
第十五届亚太物理学术会议( APPC15 )

中国物理学会 中国物理学会 2022-10-21

Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We cordially invite you all to the 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15) in August 21-26, 2022.

APPC is the series of triennial conferences of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS), covering all areas of physics. APPC15, hosted by the Korean Physical Society (KPS), will provide a forum to share and discuss physics researches and educations, promoting collaborations and friendship in Asia Pacific regions. Scientific programs will consist of plenary talks, invited talks, contributed talks, and poster presentations.

APPC15 will be in a fully online format (except for very few hybrid sessions), considering uncertainties and difficulties of the pandemic situation. We will (1) use the Zoom platform for all talks, providing live talks and live questions and answers, (2) use a metaverse platform for scheduled poster sessions as well as display of the poster presentation and a short explaining video and use of question-and-answer windows in the conference website, and (3) use the same metaverse platform to provide discussion rooms, exhibition rooms, places to have a chat, etc. The time zone of the conference will be the Korea Standard Time, which is GMT+9.

This year, 2022, is the 70th anniversary of KPS, and it is also the Centenary of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD 2022). On the occasion of these, a special forum "Global Physics Summit" and a special session "The Role of Physics in the Green Economy" will be on August 22, 2022. The opening session of APPC15, the first Plenary Session on August 22, Global Physics Summit, and The Role of Physics in the Green Economy will be prepared in a hybrid format at the conference headquarter in Seoul.

We really appreciate great support and participation of many colleagues in the Asia Pacific region in preparation of APPC15. Your continued support and participation will make APPC15 a great success. We will make our best effort to have APPC15 smoothly and successfully.

We look forward to your continued support and participation.

Thank you very much.

With best regards,


All sessions are in a fully online format except for very few hybrid sessions. Hybrid sessions are the Opening Session of APPC15, the first Plenary Sessions on August 22, and special sessions on August 22. The time zone of the conference is the Korea Standard Time (GMT+9).

For all plenary and parallel sessions, the Zoom platform will be used to provide live talks and live questions and answers.

For all poster sessions, a metaverse platform will be used. In addition, all poster presentations and short explaing videos will be posted in the conference website throughout the week along with question-and-answer windows.

Discussion rooms, exhibition rooms, places to have a chat, etc. will be provided in the same metaverse platform.

Special Sessions on August 22 are Global Physics Summit at 11:00~12:30 and The Role of Physics in the Green Economy at 14:00~15:30 & 16:00~17:30. The onsite part of hybrid sessions will be at the conference headquarter at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.



APPC15 covers following subjects.

1. Applied Physics

Spintronics and Magnetics

Low-dimensional Materials, 2D Materials

Organic and Flexible Electronics and Photonics

Nano Materials

Surface and Interface

Oxide Materials

Energy Materials

Computational Applied Physics

Photonics and Optoelectronics

Biophysics and Bioengineering

Quantum Information and Processing

2. Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation



High Energy Astrophysics/Compact Objects

Gravitational Waves/Multi-Messenger Astrophysics

Other Astrophysics

3. Atomic and Molecular Physics

Structure and properties of atoms, ions, and molecules

Degenerate gases and many-body physics

Cold atoms, ions, molecules, and plasmas

Precision measurement and metrology

Quantum information sciences

Lasers and quantum optics

Ultrafast and strong field physics

Atomic, molecular and charged particle collisions

4. Biological Physics

Theoretical & Computational Biological Physics


Physical Cell Biology

Molecular Biophysics of Protein

Bio-polymer Physics

Other Biophysical Subjects

5. Condensed Matter Physics

Exotic superconductors


Strong correlated electrons

Quantum materials

Quantum manipulation, quantum information science

Quantum beam technology for condensed matter physics

Nano and mesoscopic physics


Spintronics in quantum materials, Topological spintronics


Topology in magnetism

2D Materials and devices, moire physics

Dielectrics/Functional oxides, Ferroelectrics and multiferroics

Optoelectroic properties of low-dimensional structures, light-matter interactions

Ultrafast dynamics and nonlinear optical responses of condensed matters

Lattice defects and functionalities

Condensed-matter computational physics

Extreme conditions

Instrumentation and big facilities

Other condensed materials

6. Large Facilities (Synchrotron Radiation, etc.)

Synchrotron Radiation

Neutron Scattering

High Magnetic Field

7. Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Structure

Nuclear Reaction

Hadron Physics

Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

Nuclear Astrophysics

Nuclear Experimental Method and Instrumentation

Nuclear Data and Related Topics

8. Optics and Quantum Electronics


2D material optics

Nano photonics


Ultra-high power lasers

Nonclassical light sources

Nonlinear optics

Ultrafast optics

Quantum information

Quantum communication

Quantum computation

Terahertz sources

Ultrafast atomic processes

Quantum sensing

Cavity QED

Photon detectors

Photonic crystal

Optical metamaterials

Quantum sensing

9. Particles and Fields

Fields and Strings



10. Physics Education

Physics Teaching

Physics Teaching in Primary level

Physics Teaching in Secondary Level

Physics Teaching in Tertiary Level

Physics Teaching in Informal Setting

Other Physics Teaching

11. Plasma Physics

Basic and Applied Plasmas

Magnetic Fusion Plasmas

Solar/Astro and Space Plasmas and Geomagnetism

12. Quantum Information

Quantum Computation & Quantum Simulation

Quantum Communication & Quantum Network

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum Sensing & Quantum Metrology

Quantum Foundations

Quantum Information Theory

Quantum Computer Algorithms

13. Semiconductor Physics

Semiconductor Growth, Structural Properties, and Characterization

Devices and Applications - Electronic, Photonic, Optoelectronic, Plasmonic, Organic, and Flexible

Low-dimensional (0D, 1D, 2D) Materials, and Novel Quantum Phenomena

Nitride and Oxide Semiconductors

Energy Materials and Devices - Harvesting, Storage, Conversion

Next-generation Semiconductors and Devices - Memory, AI, MOSFET

Novel Functional Spintronics and Spin Phenomena

Emerging 2D Materials and Devices

Quantum Electronics, Photonics, and Quantum Information

Semiconductor Sensors - Optical, Bio, Gas, and Chemical

14. Statistical Physics

Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena

Nonequilibrium Systems

Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics

Interdisciplinary and Complex Systems

Soft Matters and Biological Systems

Quantum Statistical Physics

Disordered and Glassy Systems

General and Mathematical Aspects

15. Women in Physics

Abstract Submission

Important Dates


Abstract submission:

 February 15, 2022 - May 31, 2022

Early-bird registration deadline: 

July 15, 2022

1st notification of accepted abstracts: 

April 1, 2022

Final notification of accepted abstracts: 

June 15, 2022

Announcement of final schedule:

 June 30, 2022

Closing of standard registration: 

August 26, 2022




1. 单电子量子比特平台 | 前沿快讯No.20

2. 水星磁层中的环状电流 | 前沿快讯No.19 

3. 莫尔量子几何实现智能红外传感 | 前沿快讯No.18

4. 准一维自旋链的铁涡序材料 | 前沿快讯No.17

5. 水分子间的库仑衰变 | 前沿快讯No.16

6. 光晶格不连续量子相变 | 前沿快讯No.15

7. 赝能隙中的费米面重构 | 前沿快讯No.14

8. 看见"同位素 | 前沿快讯No.13 

9. 碳基超级电容器的“曲率-电容”关系 | 前沿快讯No.12

10. 室温铁电性 | 前沿快讯No.11




