

连享会 连享会 2023-10-24

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Update: 2023/5/31,点击获取 PDF 课纲 或长按/扫描如下二维码:


  • 1. 课程概要

  • 2. 嘉宾简介

  • 3. 课程详情

    • 专题一:敏感性分析(1 天)

    • 专题二:双重差分的三大难点及应对(2 天)

    • 专题三:工具变量方法(1 天)

    • 参考和预读文献

  • 4. 报名信息

    • 缴费方式

  • 5. 助教招聘

    • 说明和要求

  • 6. 交通和住宿

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1. 课程概要


  • 嘉宾: 江艇 (中国人民大学)
  • 时间: 2023 年 8 月 2-5 日 (四天)
  • 地点: 西安 · 西北工业大学
  • 主题:
    • 敏感性分析  (1 天)
    • 双差分:DID 的三大难点及应对 (2 天)
    • 工具变量法:各类新近发展的 IV 方法 (1 天)
  • 授课方式:
    • 每天 6 小时 (9:00-12:00;14:30-17:30) + 半小时答疑
    • 讲义电子版于开课前一周发送;纸质讲义由主办方统一印制
    • 软件:Stata16及以上
  • 报名链接:http://junquan18903405450.mikecrm.com/46lRisP
  • PDF 大纲: https://file.lianxh.cn/KC/lianxh_JT.pdf
  • 参考文献和资料: -点击下载-

2. 嘉宾简介

江艇,香港科技大学商学院经济学博士,中国人民大学经济学院副教授,人大国家发展与战略研究院研究员,人大微观数据与实证方法研究中心副主任,美国哥伦比亚大学商学院访问学者。主要研究领域为经济增长与发展、城市经济学、新政治经济学,在 Economics LettersReview of Development Economics、《经济研究》《管理世界》《世界经济》等国内外著名学术刊物上发表多篇论文,曾应邀在多所高校讲授「应用微观计量经济学」短期前沿课程,被誉为「醍醐大师」。

3. 课程详情

专题一:敏感性分析(1 天)

控制回归是因果识别中最基础的方法,但其中的关键假设——“无混淆性”往往难以验证。在这种情况下,我们需要考虑在「无混淆性」假设无法完全得到满足的各种场景下,因果效应估计结果会发生怎样变化,这些变化是否会对研究结论产生实质性影响?这就是所谓的「敏感性分析」,它已经成为 Top 期刊论文中除了稳健性检验异质性分析 之外的另一个必要内容。本专题将系统介绍几种主要的敏感性分析方法和工具,包括它们的统计含义、联系与区别,以及在 Stata 中的实现方法和扩展应用,包括如下几个主题:

  • 基于系数估计值的方法:Bellows and Miguel (2009); Nunn and Wantchekon (2012)
  • 基于相关系数的方法:Altonji et al (2005); Aidt and Franck (2015)
  • 双参数方法:Oster (2019)
  • 基于拟合优度的方法:Cinelli and Hazlett (2020)

专题二:双重差分的三大难点及应对(2 天)

其一, DID 的各种变体分别适用于哪些应用场景?
其二, 如何理解和选择新近提出的各类「交错 DID」方法?
其三, 如何论证「平行趋势假设」?


  • 经典的两期与多期DID:Card and Krueger (1994); Qian (2008)
  • 连续DID、队列DID与DDD:Nunn and Qian (2011); Duflo (2001); Muralidharan and Prakash (2017)
  • 匹配DID与合成DID:Fowlie et al (2012); Arkhangelsky et al (2021)
  • 交错DID的诊断和新方法:Goodman-Bacon (2021); Sun and Abraham (2020); Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021); Borusyak et al (2023); Wooldridge (2021); Cengiz et al (2019)
  • 平行趋势的可视化、稳健推断和工具变量方法:Freyaldenhoven et al (2021); Rambachan and Roth (2023); Freyaldenhoven et al (2019)

专题三:工具变量方法(1 天)



  • Bartik IV / Shift-share IV:Goldsmith-Pinkham et al (2020); Borusyak et al (2022); Nunn and Qian (2014)
  • Simulated IV:Currie and Gruber (1996); Fetter and Lockwood (2018); Borusyak and Hull (2022)
  • Granular IV:Gabaix and Koijen (2023); Gabaix and Koijen (2022)
  • Judge IV: Dobbie et al (2017); Stevenson (2018)
  • 弱工具变量的稳健推断:Lee et al (2022); Angrist and Kolesar (2022)
  • 检验和放松排斥性约束:Kippersluis and Rietveld (2018)



