Contents (No. 3, 2023)
No. 3
Global Sovereign Debt Risks and Country Vulnerability Assessment
Xiong Wanting Zeng Rui
How Does Zambia Become
Africa’s First Sovereign Default
Since COVID-19 Pandemic?
Wang Zhao Zhang Yuanyuan
International Bond Predicament
of Low-and Middle-Income Countries:
Risks, Causes and Reflections
Tang Xiaoyang Ying Haifeng
World Bank and Low-Income
Countries’ Sovereign Debt
Governance: From Burden-
Sharing Perspective
Ye Yu Zhou Taidong
China’s Debt Relief to Africa:
Observations From
International Debt
Governance Perspective
Zhou Yuyuan
Debt-for-Development Swap:
Debt Treatment Model Evolution
and Chinese Approaches
Sun Tianshu Liu Xian
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