

安平 国家安全部 2024-05-28


Truth VS Untruth:the 1st Anniversary of the Revision of the Counterespionage Law


April 26,2024 marks the first anniversary of the revision of the Counterespionage Law of the People’s Republic of China(hereinafter CEL).Ever since its revision by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress last year, this law has been in the limelight of media both at home and abroad. Among the respects and supports that most of the media have paid to the legislative effort, there were also some misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and even malicious attempts to attack and smear China. In response to relevant misgivings and concerns over the past year, it is necessary to look back at all the “truth” and “untruth” about the revision so as to expose what are false narratives and clean up all suspicions.

A “booster” for high-quality
development rather than 
a “disruptor” to destruct 
the business environment


National security is not only a prerequisite for national development but also the cornerstone of an open and stable business environment. Safeguarding national security via legislation is not only a common international practice, but also a manifestation of a country's sovereignty. The USA passed its Espionage Act as early as 1917 and has revised it several times ever since. In 2023, the UK pass edits latest National Security Act, vowing to introduce stricter punishment for espionage activities and “external interference”. Many other countries have also laid down similar laws to safeguard their national security and interests.


The National Security Law(NSL), the predecessor of the CEL, was enacted in 1993 and revised only by renaming it the Counterespionage Law in 2014. Having been in effect for more than three decades by 2023, many of the clauses in the NSL had proved no longer in line with the needs of the times. For example, the provisions concerning “cyberspace espionage” were added in the CEL because China did not have full access to the Internet until 1994, that is, one year later than the launch of the NSL, which means the law was actually lagging behind the times and unable to effectively prevent and crack down the ever-increasing risks of cyberspace espionage activities.


Good governance can only be achieved when the law keeps pace with the times. The new CEL in 2023 is based on the development of the times and the realities of China and drew much upon the legal systems of many other countries. In it, the old articles in the NSL were improved and their number expanded from 40 to 71, sharpening the distinction between lawful and unlawful acts and reducing the uncertainty in business operation by legal certainty. Being more scientific, more accurate and more transparent in effect, the revised CEL is the recognition of the progress China has made in rule of law in the new era as well as an important guarantee for high-quality development.


In recent years, the Chinese government has been working to maintain a high level of security and open wider to the outside world by means of rule of law. To this end, China has launched laws and regulations such as Foreign Investment Law of China and Regulation on Optimizing the Business Environment, along with policies and measures such as 24 Measures for Foreign Capital Utilization and An Action Plan for Promoting the Attraction and Utilization of Foreign Investment. Statistics of the domestic authorities show that the ROI of foreign direct investment in China has reached around 9% in recent years, which is at a pretty high international level. In 2023, the foreign investment in actual use in China amounted to about 1.1 trillion Yuan, the 3rd highest in history; and the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises underwent an increase of 39.7%. All these data and facts show that China’s continual efforts to nurture a first-rate business environment featuring marketization, rule of law and internationalization have substantially boosted both the ROI of foreign investment and confidence to invest in China, flourish in China and succeed in China.
A “sight” to locate espionage 
espionage activities rather than 
a “magnifier” to overstretch 
the concept of national security


Under the influence of some malicious media, some enterprises are worried that, with the revision of the CEL, “China would overstretch the concept of national security”, “normal access to business information may be treated as espionage activities” and “ordinary business information may be treated as state secrets”. It has been proved that such concerns are totally unnecessary. The CEL is aimed to protect the normal investment, business operations or scientific research as well as the legal rights of most enterprises, including foreign enterprises, and fight those criminal activities that threaten China’s national security.

What is espionage? The Criminal Law of the PRC and the CEL give an unequivocal exemplification of espionage activities in terms of criminal and administrative offenses respectively. Let’s take the much-concerned commercial due diligence as an example. As long as they do not accept the instructions of foreign espionage organizations and their agents, do not know that the other party is an espionage organization or its agents, and do not carry out administrative offenses or criminal activities such as spying, theft, buying, or illegally providing state secrets or intelligence, they will not be treated as espionage.

What is “state secret”?The Law of PRC on Guarding State Secrets provides a clear definition of the term. In accordance with the law, there are seven types of “state secrets”. Once again, however, after the revision of the “Law on Guarding State Secrets” in February this year, some people took the opportunity to hype up “China's non-transparent laws and policies”. However, it should be noted that the focus of this revision is only to further strengthen the precise protection of “state secrets”, so that they are made public, kept confidential and appropriately declassified in accordance with the law, and that the scope of “state secrets” has not been modified in the slightest.


If the CEL is a “magnifying glass”, all it magnifies would be nothing but the oversight requirements for state security organs to standardize their law enforcement. The revised law sets rather strict limits on the conditions, procedures, and scope for the exercise of law enforcement powers. Not long before the launch of the revised CEL, the Ministry of State Security of PRC publicized the complaint mailbox and the whistleblower hotline and welcomed supervision from all walks of life. Recently, the Ministry of State Security of PRC has released two departmental regulations, namely The Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures of the National Security Agencies and The Criminal Case Handling Procedures of the National Security Agencies, so as to further increase the openness and transparency of law enforcement,promote law-based counterespionage work and better serve development.
A “filter” to safeguard data 
security rather than
 a “blocker” to 
the cross-border data flow


Data security is a common dilemma faced by all countries today. Overprotecting it would bring harm to economic growth and scientific and technological progress and letting it take its own course would jeopardize national security and public interests. China attaches equal attention to the promoting the development and utilization of data and safeguarding data security. To achieve these goals, China has taken the lead in launching the Global Data Security Initiative and proposed a series of feasible solutions to data security issues, which is in stark contrast to the “monopoly in the disguise of opening-up” approach of some countries.


To achieve both opening-up and security, the CEL, with the support of provisions in the Data Security Law, offers supplementary regulations on data fetching, which is by no means an additional authorization. What’s more, to avoid possible abuse of power, the CEL sets strict limits to the prerequisites, approval process, and scope of access to data to avoid abuse of power. The Regulations on Promoting and Regulating the Cross-border Data Flow launched by the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission provides that the transfers of data collected or created during international trade, cross-border shipping, academic cooperation, cross-border manufacturing or marketing outside of China shall be exempted from such procedures as auditing and authentication, which clearly demonstrates the support and protection for the normal cross-border flow of data, effectively reduces the compliance costs of enterprises, and is an important measure for China to expand its institutional opening-up.


Development and security is not an either-or issue. The revision of the CEL doesn’t mean that “China attaches importance to security above development”, but rather aims to better integrate development and security, and continue to create a sound and stable environment for development. As the departments in charge of counterespionage work, national security organs have always upheld the spirit and principles of the rule of law, and strictly enforced the CEL and related laws and regulations in their steadfast efforts to safeguard the Chinese modernization by means of rule of law.