  • Aidt, Toke S, and Raphael Franck. 2015. "Democratization Under the Threat of Revolution: Evidence From the Great Reform Act of 1832." Econometrica.  -Link-, -PDF-
  • Altonji, Joseph G, Todd E Elder, and Christopher R Taber. 2005. "Selection on Observed and Unobserved Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Catholic Schools." Journal of Political Economy.  -Link-, -PDF-, PDF2
  • Angrist, Joshua, and Michal Kolesar. 2022. "One Instrument to Rule Them All: The Bias and Coverage of Just-ID IV." Journal of Econometrics (forthcoming).  -Link-, -PDF-
  • Arkhangelsky, D., S. Athey, D. A. Hirshberg, G. W. Imbens,S. Wager, 2021, Synthetic difference-in-differences, American Economic Review, 111 (12): 4088-4118. -Link-, -PDF-, Replication
  • Bellows, John, and Edward Miguel. 2009. "War and local collective action in Sierra Leone." Journal of Public Economics. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Borusyak, Kirill, and Peter Hull. 2022. "Non-Random Exposure to Exogenous Shocks."  -Link-, -PDF-, PDF2
  • Borusyak, K., P. Hull, X. Jaravel, 2022, Quasi-experimental shift-share research designs, Review of Economic Studies, 89 (1): 181-213. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Borusyak, Kirill, Xavier Jaravel, and Jann Spiess. 2023. "Revisiting Event Study Designs: Robust and Efficient Estimation."  -Link-, -PDF-
  • Callaway, B., P. H. C. Sant'Anna, 2021, Difference-in-differences with multiple time periods, Journal of Econometrics, 225 (2): 200-230. -Link-, -PDF-, PDF2
  • Card, D., A. B. Krueger, 1994, Minimum wages and employment: A case study of the fast-food industry in new jersey and pennsylvania, The American Economic Review, 84 (4): 772-793. -Link-, -PDF-, PDF2
  • Cengiz, D., A. Dube, A. Lindner, B. Zipperer, 2019, The effect of minimum wages on low-wage jobs, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 134 (3): 1405-1454. -Link-, -PDF-, Replication
  • Cinelli, Carlos, and Chad Hazlett. 2020. "Making sense of sensitivity: extending omitted variable bias." Jounrnal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Currie, Janet, and Jonathan Gruber. 1996. "Health Insurance Eligibility, Utilization of Medical Care, and Child Health." Quarterly Journal of Economics. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Dobbie, Will, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Crystal S Yang. 2017. "Consumer Bankruptcy and Financial Health." Review of Economics and Statistics. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Duflo, Esther. 2001. "Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence From an Unusual Policy Experiment." American Economic Review. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Fetter, Daniel K, and Lee M Lockwood. 2018. "Government Old-Age Support and Labor Supply: Evidence from the Old Age Assistance Program." American Economic Review.  -Link-, -PDF-, PDF2, Replication
  • Freyaldenhoven, Simon, Chris B Hansen, Jorge Perez Perez, and Jesse M Shapiro. 2021. "Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event Study Design." -Link-, -PDF-
  • Freyaldenhoven, Simon, Christian B Hansen, and Jesse M Shapiro. 2019. "Pre-Event Trends in the Panel Event-Study Design." American Economic Review.  -Link-, -PDF-, Replication
  • Fowlie, Meredith, Stephen P Holland, and Erin T Mansur. 2012. "What Do Emissions Markets Deliver and to Whom? Evidence From Southern California's NOx Trading Program." American Economic Review.  -Link-, -PDF-, Appendix, Replication
  • Gabaix, Xavier and Ralph S J Koijen. 2023. "Granular Instrumental Variables." -Link-, -PDF-
  • Gabaix, Xavier and Ralph S J Koijen. 2022. "In Search of the Origins of Financial Fluctuations: The Inelastic Markets Hypothesis." -Link-, -PDF-
  • Goldsmith-Pinkham, P., I. Sorkin, H. Swift, 2020, Bartik instruments: What, when. Why, and how, American Economic Review, 110 (8): 2586-2624. -Link-, -PDF-, PDF2, Replication, -cited-
  • Goodman-Bacon, A., 2021, Difference-in-differences with variation in treatment timing, Journal of Econometrics, 225 (2): 254-277. -Link-, -PDF-
  • van Kippersluis, Hans, and Cornelius A Rietveld. 2018. "Beyond plausibly exogenous." Econometrics Journal. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Lee, David S, Justin McCrary, Marcelo J Moreira, and Jack Porter. 2022. "Valid t-Ratio Inference for IV." American Economic Review. -Link-, -PDF-, Appendix, Replication
  • Muralidharan, Karthik, and Nishith Prakash. 2017. "Cycling to School: Increasing Secondary School Enrollment for Girls in India." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. -Link-, -PDF-, Appendix, Replication
  • Nunn, Nathan, and Nancy Qian. 2014. "US Food Aid and Civil Conflict." American Economic Review. -Link-, -PDF-, Appendix, Replication
  • Nunn, Nathan, and Nancy Qian. 2011. "The Potato's Contribution to Population and Urbanization: Evidence From a Historical Experiment." Quarterly Journal of Economics. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Nunn, Nathan, and Leonard Wantchekon. 2011. "The Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa." American Economic Review. -Link-, -PDF-, Appendix, Replication
  • Oster, Emily. 2019. "Unobservable Selection and Coefficient Stability: Theory and Evidence." Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. -Link-, -PDF-, Appendix
  • Qian, Nancy. 2008. "Missing Women and the Price of Tea in China: The Effect of Sex-Specific Earnings on Sex Imbalance." Quarterly Journal of Economics. -Link-, -PDF-
  • Rambachan Ashesh, and Jonathan Roth. 2023. "A More Credible Approach to Parallel Trends." Review of Economic Studies. -Link-, -PDF-, Replication
  • Stevenson, Megan T. 2018. "Distortion of Justice: How the Inability to Pay Bail Affects Case Outcomes." Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization. -Link-, -PDF-, Appendix
  • Sun, L., S. Abraham, 2021, Estimating dynamic treatment effects in event studies with heterogeneous treatment effects, Journal of Econometrics, 225 (2): 175-199. -Link-, -PDF-, PDF2
  • Wooldridge, Jeffrey M, 2021. "Two-Way Fixed Effects, the Two-Way Mundlak Regression, and Difference-in-Differences Estimators." -PDF-

