作为国家“八纵八横”交通网的重要组成,湛江北站坐落于湛江城市地理中心,未来这里将汇聚包括广湛高铁在内的5条线路,形成连接国家三大战略区粤港澳大湾区、 海南自贸港、北部湾经济区的重要全国综合性交通枢纽。Aedas与深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心联合体受业主委托,打造了这一重要枢纽站城一体建筑概念方案。
The consortium of Aedas and Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center won the international competition to create a conceptual plan for the Zhanjiang Central Station Hub at the coastal city in South China.
The site
Zhanjiang Central Station is located in the geographic center of Zhanjiang City, converging 5 strategic rail links to connect major economic zones in South China. The plot is adjacent to the city’s main arterial roads, with a total land area of over 400,000 square meters. The design strives to rationally integrate the diverse elements of offices, apartments, hotels, commerce, public services and more around the transportation hub and with the urban fabric, to create a station-city living room.
团队一改传统枢纽仅强调独立站房功能和形态的设计,提出了以人为中心、强调“站城”场所价值的TOD站城一体化理念。“现如今高铁不再只是一个交通设施,而是服务城市的超级枢纽。它是跨城通勤的起点,也是全业态的城市空间,我们需要让它融入城市,在人与地的连接中服务城市,与城市同生共长,形成缝合城市内部片区与外部连接的超级纽带。”Aedas主席及全球设计董事纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)如是说。
The design proposes a holistic model of Transit-Oriented Development, where station-city integration and the people-centric principle is valued. Aedas Chairman and Global Design Principal, Keith Griffiths believes “High-speed rail as merely a transportation facility is a bygone perception. It should be integrated into the city and serve as a thread between disparate communities and remote regions of the city.” As such, a multitude of functions are positioned around the station hall, and by a consistent nature theme and an efficient slow-moving system, the design elevates relationship between architecture and community.
A window to the world
The design is inspired by the blossoming form of the city flower, Bauhinia, in which its curves define the continuous arc of the station hall, and reflects the prosperity of Zhanjiang’s technology industry.
Station side development concept hand drawn设计以枢纽为核心集中高效布局,服务纽带、配套社区及商务中心多元业态围绕其依次展开,并在垂直层面对枢纽进行分层,业态之间分区明确又紧密连接,以富有活力的枢纽空间作为引擎,带动片区和城市可持续发展。屋顶上盖汇集城市服务、商业交流、主题游览等公共功能,通过连廊及扩大的室外平台,实现各地块及站房间的无缝连接,并置入大量生态空间,使其成为市民休闲娱乐的绝佳场所。站房南北两侧则为集中式购物广场。首层、夹层及站台层完成交通枢纽的功能,地下一层以商业和停车为主,其中商业街串联站房南北两侧空间。整体建筑景观布局顺应、引导城市风向,通过调节微气候缓解区域热岛效应。By the extraction of Zhanjiang's characteristic mangroves and tropical rainforest elements, the structure echoes the local ecosystem features, seamlessly integrated into the surrounding urban texture. The roof of the station hall is composed of a series of elegant steel trusses, supported by a tree-like column network which altogether defines the light-filled waiting hall. The layered greenery in the surrounding developments, connects the flower outline of the station hall, and becomes a natural continuation of the city’s green axis.设计从市花“紫荆”中汲取灵感,以紫荆“湛”放为概念,灵动的曲线勾勒出独特的站房轮廓,犹如花瓣绽放的标志性主体形象,让往来旅客时刻察觉到自己身在湛江。并以海浪为蓝本抽象提炼,通过连续的曲线衔接站房及东西两侧的落客平台,将其串联成一体,整个枢纽综合体如翻腾的海浪,以此昭示着湛江海洋科技产业的蓬勃发展。为融入周边城市肌理,团队结合湛江特色红树林,以热带雨林元素打造符合湛江气候特点的生态构筑,站房桁架通过树状柱网支撑,独特的冠状结构创造出富有表现力和标志性的候车大厅。结合上盖与建筑屋顶丰富的绿色空间,层层叠叠的绿色自然衔接站房的花朵轮廓,同时也成为了城市绿轴的自然延续,与地块南北的机场公园、缎带公园自然相融,构建出站城一体的花园枢纽,打造滨海热带城市新名片。Proposing the station hall as the core, the design sets down offices, retail, hotel apartments, public services, and connection facilities around it in a methodical fashion. There are shopping plazas on the north and south sides, with ecological-themed commercial streets and green platforms act as a link between both ends of the hub.The roof blooms like flowers站房采用“下进上出”的流线组织方式,结合空间特点因势利导,利用桥下布置接驳场站,节约开发空间及进出站时间,不同交通方式设置不同的上下车地点,分散人流。为消弭铁路对城市割裂影响,设计在多维度、多方向构建枢纽与周边的连接,力图构建有效联通的立体步行系统,并通过南北方向的人行步道向城市公园自然延伸,通过地面城市通廊和 空中绿廊串联南北绿轴,有机缝合城市。
项目首层设有两条24小时开放的城市通廊,与两侧接驳站场便捷连接,并在二层、三层通过连廊无缝连接项目各地块与周边,在不打断舒适的城市步行环境的基础上,提升了上盖物业东西范围内以及与周边的可达性,进一步弱化铁路对城市的阻隔影响。To obviate the possibility of urban fragmentation, the design maintains connection between the hub and the surroundings by advancing an efficient three-dimensional walking system, where urban, commercial corridors and platform links are set up across levels; it naturally extends to the urban park through a pedestrian walkway, and connects the north-south green axis through the ground urban corridor and the sky green corridor.The platform waiting area“我们不希望枢纽车站成为城市的屏障,而是服务城市、属于市民,通过舒适立体连接的步行环境、全面便捷的配套设施和紧凑多元的土地开发与建筑形态的高效融合,构建出湛江的全新地标。”Aedas执行董事胡庆峰说道。"On account of its comfortable, three-dimensionally connected walking system and comprehensive supporting facilities, the station hub will be the new landmark of Zhanjiang.” — Aedas Executive Director Kelvin Hu. Integrated station-city development设计建筑师:Aedas、深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心有限公司联合设计Aedas主要设计人:纪达夫(Keith Griffiths),主席及全球设计董事;胡庆峰,执行董事紫荆”湛“放︱湛江北站枢纽站城一体化方案设计
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