研究结果表明,与地方政府有关联的机构利益相关者感到自己没什么权力,会遵从国家政府或投资者释放的信号,而社区积极人士专注于发挥自己作用的机会,以在当地引起变革。我们讨论了这种分歧对实现赋权和社会正义目标的影响。此外,本文探讨了在其中一个研究项目中使用的联合生产模型的好处。在这种模式下,通过合作政策、形成社会联系和积极的公民参与,可以利用我们确定的社会能量和潜力来重振代理和机构利益相关者的积极性,并产生自下而上而非自上而下的变革。为此,我们认为在讨论“正义城市”的时候,要更多地考虑代理和参与的概念。然而,鉴于普遍存在的结构性力量,我们承认,这些努力最终仍然是理想化的,比较难以实现。关键词
代理, 联合生产, 发展, 正义城市, 参与
Iconic buildings in the making of city identity: The role of aspirational identity artefacts
AbstractIconic buildings are important meaning generators in cities. This study explores the role that iconic buildings in-the-making have in the discursive construction of city identity in public debate. Through the examination of the Locarno PalaCinema case (Switzerland), our study proposes that iconic buildings – during their planning – can serve as aspirational identity artefacts: objects that are mobilised in discourse to inform productive idealisations of city identity by powerful urban actors. Findings identify the mechanisms through which the aspirational artefact and city identity interact in discourse, showing that iconic building projects orient city identity claims, while at the same time city identity meanings taken from collective memory, present understandings and future aspirations are used by actors to infuse the evolving project with meaning. This study aims to contribute to debates in urban planning and city identity by discussing the identity anticipation role of the planning of iconic buildings and how they can be a productive ground to reflect, re-orient and re-claim the unique features of a city’s identity while aspiring to achieve a different future.
标志性建筑是城市中重要的意义生成器。本研究探讨了在公众的辩论中,正在建设中的标志性建筑在城市身份的话语建构中所起的作用。通过对 Locarno PalaCinema 案例(瑞士)的考查,我们提出,标志性建筑在其规划过程中可以作为理想的身份制品:强大的城市行为者在话语中调动这些对象,解释富有创造性的、理想化的城市身份。我们的研究结果确定了理想的制品和城市身份在话语中相互作用的机制,表明标志性建筑项目对城市身份主张进行定向,同时,行为者利用从集体记忆中获得的城市身份的意义、当前的理解和未来的愿景赋予不断发展的项目以意义。本研究旨在通过讨论标志性建筑规划在身份预期方面所起的作用,以及它们如何成为反映、重新定位和重新获得城市形象独特特征的富有成效的基础,为城市规划和城市形象的讨论做出贡献,同时致力于实现不同的未来。
城市身份, 标志性建筑, 定性的, 城市规划
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