
Nat Commun︱李赏团队开发准确测量生物衰老关键标志的新方法

李赏 岚翰学术快讯

Author︱Shang Li

Editor-in-Chief︱Sizhen Wang

Editor︱Binwei Yang

Singapore-led collaboration develops novel method to accurately measure key marker of biological ageing

A new approach that ‘baits’ the caps or telomeres protecting the ends of chromosomes could provide information on how rapidly we are ageing and what we need to do to slow it down.

SINGAPORE, 16 February 2023 – Telomeres—the caps at the ends of chromosomes that protect our genetic materials from the brunt of cellular wear and tear—are known to shorten and fray over time. Lifestyle, diet and stress can exacerbate this process, leading to early loss of telomere protection and increasing the chances of early ageing and lifestyle diseases, such as cancer and heart diseases.

To date, approaches for measuring biological ageing based on telomere length have been limited as they can only ascertain average telomere lengths within a pool of DNA fragments, or are time-consuming and require highly-skilled specialists. Being able to accurately and efficiently measure the length of an individual’s telomeres could open the doors to developing lifestyle interventions that slow ageing and prevent disease.

Publishing in the journal Nature Communications, scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School, National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) and colleagues in Singapore, China and the USA have recently devised a way to rapidly and precisely measure the length of a single telomere.

Associate Professor Li Shang, senior author of the study from Duke-NUS Cancer & Stem Cell Biology Programme, explained, “We applied a novel approach that uses DNA sequences—we call them ‘telobaits’—to latch onto the ends of telomeres in large pools of DNA fragments, like fishing in pond. Then, with specific scissor-like enzymes, we snip the telomeres out of the pools.

“Using high-throughput genetic sequencing technology, we were able to read the DNA ‘letters’ that comprised each individual telomere, allowing us to very precisely measure their lengths.”

The team successfully validated this approach when they tested it using human cell lines and patient cells. Interestingly, the sequencing results revealed that the genetic sequences within certain parts of the telomeres, known as telomeric variant sequences, were distinct to each individual person.

“Based on this insight, a future area of study for us is the possible use of telomeric variant sequences as a means of biological identification, which could potentially prove useful for expanding the field of forensic science,” said Assoc Prof Li. The team believes this new approach could be used as a predictive biomarker for human ageing and disease at the individual level, as well as for population-level studies on the impacts of lifestyle, diet and the environment on human health.

Senior co-author of the study, Assoc Prof Angela Koh, who is Senior Consultant with the Department of Cardiology at NHCS and Associate Professor with the SingHealth Duke-NUSCardiovascular Sciences Academic Clinical Programme, remarked, “This method for telomere length measurement is an important advance in the field of ageing research. From the clinical perspective, we view this as a very promising method for understanding clinical diseases associated with ageing such as cardiovascular disease. Our partnership signifies what can be achieved by clinician-and-biomedical scientists to bring complex lab methods towards simpler, quantifiable methods that may be used in broader clinical labs in the future.”

The study was a collaboration led by Duke-NUS and NHCS with partners in Singapore, namely the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore and Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore; A*STAR’s Genome Institute of Singapore and Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology; National Cancer Centre Singapore; Singapore General Hospital; and the SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Precision Medicine; as well as Kumamoto University (Japan), Guangzhou Medical University (China), The Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen (China), Shanghai University (China), and the University of California, Davis (USA).

Reference:Tham, CY., Poon, L., Yan, T. et al. High-throughput telomere length measurement at nucleotide resolution using the PacBio high fidelity sequencing platform.Nat Commun 14, 281 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-35823-7

About Duke-NUS Medical School

Duke-NUS is Singapore’s flagship graduate entry medical school, established in 2005 with a strategic, government-led partnership between two world-class institutions: Duke University School of Medicine and the National University of Singapore (NUS). Through an innovative curriculum, students at Duke-NUS are nurtured to become multi-faceted ‘Clinicians Plus’ poised to steer the healthcare and biomedical ecosystem in Singapore and beyond. A leader in ground-breaking research and translational innovation, Duke-NUS has gained international renown through its five signature research programmes and 10 centres. The enduring impact of its discoveries is amplified by its successful Academic Medicine partnership with Singapore Health Services (SingHealth), Singapore’s largest healthcare group. This strategic alliance has spawned 15 Academic Clinical Programmes, which harness multi-disciplinary research and education to transform medicine and improve lives.

For more information, please visit www.duke-nus.edu.sg

About National Heart Centre Singapore

The National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) is a 185-bed national and regional referral centre for cardiovascular diseases. NHCS provides a one-stop comprehensive cardiac care ranging from preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic to rehabilitative services. It is also the only heart and lung transplantation centre in Singapore.

Each year, NHCS handles over 120,000 outpatient consultations, 9,000 interventional and

surgical procedures and 10,000 inpatients. Its clinical outcomes for heart attack treatment, balloon angioplasty with stenting and coronary bypass surgery have been shown to be equivalent to international benchmarks.

Established in 1998, NHCS is the pioneer in cardiovascular care in Singapore.
For more information, please visit www.nhcs.com.sg.




李赏教授, 杜克—国大医学研究生院肿瘤和干细胞系副教授. 李赏教授在北京医科大学(现为北京大学医学院)获得医学学士学位. 他在德克萨斯州大学圣安东尼奥分校李文华教授(台湾科学院院士)实验室获得分子医学博士学位. 他随后在加州大学旧金山分校伊丽莎白.布莱克本实验室做博士后研究. 伊丽莎白.布莱克本是2009年诺贝尓生理和医学奖获得者. 李赏教授在2010年加入杜克—国大医学研究生院. 他的室验室主要研究端粒酶在人类肿瘤细胞和干细胞的调控, 以及发展新的计术来应用于抗肿瘤和抗衰老的治疗. 李赏教授也是CRISPR中心主任. 该中心为杜克—国大医学研究生院和国立肿瘤中心提供服务. 李赏教授已发表超过50篇论文和文章, 包括: Nature, Science, Cell, Molecular Cell, Nature Cell Biology, Cancer Discovery, Nature Comm. 等期刊 (h-index=28, i10-index=38)



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