
【2019香港仲裁周】Arbitrating with Chinese parties

Date: 20 October 2019

Time: 10:30-13:30

Venue: Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (38/F Two Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong)


This seminar aims at lifting the veil of legal and cultural mentality differences in arbitration between Chinese and international parties. During the past decades, China has become more active in international trade. Along with the trend, the need for international dispute resolution increasingly grows. Yet, the Chinese laws and the oriental cultures evolve and sometimes clash with the western ones. The two panels will discuss the understandings and misunderstandings among foreign and Chinese arbitrators when arbitrating with Chinese parties.

The first panel will be an open discussion. It will cut in the discussion from lawyer's perspective. The panelists will share experience regarding cross-border China related cases. Vivid examples will be demonstrated here to show what pitfalls the parties shall pay attention to in international arbitration.

The second panel will focus on the arbitrator's perspective. The panelists will share their experience regarding arbitrator's nomination and selection, insights in case handling and management, the skills in understanding and balancing diversity in international arbitrations and etc.


10:30-11:00    Registration (light sandwiches available after event)
11:00-11:05    Remarks from Ms. Sarah Grimmer, Secretary-General, HKIAC

11:05-11:10    Remarks from Mr. Gary GAO, partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm

11:10-12:10    First panel discussion

12:10-12:30    Tea break

12:30-13:30    Second panel discussion


First panel discussion

  • (Moderator) Henry HUANG, partner, Grandall Law Firm

  • Anselmo REYES, independent arbitrator based in Hong Kong

  • Denning JIN, partner, Haiwen & Partners

  • Fang ZHAO, partner, Hui Zhong Law Firm

  • Vincent MU, partner, Llinks Law Offices

  • John LIU, partner, AllBright Law Offices

Second panel discussion

  • Chiann BAO, Arbitration Chambers

  • Gary GAO, partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm

  • Jing LIU, partner, Hui Zhong Law Firm

  • Peiming YANG, partner, Llinks Law Offices

  • Yunyan ZHANG, partner, Jincheng Tongda & Neal

  • Rollin CHAN, independent arbitrator based in Shanghai and Hong Kong

For more information, please click "阅读原文".




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