4. 报名信息

  • 主办方: 太原君泉教育咨询有限公司

  • 标准费用 (含报名费、材料费),差旅及食宿费自理:

    • 全价:3900 元/班/人
  • 优惠方案

    • 专题课/现场班老学员:9 折,3510 元/人
    • 学生 (需提供学生证/卡照片):9 折,3510 元/人
    • 连享会会员: 8.5 折,3315 元/人
  • 温馨提示: 以上各项优惠不能叠加使用,现场座位根据报名缴费顺序确定

  • 联系方式:

    • 邮箱:wjx004@sina.com
    • 王老师:18903405450 (微信同号)
    • 李老师:18636102467 (微信同号)

报名链接: http://junquan18903405450.mikecrm.com/46lRisP

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  • 户名:太原君泉教育咨询有限公司
  • 账号:35117530000023891 (晋商银行股份有限公司太原南中环支行)
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  • 扫码支付后,请将「付款记录」截屏发给王老师-18903405450(微信同号)

5. 助教招聘


  • 名额: 10 名
  • 任务:
    • A. 课前准备:完成 2 篇推文,风格参见连享会主页 www.lianxh.cn
    • B. 开课前答疑:协助学员安装软件和使用课件,在微信群中回答一些常见问题;
    • C. 上课期间答疑:针对前一天学习的内容,在微信群中答疑 (8:00-9:00,19:00-22:00);
    • Note: 下午 5:30-6:00 的课后答疑由主讲教师负责。
  • 要求: 热心、尽职,熟悉 Stata 的基本语法和常用命令,能对常见问题进行解答和记录
  • 特别说明: 往期按期完成任务的助教可以直接联系连老师直录。
  • 截止时间: 2023 年 7 月 20 日 (将于7月23日公布遴选结果于 课程主页,及 连享会主页 lianxh.cn)

申请链接: <https://www.wjx.top/vm/Q47dAih.aspx# >

6. 交通和住宿

  • 地址:西安市莲湖区友谊西路127号西北工业大学
  • 校内宾馆:西北工业大学正禾宾馆
  • 正禾宾馆预订电话:029-88491957 ,13891950069 ,预定时请以「连享会会议参会人员」身份报名,以便享受协议价。
  • 小知士:正禾宾馆位于西北工业大学校内,上课、吃饭以及午休方便快捷,住宿环境可以参考以下图片:

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  • 连享会 ( www.lianxh.cn,推文列表) 由中山大学连玉君老师团队创办,定期分享实证分析经验。
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