Invitation | Challenging a Domain Name, HKIAC Insights Part One
Date: 17 August 2020, Monday
Language: English
15:30 Webinar starts
16:15 Q&A
16:30 Webinar ends
Proving that a domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark in which a complainant holds rights is the first of three elements that must be proven to successfully challenge the use of a domain name.
This webinar will explore in detail factors that may be taken into account to establish whether a domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark, service mark or name.
Speakers will outline the test and the rights covered, and provide examples of where the threshold has and has not been met. It will also address how a complainant can assert unregistered or common law trademark rights. The webinar will focus on UDRP, CNDRP, and HKDRP proceedings.
This is the first of three webinars which will address the three elements which must be proven to successfully challenge the use of a domain name.
Free of charge
Register early as places are limited
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