BMC Biol | 中科院动物所杜卫国/周旭明团队合作探讨丽斑麻蜥高原适应的基因组变异
杜卫国,中国科学院动物研究所研究员,研究组长,博士生导师。课题组主要从事爬行动物进化生态学和保护生物学研究。相关研究以通讯作者或第一作者发表在PNAS、Nature Communications、Biological Reviews、Current Biology等杂志。主持科技部重点研发计划课题,国家杰出青年基金等科研项目。目前担任国际期刊Proceedings of the Royal Society B的Associate editor。
周旭明,中国科学院动物研究所研究员,研究组长,博士生导师。课题组主要从事动物进化与适应,动物疫病等研究。相关研究以通讯作者或(共同)第一作者发表在Nature genetics、Nature communications、Molecular Biology and Evolution、Cell Reports等杂志。主持国家级青年人才计划,北京市科委杰出青年等项目。目前担任多个期刊的编委,包括Molecular Biology and Evolution,Genes、Zoological Research。
【3】肿瘤免疫与新型细胞死亡课题设计及生信分析研讨会( 2023年2月25-26日,腾讯在线会议)【4】全国循证医学Meta分析与网状Meta研讨会(2023年3月4-5日,腾讯在线会议)【5】多组学联合网络药理学及分子对接与实验验证研讨会(2023年2月25-26日,腾讯在线会议)【6】高分SCI文章与标书作图(暨AI软件作图)研讨会(2023年2月25-26日,腾讯在线会议)(延期至:3月24-26日)欢迎加入“岚翰生命科学” ”岚翰生命科学“ 诚聘副主编/编辑/运营岗位 (在线办公)
1. Yang J, Li WR, Lv FH, He SG, Tian SL, Peng WF, Sun YW, Zhao YX, Tu XL, Zhang M et al: Whole-genome sequencing of native sheep provides insights into rapid adaptations to extreme environments. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2016, 33(10):2576-2592.
2. Yang J, Jin ZB, Chen J, Huang XF, Li XM, Liang YB, Mao JY, Chen X, Zheng Z, Bakshi Aet al: Genetic signatures of high-altitude adaptation in Tibetans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2017, 114(16):4189-4194.
3. Xu S, Li S, Yang Y, Tan J, Lou H, Jin W, Yang L, Pan X, Wang J, Shen Y et al: A genome-wide search for signals of high-altitude adaptation in Tibetans. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2011, 28(2):1003-1011.
4. Witt KE, Huerta-Sanchez E: Convergent evolution in human and domesticate adaptation to high-altitude environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2019, 374(1777):20180235.
5. Wang MS, Li Y, Peng MS, Zhong L, Wang ZJ, Li QY, Tu XL, Dong Y, Zhu CL, Wang L et al: Genomic analyses reveal potential independent adaptation to high altitude in Tibetan chickens. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2015, 32(7):1880-1889.
6. Peng Y, Yang Z, Zhang H, Cui C, Qi X, Luo X, Tao X, Wu T, Ouzhuluobu, Basang et al: Genetic variations in Tibetan populations and high-altitude adaptation at the Himalayas. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2011, 28(2):1075-1081.
7. Li M, Tian S, Jin L, Zhou G, Li Y, Zhang Y, Wang T, Yeung CK, Chen L, Ma J et al: Genomic analyses identify distinct patterns of selection in domesticated pigs and Tibetan wild boars. Nature Genetics 2013, 45(12):1431-1438.
8. Lai YT, Yeung CKL, Omland KE, Pang EL, Hao Y, Liao BY, Cao HF, Zhang BW, Yeh CF, Hung CM et al: Standing genetic variation as the predominant source for adaptation of a songbird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2019, 116(6):2152-2157.
9. Hendrickson SL: A genome wide study of genetic adaptation to high altitude in feral Andean Horses of the paramo. BMC Evolution and Biology 2013, 13:273.
10. Gou X, Wang Z, Li N, Qiu F, Xu Z, Yan D, Yang S, Jia J, Kong X, Wei Z et al: Whole-genome sequencing of six dog breeds from continuous altitudes reveals adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia. Genome Research 2014, 24(8):1308-1315.
11. Li JT, Gao YD, Xie L, Deng C, Shi P, Guan ML, Huang S, Ren JL, Wu DD, Ding L et al: Comparative genomic investigation of high-elevation adaptation in ectothermic snakes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018, 115(33):8406-8411.
12. Sun YB, Fu TT, Jin JQ, Murphy RW, Hillis DM, Zhang YP, Che J: Species groups distributed across elevational gradients reveal convergent and continuous genetic adaptation to high elevations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018, 115(45):E10634-E10641.