
快讯| 气候债券倡议组织欢迎欧盟理事会通过《欧盟可持续金融分类方案》

欧盟理事会(the European Council) 对欧盟可持续金融分类法的审查期已于欧洲中部时间昨晚午夜结束。这意味着欧盟关于气候减缓和气候适应相关可持续经济活动的《可持续金融分类方案 - 第一授权法案》(Taxonomy Regulation First Delegated Act)将于2022年1月1日起生效。
授权法案的基石门槛之一是为电力生产行业制定的100克二氧化碳/千瓦时(100g CO2e/Kwh)的排放阈值(该阈值将会随着技术进步逐渐变得更严格), 这为欧洲的电力部门提供了明确的指导,使其活动与净零排放保持一致。该做法已在其他国家的分类方案中得到了采纳。保持这种对绿色经济活动的明确定义,对欧盟分类方案持续保持科学性可信性至关重要。
目前,欧盟可持续金融平台(Platform onSustainable Finance)正在继续技术专家组(TEG)的工作,并为分类法条例的其余四个目标制定标准: 循环经济污染防控生物多样性,同时开展工作促进分类方案的适用性(Usability)并扩展该目录以涵盖社会标准以及对环境气候目标明显有害和影响较低的活动。

Climate Bonds Initiative welcomes the adoption of EU Taxonomy Regulation 
by the European Council

Brussels 09/12/2022 12:00 CET: The Council’s review period for the European Union’s Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance expired at midnight last night. The Taxonomy Regulation First Delegated Act on sustainable activities for climate change adaptation and mitigation will enter into force from 1 January 2022.

The Taxonomy supports sustainable investments by making it clear which economic activities contribute to meeting the EU’s environmental objectives. The first Delegated Act sets the criteria for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation objectives in 60+ economic sectors.  

Sean Kidney, CEO Climate Bonds Initiative: “The EU Taxonomy provides a clear common language on what is a green investment. The approval of this Delegated Act brings the two vital objectives of climate mitigation and adaptation into force.” 

The EU Technical Expert Group (TEG) on sustainable finance, of which Sean Kidney was a member, developed recommendations for technical screening criteria for economic activities that make a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The TEG proposed science-based thresholds to align the EU Taxonomy with the Paris Agreement and enable the EU to meet its 2050 net-zero goal. 

The adoption of many of these important thresholds into the Delegated Act has ensured the Taxonomy is seen as a credible and scientific assessment of economic activities’ Paris alignment. 

One of the cornerstone thresholds of the Delegated Act is the 100g CO2e/kWh declining threshold for electricity generation. This provides clear guidance to Europe’s electricity sector on how to align their activities with net-zero and has been replicated in other national taxonomies. 

Maintenance of this clear definition of green electricity generation will be important for the continued scientific credibility of EU Taxonomy. 

The Platform on sustainable finance is continuing the work of the TEG and developing criteria for the remaining four objectives of the Taxonomy Regulation; water, circular economy, pollution, and biodiversity, alongside work on Taxonomy usability and extension to social criteria and significantly harmful and low impact activities.


