
征稿通知 | The 12th APRU Population Ageing Virtual Conference


12th APRU Population Ageing Virtual Conference

Ageing at the Time of Crisis: Understanding Needs, Navigating New Challenges

10 – 11 November 2022

Conference Theme

Ageing at the Time of Crisis: Understanding Needs, Navigating New Challenges

Conference Time

10 – 11 November 2022

Conference Topic

1. Macro-economic and policy-related challenges (Fiscal and health-related elements)

2. Care ecosystems and caregiving responsibilities

3. Work and income security

4. Physical and mental well-being including Cognitive function & Dementia

5. Social Engagement and social isolation / exclusion

6. Intergenerational relationships

7. Technology use and digital divide

8. Translating Research into Practice (Evidence-based Research)

Conference Website


Submit Link


a. Download abstract submission guideline and template here.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

1. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

2. Abstracts’ title should be concise and indicative of the content of the abstract.

3. Details of authors should be given in accordance to descending order of contribution (from most to least).

4. The presenting author must be indicated in the abstract submission form.

5. Abstracts should be submitted before the submission deadline which is 30 August 2022.

6. State Aim(s) of study with following details:

a. State Method(s) and subject used, as relevant

b. Summarise Result(s) obtained

c. State Conclusion(s) reached*

*It is not satisfactory to state, “The result will be discussed.”

7. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.

8. The use of standard abbreviations is acceptable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.

9. The use of tables, graphs and other types of images in abstracts is not permitted.

10. Abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted.

11. Abstracts not adhering to the above will not be considered.

12. For enquiries, please write to apru.ageing.conference@gmail.com.

The organising committee will contact the authors only for shortlisted entries.








