梅龙博士(Henry Long MEI,Ph.D.),1946年生,上海市人。华东理工大学1967年高分子化工本科(五年制)毕业。1981年秋获纽约大学全额奖学金赴美自费留学。美国纽约大学(New York
University 高分子工程硕士(1986)高分子化学博士(1988)。曾在国内金陵石化,美国迈图高新材料集团(包括其前身奥斯佳有机硅,康普顿有机硅,GE有机硅)等美国大型化学公司总部技术中心及在华合资企业任职. 长期从事有机硅烷特别是其应用的研发及技术服务工作。获得美国专利,世界专利,中国专利共18项.在国外专业杂志及国际专业会议发表论文五十多篇. 现任美国金桥国际咨询公司总裁. 提供有机硅烷方面技术和业务的咨询和顾问. 梅龙博士是美国公民和中华人民共和国永久居民。说明:Polytechnic
University 创立于1854年。是美国第二所理工学院(曾用名Polytechnic
Institute of Brooklyn, Polytechnic Institute of New York.)。2013 和纽约大学合并(New York
University)现为纽约大学工学院(Polytechnic School
of Engineering, New York University)。Dr. Henry Long MEI was
born in Shanghai in 1946. He finished B.S. Polymer Chem. Engi. at East China
University of Science & Technology in 1967 in China. After worked at
SinoPec in Nanjing for 12 years he went to US for graduate study in1981. Henry
MEI received M.S. in Organic Chemistry (New York Univ., 1983), M.S. in Polymer
SCI. & Engi. (Polytechnic Institute of New York, 1986) and Ph.D. in Polymer
Chemistry (Polytechnic University, 1988). He worked for several American large
chemical companies in corporate R&D and their JV in China (Hercules Inc.,
International Paper, and Momentive Performance Materials) for many years. Dr.
MEI was awarded 18 patents (US, world, and China) and published more than 50
papers on Journals and international conferences. After retirement he set up
the Golden Bridge International Consulting firm and has been providing
consulting on silanes and other organosilicones. Dr. Mei is US citizen and permanent resident
of PRC.