
课纲征集|“在全世界教授科学哲学”——PSA 国际课纲库与课纲奖

中科院哲学所 中国科学院哲学研究所 2022-06-23

“在全世界教授科学哲学”——PSA 国际课纲库与课纲奖




  • 制定使科学哲学中的传统问题适应课程所在国家和社群的感悟力与条件的学习活动。
  • 选择或编撰具有相同目的的教材(印刷或在线)。
  • 比较研究或综合世界不同地区或不同语言、文化或宗教的科学哲学传统。
  • 将来自各种非英语和非分析哲学传统的洞察应用到科学哲学中。
  • 在科学哲学中对殖民主义遗产以及国际和跨文化政治其他方面进行批判性考察。
  • 对欧洲起源的科学(以及技术和医学)与非欧洲知识传统之间相互作用进行哲学审视。
  • 有效结合主流英语资源与非英语资源。
所有提交作品将被考虑在两年一度的 PSA 会议或分开的在线活动中获颁年度奖,获奖者将被邀请讨论获奖作品的内容。奖品包括500美元现金。
参赛作品可通过电子邮箱hc372@cam.ac.uk,提交给PSA国际委员会主席,剑桥大学张夏硕教授(Prof. Hasok Chang)。参加2022年竞赛的课纲作品的提交截止日期为 2022 年 7 月 15 日。在该日期之后提交的作品将作为备选参加 2023 年竞赛。

“Teaching Philosophy of Science in the World”

PSA International Syllabus Repository and Prize

Call for syllabi

The Philosophy of Science Association invites submissions of course syllabi that showcase effective and creative teaching of the philosophy of science that reaches beyond the Anglophone mainstream. We are seeking to build a library of new ideas and good practices from around the world that will help those who are trying to internationalize the subject and introduce it to new audiences. All submissions that meet the eligibility criteria below will be made available on the syllabus repository that can be accessed freely via the PSA website.

Any members of the PSA may make a submission; non-members wishing to submit an entry are encouraged to apply for membership through the PSA’s Sponsor-a-Scholar program, if they have financial need. Entries may be syllabi of courses specifying a schedule of sessions and reading lists, or descriptions of learning activities that do not fit the traditional notion of “course.” Teaching plans at any level from secondary school to PhD programs are eligible. Entries must refer to courses or other activities that have already run at least once. They can be in any language (or mix of languages), but for an entry that is not in English, please submit an English translation alongside the original version. Submissions will be reviewed by the PSA International Relations Committee, consulting appropriate external experts as needed.

Innovations displayed by courses may include:

  • Crafting of learning activities that adapt traditional issues in the philosophy of science to the sensibilities and conditions of the countries and communities in which the course is taught;

  • Selection (or creation) of teaching materials (print or online) with the same purpose;

  • Comparative study or synthesis of traditions of philosophy of science from different parts of the world, or from different languages, cultures, or religions;

  • Application of insights from various non-Anglophone and non-analytic traditions of philosophy to the philosophy of science;

  • Critical examination of the legacies of colonialism and other aspects of international and intercultural politics in the philosophy of science;

  • Philosophical examination of interactions between European-origin science (and technology and medicine) and non-European traditions of knowledge;

  • Productive combination of mainstream English-language sources with non-English sources.

All entries will be considered for an annual prize to be awarded at the biennial PSA conference or at a separate online event, where the prize-winner(s) will be invited to discuss the content of the winning entry. The prize will also carry a cash award of USD 500.

Entries may be submitted at any time to the Chair of the PSA International Relations Committee, Prof. Hasok Chang, University of Cambridge, by e-mail to hc372@cam.ac.uk. The deadline for submission of syllabi to be considered for the 2022 prize is 15 July 2022. Entries submitted after that date will be considered for the 2023 competition.@cam.ac.uk>@cam.ac.uk>@cam.ac.uk>




2.活动预告|Active Inference 线上读书会



编辑 / 姜天海

审核 / 吴东颖

