
学术前沿 | 2020年AEPP涉及中国的文章及相关数据来源汇总

启研学社 三农大数据 2022-12-31


《Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy》2020年共发表了106篇文章,正式发表的有31篇,其余的均以online形式发布。其中研究对象涉及中国的有4篇,我们将这4篇文章的标题和摘要翻译出来供学习参考。
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy为农业经济与政策研究领域提供了一个平台,让相关领域的学者们可以在经济学框架内(an economic framework)讨论已有的和新出现的政策问题,为决策和决策界(the decision-making and policy-making community)提供信息。


Blockchain‐based traceability and demand for U.S. beef in China
Wen Lin  David L. Ortega  Danielle Ufer  Vincenzina Caputo  Titus Awokuse
Abstract:Amid stringent traceability requirements and a nearly 14‐year ban, the U.S. beef industry is rebuilding its market presence in China. Blockchain technology offers a responsive means of meeting Chinese import traceability requirements while also addressing consumers' food safety concerns. We evaluate Chinese demand for U.S. beef and blockchain‐based traceability and find that a sizeable segment of the market (37%) is willing to pay a premium for U.S. beef that is traceable using blockchains. Results indicate that investments in traceability systems that utilize blockchain technology may be an effective way for producers to capture a significant market share in China.
Keywords:blockchain; Chinese consumers; country of origin; traceability; U.S. beef demand


The Case for Healthy U.S.-China Agricultural TradeRelations Despite Deglobalization Pressures
Wendong Zhang
Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic is crippling the global economy and heightening distrust and political disagreements among major countries. Furthermore, ongoing deglobalization efforts taken by firms and countries are fueling the rise of economic nationalism. A prime example is the possible decoupling of U.S.-China economic and trade relations, which the ongoing trade war has already significantly disrupted. This paper analyzes
the impacts of COVID-19 on U.S. agricultural exports to China, especially the added delays and uncertainty on China’s food imports meeting the U.S.-China phase one trade deal target. I present the views of U.S. farmers and the general public toward China and argue that healthy U.S.-China agricultural trade relations are not only critical for both countries but welcomed by U.S. farmers. I also discuss the possible rise in non-tariff barriers following the pandemic as well as trade policies that are increasingly intertwined with political tensions. Finally, I discuss how the U.S.-China phase one trade deal could possibly lead to a more balanced bilateral agricultural trade portfolio with greater share of protein and retail food products.
Keywords:Agricultural Trade; Trade War; COVID-19; Globalization; Supply Chain; Agricultural Export; Trade Policy





(1)皮尤研究中心(资料来源:Pew Research Center)
皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)是美国的一间独立性民调机构,总部设于华盛顿特区。该中心对那些影响美国乃至世界的问题、态度与潮流提供信息资料。皮尤研究中心受皮尤慈善信托基金资助,是一个无倾向性(non-advocacy)的机构,而皮尤慈善信托基金既资助无倾向性项目,也资助倡议性项目。


COVID-19 and Fresh Produce Markets in the United States and China

Metin Çakır  Department of Applied Economics University of Minnesota

Qingxiao Li  Department of Applied Economics University of Minnesota
Xiaoli Yang  College of Economics and Management Shenyang Agricultural University
Abstract:This paper examines the impact of COVID-19 on fruits and vegetable prices in the United States and China in a difference-in-differences framework. Our main results show differing impacts of the pandemic on the U.S. and Chinese wholesale prices. We conclude that despite the unprecedented disruptions, the U.S. produce industry remained intact. However, the long-run effects could be mixed. We conjecture that the industry would stay resilient in the long-run by having gained practical know-how. Nevertheless, potential structural changes, such as changing household expenditure patterns due to income loss and increasing concentration in the foodservice market, could hurt the industry.
Keywords:coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, fruits and vegetables, produce market, supply chain







Reflections of Food Policy Evolution over the Last Three Decades

Shenggen Fan

College of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.
Abstract:For thelast three decades, food policy in developing countries has evolved rapidly from a singular focus on producing more food to broader focus on protecting natural resources, reducing poverty and malnutrition, and promoting climate adap-tation and mitigation. Since receiving my PhD in the late 1980s, I have dedicated most of my research and research management to these policy issues. After 35 years aboard, I returned to my home country in 2020, where I work with my colleagues at China Agricultural University and continue to conduct policy research on trans-forming food systems for human and planetary health. This paper is my reflection of policy evolution over the last three decades.
Keywords:Decentralization, Food policy, Food systems, Nutrition, Public investment.


1、The importance of institutional changes in agricultural production and productivity growth was not fully recognized until the late 1980s and early 1990s.For instance, the astonishing success of the Chinese agricultural reform by decentralizing agricultural production from collectives into individual house-holds triggered numerous studies unpacking the effects institutional reforms and technological change on productivity growth.
2、China was another important case as the country was in rapid transition from a low-income to a middle-income economy after its agricultural reforms in rural areas. The question is whether public investment played a role in rapid agricultural growth and poverty reduction. Using a similar methodology, I conducted a multiyear research project with my coauthors by using provincial data from 1970 to 1997 (Fan et al. 2004). Research found that rural education has the largest impact on poverty reduction among all investments, largely due to the rapid migration and urbanization following economic liberalization(Fan, Zhang and Zhang 2002). More educated rural migrants could easily find a rural nonfarm job or migrate to urban areas. Agricultural research investment had the largest return on agricultural production, but its impact on poverty was second to rural education investment.
在农村地区的农业改革后,中国是另外一个快速从低收入国家向中等收入国家转变的重要例子。问题是公共投资是否在农业增长和减贫中发挥重要作用。使用类似的方法,我和我的合作者利用1970年到1997年各省的数据进行了一个多年的研究项目(Fan et al. 2004)。研究发现,在所有投资中,教育对农村减贫的影响最大,这主要是由于经济自由之后的快速移民和城市化(Fan, Zhang, Zhang, 2002)。更多受教育的农民工可以很容易地在农村找到一份非农业工作或迁移到城市地区。农业研究投资对农业生产的回报最大,但是教育投资对贫困的影响仅次于农村教育投资。
3、Western China was already less developed in many aspects before China joined WTO in 2001. Entering the WTO made the western region even more disadvantaged due to its distance from coastal cities, its harsh natural  conditions,its poor infrastructure,and the lower education level of its citizens.

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学术前沿 | JAE:农业合作社在应对中国耕地撂荒中扮演了什么样的角色?(附数据来源链接)

学术前沿 | 基于文献大数据的国内外家庭农场研究热点探析(国内部分)

学术前沿 | 新书推荐:黄祖辉等《现代农业的产业组织体系及创新研究》


数据交流 | JDE(2020)关于中国的三农主题文章用到了这些数据!


学术前沿 | 社科院农发所《中国县域数字普惠金融发展指数研究报告2020》发布


 文 | 许鹤

审核 | 杨奇明



